Chapter 2- "Tea?"

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You took his hand, in a tight grip and shook it, " long time no see, Sherlock" you chuckled as you got out in the light, so Sherlock didn't have any trouble looking.

A smile appeared on Sherlock's face as he shook your hand. " Indeed y/n".

You two walked down the street, chatting. " So, you are also a sociopath? Or?" Sherlock asked.

" wouldn't say that, I am a detective, last mission was in China, mass murder, how nice. Not a boring one either, much tools found, pills, guns, knives and a potato cannon actually!" You told as car lights flashed in your eyes.

Sherlock looked at you with a quizzical look " potato cannon?"

You nodded, " one of the victims used one for self defense".

Sherlock chuckled, " never been near potato cannon's here" he mumbled as he took to the right, you followed.

" Really?" you asked as you jumped a bit to the side, avoiding a car that drove too close. " Man, drunk, alcohol in the car, probably" Sherlock mumbled with a sigh.

Sherlock stopped by a tiny amount of stairs that lead up to a door, " 221B".

" Want to come in?" Sherlock asked with a quizzical face. You nodded slightly as you went inside with Sherlock.

Inside it was cozy, and since you knew Sherlock, the eyes in a glass placed in the microwave, not a suprise.

You met a woman, you respectfully took off your hat and bowed, " a pleasure to meet you, miss" you greeted

" Pleasure is on my side, sir. Aww, what a nice person! Why can't Sherlock be more like you?" the lady asked before she dissapeared into the kitchen, and you could hear that she was making tea.

Sherlock looked at you with lifted brows, as a unknown man stood beside him. " This y/n is John Watson, earlier solider, Afghanistan" Sherlock introduced, you both shooked hands.

" Ahh, so you are Sherlock's new flat mate? " you guessed as you looked at the mess of boxes placed randomly around.

John wrinkled his nose and looked at Sherlock, you, Sherlock then back at you " Umm...yes...I think so" he mumbled.

Suddenly the woman came in again with teacups. " Tea?". Everyone looked at her, and nodded.

Everyone sat down, drinking tea and chatting.

" So, mr.Watson. You are a solider, what happened to your leg?"

You asked as you took a sip, feeling the warm tea at the tip of your lip, with taste of lime, probably lime.

John looked up from his cup, " ..accident" he mumbled before he looked back in his cup.

You nodded, " that's sad" you said in a bit sarcastic tone even when it wasn't meant as sarcasm.

" What about you? y/n ? how long have you knew Sherlock?" John asked after a minute when no one had said something.

" Me and Sherlock has been friends since....sheesh...forgot how long...damn" you mumbled, ruffling your hair as you tried to remember it.

Of course Sherlock saved you, " we first met at the hospital we were born at".

" Yeah, exactly! Ahh, good times. Our mothers took each others babies, since we looked almost identical at that time, so well, when they saw it they kept contact and well, we, ended up anywhere together, until I had to go out of the country because of an job offer.." you told as you chuckled when Sherlock laughed a bit at the first part.

John looked at you, " got any jobs recently?".

" Well, I heard its a serial killing going on here, and after Sherlock had found a 'note' this serial killing wasn't a boring one so I decided to come" You chuckled as you clapped Sherlock at his shoulder.

Sherlock nodded as he smiled a bit " Indeed, christmas" he chuckled.

You bursted out in laughter so you had to put down your cup to not drop it.

" Well...I can see you got the same humor" the woman said with a smile, as she and John was the only one not laughing.

" Mrs.Hudson, please don't be like that now!" Sherlock chuckled so he had to cough after, sounding like he was currently choking himself.

You gave Sherlock a hard dunk in the back as you smiled, as your both were red in the face because of laughing.

After some hours in the company from an old friend and the others it was getting late, and when you checked the time it was 03.05 am.

" Well, thanks for the tea mrs.Hudson, but I think I have to take my leave now, I got a dog in my flat that needs company" you coughed as you stood up, fixed the arms on your white shirt as you took on your coat and scarf.

" Aww, leaving already?" Sherlock asked, as the smile had dissapeared from his face.

You nodded as you got on your hat, " Yes, sad enough. But I think we will be in company of each other much more, eh?" you chuckled as you looked at Sherlock.

Sherlock smiled a bit as he nodded, " Indeed y/n " he said in a bit serious tone.

" Indeed"

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