Chapter 38: One solution

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Three months has passed and Sherlock, John and Mary and even Lestrade had tried to help you to get damn feelings, but nothing worked. You had tried different defense sprays, didn't hurt. Tasers on highest, not even a reaction. Even getting knocked out by three giant men didn't bring any. Not even hum heads and parts brought anything. It was hopeless.

You sat down in the couch, rubbing your head as your hair fell down over it. You sighed and kicked your shoes off so they ended up by the television. The door closed as Sherlock hang his jacket up and took off his shoes. He went straight to the kitchen and started making dinner.
*~~* after dinner.
You laid down in the bed, as Sherlock already was wrapped tight up, because it seemed to be cold, but you didn't feel it. You sighed as you turned around, facing Sherlock.
" It's hopeless Sherlock, nothing has worked" you mumbled in a sigh.
Sherlock lifted his brows, as he looked straight in your eyes, what didn't bother you at all that he stared at you. But you knew you should be a bit not comfortable since John was scared when Sherlock looked at him like that.
You sat up, as your face went straight into the sheets in some sort of faceplant. You heard Sherlock chuckle softly, " Yeah very funny" you muttered into the sheets. You felt that he sat up too. You felt extra weight on your back, probably his hand.
" We haven't tried everything "
You blinked, did he just say that?
You lifted your head up, and blinked again.
" What you mean?"
Sherlock smiled a bit, but with a still worried look.
" Remember at the vacation? The last night..."
He was embarrassed to say it, you saw it on him.
" Yes, I remember... I said I weren't ready ,that disappointed you , I saw that"
Sherlock sighed as he removed his hand, but you suddenly grabbed it as you turned to face him.
" I , don't want to disappoint you , again Sherlock " you whispered as you sat on your feet.
Sherlock looked at you, a bit surprised, worried and something else.
" But-"
You cut him off by kissing him. You didn't feel anything, but you didn't care now.
You twinned your fingers between his hard and strong ones, as your available hand traced up his back and around his neck.
Sherlock suprsingly dragged you onto his lap, as his hand traced up her back and to her brah hooks. You suddenly stopped as you went out of the bed and to the bathroom.
" I just got to do something... Three seconds" you mumbled as you closed the door after you.
You grabbed the sink edges, as you looked at yourself in the mirror. " Come on y/n , you can do this...come on" you muttered as you looked at yourself. You slowly undressed yourself completely. You sighed as you looked in the mirror again, " You aren't the shy little detective can do this..."
You went back to the bedroom, as suprsingly Sherlock was laying on he top, naked like he knew what you was going to do.
You crawled onto the bed, as you crawled on top of him, halfways laying on him. You looked at Sherlock.
" you sure about this y/n ?"
You shook your head.
" then why?"
" I don't want to disappoint you"
" you're not disappointing me y/n "
" I have been gone for i don't know, four years Sherlock"
" I know that"
" Last time, it didn't work....but I'm different now...I can do this"
Sherlock lifted a brow.
" Different? Because you don't feel anything?"
You nodded as you slowly started kissing him, as you slowly climbed more on him afterwards. He had his hands on your waist, interacting with your lips, playing.
You were playing for a while, before you both stopped.
Sherlock switched spot with you as you ended down in the bed and him hovering over you.
" Are you sure about this?"
You nodded with your teeth biting your lips, and hands tapping him on his back.
Sherlock nodded as he slowly entered you, you didn't feel anything, which was weird. You wanted to feel, but couldn't..
Even if it was your first time, you didn't feel any damn thing...

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