31Oct07 - .sugar, i'm home

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October 31, 2007 - Los Angeles, Halloween

"You seen this?" Jepha asks pulling his cup of tea to his face. He'd been staring for a good 2 minutes straight since coming back down the stairs. He'd never been more confused in his life... which... was saying something.

Quinn looked up from his laptop, sipping on his own hot beverage and nodded his head. "Yeah he must've come back some time last night. Dude, people have really been asking crazy questions about his lyrics lately." Quinn continues with his face right back in the laptop, examining their myspace page.

"Fuck his lyrics. Dude's been gone two days. Do we even know if he's alive in there?" Jepha now on high alert because all this was weird. Bert fucks off for two days, comes back in the middle of the night and... has a sheet hanging across the glass? Since when does he give a fuck about privacy? Since when doesn't he wanna flash his ass around for everyone to see?

"I'd know if he was dead." Quinn said it simply, not calling any attention to the statement but Jepha caught the deeper meaning and had some kind of appreciation for it. Quinn might not wear his heart on his sleeve but the shirt on his body was blue and yellow. Even if Bert didn't notice it anymore, Jepha did. "He probably just has Ally in there."

Jepha raised his brow. They both knew better than that. Bert hadn't wanted to see Ally in a while. He hadn't wanted to see anyone in that way since the incident. Not even any of the Gerard Way cosplayers he'd discovered a few months prior. Man, was that a low point for Bert. Keeping his ears peeled, Jepha could at least confirm Bert's shifting around. "Well, there's movement. Guess he lives on." And started to relax. If Bert was shooting up again, they'd just deal with it how they always did. If he was trying to fucking kill himself again, well... they'd just have to stay more vigilant than normal this morning is all.

"You know what you're wearing for Halloween?" Quinn asked lighting a smoke and scratching his chin.

Jepha just shrugged "I was thinking that dress I wore for the video shoot."

Quinn's eyebrows shoot all the way up to his bangs. "You mean Miss New Jersey's black dress?" Blinking in disbelief.

"Oh shit. I forgot where it came from." Jepha now highly disappointed in himself for not realizing and even more annoyed that he'd have to think up something else to wear. "You got something?"


Both men blinked in quick succession, staring over at Bert's room where the distinctive moan came from. "Uhm... a priest." Quinn answers, eyes fixated on the sheet covered sliding door. It wasn't a big deal really. They all had girls over from time to time. It was just surprising to hear it coming from Bert's room this morning.

Jepha frowned but at least he didn't have to worry anymore whether or not Bert was foaming at the mouth again. "Mormon?"

"What like Bert's dad? Fuck no..." Quinn chuckled, interrupted only by the second moan coming from Bert's room.

"Ahhhfuccck, sugar."

"... Catholic." But half distracted now, tilting his head in deep concentration as Jepha also caught on to why Quinn had that weird look on his face. There was somethig about the way that moan came out and the words chosen.

"Damn. Girl or boy?" Jepha pulled his face in concentration as Quinn did the same.

"Mhmmyeah, deeper."

"Girl." Quinn answered with a frown. "That's gotta be a woman." He shook his head. Quinn had really hoped Bert was over this phase of his grievance. Just as Dan opened the front door.

"Oh shitt, yeah... mhmmm."

"Fuck. He watching that tape again?" Dan shakes his head, closing the door and popping a cooler box on the kitchen counter. "Left overs." He clearly had also caught in to the very distinctive tone moaning coming from Bert's room.

"Cosplayer." Jepha answers with a roll of his eyes and goes to inspect the cooler box.

Dan's eyes shoot open and towards Bert's door. "Damn. She's good."

Jepha pops his head up from inside the cooler box. "You also think it's a girl?" as the moaning becomes more frequest.

"He said the boys aren't and I quote, 'pretty or soft enough' "

"Gross." Quinn pulls his nose up and tosses his coffee down the drain in favor of a beer instead. "Wait..." Quinn squints again, remember something from before. "... which tape?"

"I wanna be touched and licked and fucked." Dan quotes.

Followed up by Jepha, "You're fuckin perfect, baby." making Quinn pull his face with each line and facial expression.

But that didn't stop Dan. "You love me too much. Aahh ahh ahhh god yeah... right there." and Quinn felt practically nauseous listening to the reenactment.

"Stop. Just stop." Quinn begged. But Dan just went on moaning

"No... don't... stop, Bert... don't stop." Dan tries not to laugh too loud seeing as their singer had a guest over not too far from where they stood. "Man, I still can't believe he used to fuck that guy."

"We don't talk about that, man." Quinn silenced him. "Voldemort." Especially not around Bert. Bert, whose voice now also became apparent from behind his sliding door, moaning with the Miss New Jersey impressionist. "Remember the one he kicked out for not doing the Jersey accent right?"

As Jepha piped up "Remember the one who could actually speak Italian? She was a better Way than than the actual Way."

Dan shakes his head, "Yeah but Bert started crying and almost hit her."


Seemed the little romp in the room was coming to an end (no pun intended), as the two whined and whimpered, making out in post orgasm bliss. "Well..." Dan cracks open a beer of his own, "... at least he was sober enough to make her come." Dan shruggs and heads off upstairs to get some sleep, since he still hadn't had any all night. His girlfriend was quite the party animal.

A stirring by Bert's door and Jepha had to make sure not to choke on his tea as Bert emerged as naked as the day he was born, still half hard and with the biggest smile on his face. Quinn had his Allman frown on and Jepha was just all too amused as Bert whistled his way around the counter to grab a mug, fill it with coffee and humm his way over to the cooler box to grab a beer.

Another shuffling by Bert's door and out pops a messy mop of Italian locks, hazel eyes and a little pixie nose, pink cheeks and a shy little smile as he hides the rest of his body behind the door. "Bert?"

"Uh huh?" Bert continued to whistle and humm, throwing some cream into the coffee.

"Ho...ly shit." Jepha stares with eyes that seem will never close. Quinn drops his cigarette to the floor and completely stops breathing, watching that firm, stretched out hand come up for a quick wave 'Hi'

"Bert, uhm, could you bring two beers?"

"And the coffee?" Bert can't hold his excitement. Gerard wanted to have breakfast beer with him again.

"Uh huh. Thanks." Gerard smiled flashing all his teeth, still kind'a panting from what they had been up to as Bert grabbed another beer and marched right back into the room, closing the door behind him.

Jepha looks over at Quinn in disbelief. Quinn who hadn't blinked at all, he just stood there, ash white as if he'd seen a ghost. His greatest nightmare come to life. "Fuck."

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