Chapter 20-" Choosing Side"

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You sat by the pool.

No one knew where you were.

You looked in the water, you saw some of yourself in the reflection, just half of you though.

You had talked with everyone, everyone said you were a good guy.

You knew it wasn't completely true.

You had killed civile, stole things, tortured people, and the rest.

Sherlock knew you were in a bad situation, even that he didn't completely trust you.

Your head was just a completely mess.

You loved Sherlock, no doubt in that.

But Jim, you didn't dislike that he touched and kissed you, why hadn't you?

Did you like Jim?

No, or?

You sighed.

Why did Jim Moriarty have to be right?

Couldn't he just fucking lie?


Dosen't work to blame him either.

You leaned back, closed your eyes, and though about every single moment you had with both, Jim and Sherlock.

...(Flashbacks from earlier chapters, plus something extra if you want to think that way ;) )...(Ima write it, in a way, and add some extra...enjoy...btw this is small movie memory flashbacks, imq try at.least...let the fantasy and imagination take control)


Your first meeting with Sherlock a hour after birth, looking at each other, making baby noises..

You and Sherlock in preschool. Laughing, chatting and playing detectives and quiz games..

You and Sherlock at age of 12, beating up a fat boy that is pecking on younger students...

You and Sherlock, age 17...In chemistry class, experimenting..

You and Sherlock, few years ago, when you leave for the job offer.

You and Sherlock, reunited.

You and Sherlock, solving the serial killing, you taking the pill.

You and Sherlock, at the bathroom, when Sherlock looks at the mark.

You and Sherlock, at the pool.

You and Sherlock, up on the tall building, you when you fire the eight shots at Sherlocks funeral .you speaking to the tombstone/grave.

You and Sherlock, at Johns wedding, you kissing Sherlock. Whispering " You have no idea how good that felt".

You and Sherlock, Sherlock kissing you, " I love you.  Y/n ". " I love you Sherlock".

You and Sherlock, at the gunfield. You running to save Sherlock. You seeing Sherlock's reaction when Moriarty takes you.

You and Sherlock, at the hospital.


You and Jim, " Hello, Darlin'" Jim reading your ID card.

Jim kissing your neck.

Jim forcing you down in the couch.

Jim clapping you on the shoulder, smiling.

Jim taking off your coat by the pool.

Jim observing you when you were hooked.

Jim and you chatting and drinking coffee.

Jim kissing you.

You giving Jim the crown.


" I'm screwed"


Did you want to be a criminal?

It had been funny tho...just a little..

But you liked also being detective.

More when you were with Sherlock.


You picked up your phone, and looked at contacts.

Most used;Sherlock, Moriarty

You sighed.



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So. We finally reached the choosing chapter!
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