Chapter 21: Decicion

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You tapped few times on the screen.

Then the message popped up, *Contact deleted*

You sighed, as your lips formed a small smile.

You stood up, stretched your body, and went out from the pool.

You went down the street, until you arrived a restaurant/Cafe .

You dumped down in a couch, as a lady approached you.

" Can I get you something? Miss/Sir?"

You looked up at her, you smiled as you nodded and ordered a black, two sugar coffee.

When she arrived with it, you payed her, and gave her some tips.

She smiled and went to the next customer.

You sat there, dipping a plastic spoon in your coffee as you looked out, on the street.

People that hurried home in the rain, taxi's that almost hit the brake too late to not drive in a building.

You had made the right decision.

You though so.

Your stomach didn't hurt anyomore either.

Maybe it was because of the coffee?


You did the right thing.

You sat there, until you had to leave because it got closed.

You went down the street, as you went inside 221B.

You took off your coat and shoes, as you noticed that Sherlock was in the kitchen.

" You have decided?" you heard him ask from the kitchen.

You went to the kitchen as Sherlock turned to you.

" Moriarty can kiss my ass, not practically though" you mumbled as you smiled a bit.

Sherlock chuckled a bit as he looked at you.

" What then?"

" hmm?"

" What about Jim Moriarty?"

" I said, he can kiss my ass"

" So?"

" Sherlock, sometimes I forget that youre acting dumb"

" Oh?"

" Shut up"


"Shut up!"

You saw that Sherlock was enjoying irritating you.

" Heh, heh, Hilarious"

" I know right?"

" Shut up"


You frowned a bit as you looked at him, he was enjoying it.

" I really mean it, shut up"

" y/n, dont be such a buzz killer"

" I am a buzz killer now?"


" Say that again"

" You are a buzzkiller"

" Say it after this"

You got a grip around Sherlock's head and hair, as your fingers twinned his hair between them as you kissed him, focused and controling.

When you broke it, you smiled and tilted your head.

" You are a buzzkiller"

" Lie"




" Don't deny that, that was a buzz killing"

Sherlock looked at you.

" Buzz killing"

" Shut up"


" I know you still not fully trust me, but at the moment, I don't give a fucking shit about it"

You muttered as you kissed him again, not letting go this time.

Sherlock's lips formed a smile, as he slowly replied the kiss.

..,~At another place~...

Jim Moriarty sat in his chair, in a thinking pose.

Suddenly two of his men came in, coughing and sneezing.

" Whats the hurry?" Jim asked a bit curious as one of them got able to answer.

" The crown is gone, boss...she/he took it"

Jim's smirk faded away, as his face hardened.

" It was the detective dude that took it...she/he ...left this"

Jim snapped the note out of the man's hand.

He folded it out, as he read it.

When he was done reading it, his face hardened a bit more, as his brows creased.

" Take your leave" he ordered.

The men nodded as they went out of the room.

Jim laid the note down on the desk, as he placed his hands together.

" y/n , y/n, y/n......I see....I want to play too....and I though this was going to get are always a"

A grin appeared on Jim's face, a big grin.

On the note on the desk, it was written;

" You always said, Honey you should see me with a crown

Enjoy yourself without it ;)

Game is not ended yet.

- y/n"

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