23Mar08 - easter eggs

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"I mean..." as Bert positioned himself on the bed. Bare knees pushing into the mattress as his dirty white t-shirt draped over his erection. "The only way to find them is to look, Babe." he added with a shrug as if this was no big deal at all. As if sending his grownass boyfriend on an Easter Egg hunt was as natural as the oilbased lubricant he nonchalantly palmed over the first few bulbs on a string of...

"Are those..." Gerard whipped his head around after noticing the contents of Bert's hands. "... Where the fuck did you find those?" He asked moving closer to better inspect. He didn't wanna make a mistake and just assume it was what he thought... "... oh my god, Bert..." his fingers reaching over to touch them. "... did you actually go to a store and buy anal beads?"

Bert burst out into his signature naughty giggle and shook his head, "Between these and the easter eggs, I can assure you that one was bought at a store and the other found... on my bus.... between a bunch'a feathers... or it could'a been a featherboa." he shrugged squeezing the last bit of lube out the tube, playing little to no attention to the look of horror on Gerard's face. Bert straigtened up after getting his part of the preparation work done. "Are we gonna play or what?" He cocked his brow at the older man and held the string of beads up for him to see.

Gerard straightened up, crossing his arms over his chest and raised his brow. He wouldn't be him if he didn't put some kind of fight... even if he didn't really want to oppose Bert... he had to try. He couldn't exactly let Bert know that he actually really liked this idea. Well... Bert's side of it anyway. Bert had some nerve attempting to put Gerard on a reward system for Easter. "Do I actually have'ta eat the fuckin' eggs? You know I can't take a lott'a sugar."

The smaller man shakes his hair out his face before taking a deep breath. "Nuh..." as he proceeds to take a few more breaths in preparation. "... you just gotta find'em. But if there's anything else you wanna eat... I'm not stopping you." adding a manic little eyebrow dance that made Gerard snort.

The older man just flipped Bert off and set off on his hunting spree, acting like he couldn't be less interested in Bert's end of the bargain. It didn't help that this was in fact their brand new place together and most of their stuff was all over the place, barely organized. Gerard did love the open loft setting though. Didn't allow for much privacy when guests were over but Gerard was starting to actually enjoy the idea. He'd had so much secret, shameful, hidden sex over the years... the fact that at home he could have this 'If you don't like hearing it, then don't spend the night at our place' attitude was freeing. At least in this apartment he could be himself and not feel like shit or anxious about who he wants to be with and what he wants to do with him. It's not like they were on display. They had the 'Japanese cock tease (room divider) thingies', as Bert called them. They just had to put them up... eventually. Hopefully sometime before someone decides they want to sleep over. Cause Bert would just love that 'Let'em watch' shit waaay too much.

"Cold." Bert commented as Gerard's fingers reached for the flower pot. The artist sent his boyfriend a sharp look and blinked when he noticed Bert's hand was on his cock already. "Go on... " encouraging Gerard further.

The MCR front man squinted at his boyfriend and then he carefully walked a little further, side-stepping a box of records and reached for the thick navy blue curtain by the window. "Nhaaa..." Gerard's eyes widened at the sound of Bert's little moan, spinning his head round to find the little singer with his hand tucked round the back, clearly having inserted something into himself.

"Oh my god..." Gerard breathed out. This was much hotter than he thought it was gonna be... in every sense of the word.

Bert's eyelashes fluttered as he whispered "Find it." and a new rush of energy filled the older man. He pulled the cutain back and found the silver covered easter egg leaned up in the corner of the windowsill and snatched it as if it were a precious gift. His eyes already scanning for the next possible hiding spot. "How many are there?"

"Six" the shiteating smile on Bert's face could kill a man and it was slowly killing his lover, though Gerard would never let Bert know the full extent of his arousal or how much he was liking this game.

Gerard turned with his back to the wall, looking over towards the second and third pot plant. "When did we get so many plants?" He chuckles a bit to himself. It must be a sign of growing up to have plants in your home. And it must be a sign of a healthy sex life to hear another squeak from your boyfriend when your fingers find an easter egg wrapped in blue foil. "Gotcha." Gerard bites his lip, listening to Bert's heavy breathing.

"The next one I find better not be yellow." Gerard was only half joking but of course Bert would give a long snort, far too amused by the prospect. Quinn was basically the reason they were in such a hurry to find a place and do this thing properly. Gerard was still bitter but as far as Bert was concerned... it wasn't his problem or his fault.

Gerard was at the dvd cabinet. The one thing that Bert actually packed during their move in. The smirk was already on Gerard's face when his hand grasped the pink covered egg. "You're a lucky little shit, McCracken." as he looked over to watch Bert's face pull with the sudden pleasure of inserting yet another bead inside himself as he just nod his head in agreement with his lover.

The next two weren't as easy to find. A few misses and frustratingly nearby tries that had Bert grunting and slapping the bed before Gerard actually looked inside the coffee machine and got to hear Bert's relieved moan. And then the same when the birdcage wasn't obvious enough. The Love Birds, Stephen and William, damn near escaped in the attempt, flapping their wings around in utter horror over the invasion of their space. "Your goddamn birds are havin' fuckin' heart attacks over here!" as Gerard quickly shut the cage and pocketed the red egg.

"They're... ahhh... they're fine. One more." Bert's cock was already leaking and it didn't help that Gerard's was pretty visibly hard in his tight pants. It just needed to be freed from that confined space. Oh god and that frown on Gerard's face just made Bert want him more.

"Gimmi a clue?" Gerard finally asked with a huff and Bert was too impatient to even fuck around anymore. "Your socks. Just... fuckin... check your crazy sock collection."

"Really!?" Gerard's brow jumped up in sheer joy and surprise. He didn't waste a second longer and marched right back into the bedroom section of the loft... tossing Bert's backpack aside so he could get at the closet.

"Hey watch it!"

"Shut up." Gerard slowed down the minute he opened his sock drawer. Each pair perfectly packed, he took his time, carefully feeling around the stripes, polkadots, stars, aliens, kittie cats, mustaches, x's and o's till he saw a design he didn't recognise. Little yellow birds on black cotton. Gerard's heart fluttered, almost forgetting entirely about his mission there. "Oh wow." He breathed out, fluttering his lashes in surprise as he picked them up. And there underneath hid the last remaining egg in it's golden glory and Bert released one more moan.

Gerard turned around, eyeing Bert with a kind of lust that threatened to kill The Used singer. "Is it my turn now?"

"What do you want?" as Bert wrapped his hand around his impossibly hard cock again, watching Gerard get nearer, dropping the easter eggs on the bed.

"I want'ya ta fuckin eat'em... one by one... while I pull that thing out your ass one by one."

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