19May2022 - Oh Jesus.

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"Mhm..." Bert tried between a mouthful of toast  fist raised to this mouth as he decided to rather chew his food to completion.

Gerard's brow was already raised in anticipation of whatever fresh hell would escape Bert's mind in the form of words this morning.

Gerard hadn't eaten much but he never really does while on tour. Not that he hadn't had anything at all. Some of the mushrooms and fruit and stuff. Sometimes he really missed eggs but Bert was pretty strict about their food. Gerard never did any of the grocery shopping himself so all matters food in the house was left up to Bert, except Sunday Pancakes of course. Which were now vegan banana pancakes.

Gerard's mind wandered a bit there thinking about food and how much things have changed in the last 2 years. All the work it's taken to feel even halfway confident again and get himself back. He looked over to Bert who also seemed somewhere in his own world. This man who never once made him feel like anything but sexy, no matter what was going on or what shape he was in. No matter how low Gerard felt or disgusted with himself. Bert always... always tried to help. And besides the help, never ever gave any hint to the idea that he might not wanna touch Gerard. Any and every version of Gerard.

The words 'Thank you' ran through Gerard's mind but he got interrupted by, "So this the kind of high life you live on tour huh? Fuckin breakfast in bed, room service, 5 star hotels... must be nice."

Gerard frowned. They were having such a peaceful lovely morning in the early hour sunlight peaking through the windows and now this cheek. "You tour how you want. I tour how I want. It's not like I'd deny you all'a this if it's what you wanted. We can afford for you to do this too. We can afford for ll the guys to do this."

"Nuh. we're good. One of us have to live like a civilian. Keeps our marriage grounded and balanced." Bert chuckled, teasing Gerard. While G knew he had grown accustomed to a particular kind of lifestyle, he did get annoyed whenever Bert suggested he was anything more than the kid from the basement.

Gerard wanted so badly just to smack Bert. Just to hurt him a little. But the idiot was already getting up and getting rid of the food tray and straightneing things out, all while walking around in his underwear. Fuck.

Bert hadn't realized it just yet but Gerard already had his finger up to his mouth, chewing on a nail. But by the time Bert looked back over to Gerard, probably with a mind to say something cheeky again, he saw it. The fight Gerard was having in his own mind. Between wanting to smack Bert or kiss him. And the moment Bert saw it, Gerard saw Bert's shiteating smile and it was all over. Fuck.

Bert climbed onto the bed, standing right over Gerard and looking down at the scene of this man. Gerard was trying to make light of it, giggling nervously. "What'ya doin'?" and Bert started to gently bounce on the bed.

"Bouncing on this expensive hotel bed. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you're being an ass."

And with that Bert started jumping... jumping on the fucking bed and all Gerard could do was protect himself, making sure Bert's feet didn't land on him. G squealed and screamed, nervously laughing and begging Bert to stop.

"Say please."

"Ahhh!" Gerard yelled.

"Nooo..." Bert jumped again, "Say please!" He yelled.

"Please! Goddamnit! Please!"

"Good..." And just like that Bert came to a standstil over Gerard's body, which was now well hid under all the covers, in a protective way as Gerard just peeked over the sheets at Bert. "... did your daddy never teach you any manners?" Bert got real fucking cheeky.

Gerard's heart was fucking racing, looking up at this blond devil. He couldn't speak. All he could do was shake his head.

"Then I think you need a new daddy."

Gerard, still in a bit of shock, nod his head, breathing so heavily under the covers as satan appeared in Bert crystal eyes.

"I could be your daddy." Bert hooked the sheets with his foot and ripped them away from Gerard's grasp. "I think I already am."

Gerard swallowed hard, nodding his head, "I think you already are." Was all he could say.  

All of this had gone from 0-100 so fast, Gerard didn't really have the time to fully comprehend what the fuck had just happened. It was so easy for literally everything to change in a split second when it comes to Gerard and Bert's joint energy. The lack of control Gerard has over Bert is a very important ingredient in the glue that holds their relationship together. But at the same time, Bert is weak at the knees for Gerard. It's a weird line they walk but walk it they do.

Gerard was laying there in an old thin t shirt and boxer shorts, just look up at this little man standing over him.

Bert didn't even have to say anything. He just switched from one foot on each side of Gerard's body, to one foot spreading Gerard's legs apart. God, he looked so good laying there. His messy hair all over the place, his body resembled more of the man Gerard was when they first met, in terms of size, but since the working out now as well... there's definition where there literally never was before. Bert took a moment to just admire this new varient of his husband. "Fuck, you look good, baby."

Gerard blushed but he'd be lying if he said Bert wasn't making him feel good in his own skin. And then without planning to, the words just escaped him, "Thank you, Daddy." G's eyes flashed and his cheeks flushed warm and pink. Bert snorted in triumph. So that just fucking happened. He didn't even have to tease or push any further. He knew he had literally won the year. Gerard wouldn't have a leg to stand on for a while.

Again with the foot, trailing it up Gerard's thigh, up his stomach and to his chest, where he pressed down and dug his toes in hard. "Take all this shit off. I wanna see you."

Once again Gerard swallowed hard. He couldn't argue. He couldn't protest. He was not in charge here. So he complied. His shirt went first. Over his head to reveal his now more muscular chest and tummy. He doesn't have abs and those stretch marks will always be there but Bert's never once thought they were anything other than beautiful. Then goes the boxer shorts. He has to lift his knees to get them off properly but just as he's about to drop his knees back down, Bert stops him. "Nuh... keep your knees up. I said I wanna see you."

"Fuck, Bert." Now Gerard felt exposed. Far from the first time Bert had him like this but it's not like it got any easier or less nerve-wrecking. Either way, he complied again.

The night before was just as hot. Pretending to be 20 something again, meeting up in a hotel room, crawling into bed where Bert lay pretending to sleep. Jesus. Just being up against his body, kissing his neck, rousing him, hearing him groan and twist around to strip the clothes off Gerard's body and make love to him like he always did after drunken nights of shows on tour.

Last night Gerard got the boy. The beautiful fucking little boy he fell in love with. The one who only knew as much as Gerard let him know. The one who took everything Gerard would allow him to have and was always so in awe to have permission to be inside him. Even when he was wasted, filthy, stinking and even when he was cheeky and depraved. He was still naive and pure. And that's how he touched Gerard last night. Like a boy in love for the first time.

This morning however... this morning Gerard was looking up into the eyes of his fucking husband. The man. The man who knows every single fucking inch of Gerard. Who can read him like a book. Who knows exactly what buttons does what. You cannot fuck with this man. And you really shouldn't try to either cause right now he has Gerard Way's knees up and spread open and in about a minute, he'll have his tongue all the way inside him. And after that... those legs will be over Bert's shoulders while that dick of his does the kind of job on Gerard that makes his limbs weak and his feet curl up and cramp.

And Gerard would be screaming, if it weren't for Bert's hand wrapped around his throat.

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