Chandelier ( Alternate)

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( Sorry for the wait :( Kinda forgor things :( Like my gramar anf spelling xD)
You blinked, in front of you from the blood stream laid two people. Jim Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes.
Moriarty was slowly getting up in a sitting pose, as Sherlock just laid there, barely breathing.
You looked at them, then at the door. You laid your gun at a cupboard nearby as it didnt seem like you had to use it.
" Ah Darlin' come to say goodbye to Sherlylocks? " he smirked, with his hand on a bullet wound over his left leg.  You gave him a glare before your eyes went to Sherlock.
" y/n.......please....end this...." he coughed as he was now shaking, and you from this perspective could see he was too badly wounded, he looked like a training target, full of holes, waiting for death to take him out of his not long lasting torture and pain.
You stopped when you heard the door downstairs open, " Call for a ambulance, we need one at the hospital quickly...." you shouted to them. You heard mumbling before they went out.
" Ambulance? Darlin' you know well enough where they are going to throw me after my recover" Jim complained.
" Of course I know........By the way....mrs can have your farewell....soon hes gone" you stated as you dragged Jim with you down the stairs.

After you exited the house, you simply lumped Jim inside one of the cars, as you drove off before the ambulance got there, as your intention was not that he was going to the hospital, but who else was to find a soon dead sherlock holmes then the ambulance.

" Oh,....I what is your plans Darlin' ?" Jim asked after a while in the backseat, laying over the seats holding around his wounds.

" First of all......Im not going to bandage you, because you killed my dog, bad jim......almost tempted to leave you there......second, im going to wait......or we are, no more playing with apps for jim moriarty in a while either, so my plan is that we are going out on a little trip, let the world fall down again on its ground before whatever you have in mind doing........" you replied, tapping the steering wheel with your fingers.

" aww....i feel loved~"

" pfft....spare it......if you continue talking im going to stuff you in a box until were back here"

" Still~"

IK THIS IS A SHORT ARSE ENDING, BUT damn.......been ages since i wrote this and damn i cringe of some reason ;-; my bad vocabulary and spelling......geeeeez........:0

anyways thanks for all the votes and reads guys! even tho its been a long ass time since i wrote this, and i damn cringe at honored and flattered x"3

I guess I will make another following thing of this if i get too much votes and suc idek halp :C

but for now, PEACE


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