Chapter 36: MH & Y

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You walked down the street, in the heavy rain, in the dark. It was quiet, too quiet for London. Maybe two cars had passed you, and you had been walking for 30 minutes or more.
Suddenly you bumped into a man, " Sorry miss-"
You looked up, and you froze. You reckognized that face, and so did he.
" Mycroft? What are you doing out here on a sunday night?" you asked a bit suprised.
" I could ask you the same y/n "
You laid your arms in a cross, " don't say my name, if you know whats good for you"
Mycroft lifted a brow.
You sat on a cafe, drinking coffee.

" I'm not supposed to be with any of you and here I sit drinking coffee with the oldest Holmes, brilliant." you muttered as you took a sip.
Mycroft chuckled as he looked at you.
" So whats going on?" he asked.
" Going on? How should I know?"
" Well, youre living with the criminal"
" So?"
Mycroft looked at you.
" You're changed I see"
" I'm not"
" Yes you are"
" No"
" Don't even try to lie and think you succeed"
You looked at Mycroft.
" No"
" He's manipulating you aren't he? Let me guess, giving you everything you want and act impossible nice and such?"
You sighed and nodded.
" As I though"
You frowned.
" I don't feel anything at all now, nothing"
" Thats how his manipulating works"
It went quiet.
" How is Sherlock?"
" I don't know, haven't seen him since you left"
" Nice brother you are"
" Indeed"
You giggled a bit.
" Y/n you need to get a break from that man, if not he will drive you the way he wants"
" I know that"
" What are you going to do about it?"
You smiled.
" I'm going to, cheat"
" Cheat?"
" Yes. Every game got cheat accessibility, so why can't this game have cheats too?"
Mycroft chuckled.
" Always impressed of you y/n "
" Thanks, I hear that a lot"
Suddenly you put your cup down, as a man passed you.
" Get down" you said calmed.
Mycroft looked at you, as you raised up and walked into the toilet room, and few seconds later the man followed.
A cough was heard from the room, then it went quiet.
Three seconds later you came out with your gloves off and wet hands.
" Shall we?" you asked as you and Mycroft left the building.
While you walked you got your gloves on, " Sorry if it took time, had to wash my hands, think of all the bacterias on those tables"
Mycroft chuckled.
" You had your gloves on already"
You sighed as you then heard a scream from the cafe.
" So?"

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