23Oct22 - Fuck You Too

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It's not everyday Gerard's in the doghouse. It didn't feel good. His stomach had been in knots for 3 days now. A sickness that he hadn't felt in so long.

It was all going to be fine. There had been a plan. Bert was getting what he wanted. On stage with Gerard, just like before. It was what he wanted. And because he wanted it, Gerard made himself want it too. He was ready for it.

It was the biggest gift he could offer Bert, especially since he had fucked up so bad. But that was the thing... the man didn't even react when Gerard suggested it on Friday. Just a silent pause and a 'Yeah sure.' as he walked away to sound check with his own band.


"We gotta do Prison." Gerard sighs once he had Frank and Ray together.

"Cool." Everyone just accepting it, Frank already pulling the setlist out his back pocket to make alterations, while everyone else got busy checking their stuff.

Gerard realizing that they didn't quite know exactly what he meant, closed his eyes and cleared his throat, "No... I mean... we gotta do it properly... with him."

Frank frowns in genuine confusion, "Who?"

Ray just nods his head at first, still not having quite grasped, "Oh... Oh!" Eyes open and blinking, curiosity and amusement on his face.

"No." Slips out Frank's mouth before he can even help it.

"Excuse me?" Suddenly heat rising to Gerard's chest and throat.

"I... mean... I just mean why?"

Gerard stands up. He's feeling uncomfortable now cause he doesn't feel like they need to know the inner details of his relationship. Only he is asking them to be a apart of the solution, so the hypocrisy is thick in the air. "I fucked up."

All the men go quiet. Hearing Gerard even say words like that was odd. Mikey just enters and gages the vibe, "You tell 'em you're an asshole?"

"Mikey." Gerard can't believe his little brother came up there with that energy. He wasn't ready to say anything just yet.

Ray pipes up, "What he do?"

Mikey isn't scared of Gerard anymore. He's a grown man with his own voice, "You know Bert's new song?"

"Good song."

The whole room went quite. Gerard turned around to fully look Frank in the eyes cause what the fuck did he just hear?

Frank smirks, realizing no one had expected that from him, "What? I was curious." and shrugs, "Good song."

"Yeah well..." Gerard struggled, "Yeah. Anyway it doesn't matter. Mikey already told me what a terrible person I can be. I get it. I'm a dick. We need to do Prison. Please."

"I'm just saying, if this band existed to solve maritial issues then..."

"Woe woe woe..." Ray interjects, "Let's not do this, guys."

"Frank... please." actual emotion in Gerard's eyes.

Frank would agree. He would always give in, so his word mattered less than the surrender in his eyes when he saw how hurt Gerard was.

Ray got up and patted Gerard on the shoulder, "We'll do it, G. Right Frank? Not like we gotta do anything different." and Frank nods his head.

"Thank you."

He gains another pat of the shoulder from Ray with a smile, "This mean I can't grab your butt on stage tomorrow?"

It was a good move cause it made Gerard giggle and lighten up, "Gotta get your grabs in now while ya can." and gets a light spank from his lead guitarist.

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