Chapter 5.- " Suprise"

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Sherlock had found you at hospital after that day, the doctor said you had been hitting something with your head badly, and that the pill you swallowed contained the same stuff like the other pills did, but you had managed to survive it, so that explains the damn huge pain you had.

You stayed at the hospital two weeks or less until the effect went off, but you didn't tell anyone about your weird meeting with a stranger that was the mind behind the serial killing, no one would tell about that kind of kidnapping. Even you knew Sherlock was curious, he wasn't a mind reader but he could see that something had an effect on you.

You, yourself had been thinking too much about it. The episode two weeks ago, you had been touched by a completely strange man like no one has never ever came close to! Never!

What had happened to you? You didn't resist so much either, and that was what made you think about it. Why? You let that man do what he did, not really caring about the gun he had, or the damn sniper. The feeling you got was different, it wasn't good or bad, it was new and weird. You tried not to think about it. But, of course you couldn't because of one thing...

You stood in the bathroom, just taken a shower to empty your mind.

You wiped away the steam off your mirror, and grabbed another towel and dried your hair with it, rubbing it against your head.

You stretched your neck and head, turning it to the left then to the right.

You stopped when you stretched your neck to the left, your eyes widened as your fingers touched your own neck, stroking over a weak blue colored mark.

" The hell?"

You opened your laptop and searched on blue marks, and on pictures.

It took an hour before you found a picture that looked like the one you had on your neck, you clicked on the link to a girl's blog.

" No, you got to be fucking kidding with me?!" you blurted out as you face palmed.

The text under the picture said that it was a mark you get when someone kisses you on the neck for a long time, or seconds and leave a mark.

You closed the laptop screen as you limped it off in the couch, dragging your hand trough your wet hair.

Your dog laid in its bed by the television, looking at you, whining because of how you were at the moment.

" Don't worry girl, I'm fine.." you mumbled as you went up and to your cupboard, picking up the normal clothes.

No, right, your white shirt/blouse, gone, the stranger took it two weeks ago.

Suddenly your phone beeped, you fished it up and opened a message:

" Come at the pool"

unknown number.

another message.

" If you want to live"

You shook your head, nope. You were used to threats.

"More precise, if you want John to live"


Sherlock's perspective

When Sherlock arrived the pool, he held up the microchip.

" Here, a get to know you present...(..)"

Suddenly the door opened, and John came out, in a green jacket with fur hood.

" This is a turn-up isn't it?" John mumbled, as a red laser dot appeared at his chest.

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