Chapter 9- " Nice Wedding"

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The guests had already arrived in the church, you, mrs.Hudson and Sherlock sat on first line.

The priest began the speech.

Mrs.Hudson was almost crying, so happy she were.

You sighed as you fished up some tissues and gave them to her.

" No...where are the rings?"

John stuttered.

You chuckled as you whistled.

Your dog came from.the door, carrying the rings on a pillow.

Everyone laughed.

So John placed the ring on his woman and they kissed.

Everyone applauded.

You and Sherlock applauded too, " Watson! Watson!" you shouted, making everyone joining as the now just married couple went out of the church.


The party was going well, music light and snacks.

Sherlock had just said his toast, and now it was your turn.

You went up to the microphone and coughed. You were nervous, very nervous.

" Well...I guess its my turn to say something...about John.

I want to start with that...


John, my friend can be such an old sassy bastard, and I don't think I'm the only one that thinks so.

If I should mention some moments I would've started with....

When I yelled " get your balls back solider!"


That was good times...

Other times you have been like a brother, or annoying brother...what ever might please you...


And now I think I soon must end this toast, because I Dont think toasts is going to be over 30 minutes...

John, you are a amazing man. And what I see now in front of me, Isnt a money needing outgone solider...

What I see now is a grown up man, with balls and fists on the right place..

I hope you and your lady gets happy forever after...did I say that right?

Nevermind, CHEERS!"

Everyone applauded as you lifted your glass and went down.

You got claps on your shoulder and a thank you from John.

You looked after Sherlock.

Where was he?

You saw him go outside.

You grabbed your coat and scarf and went out After him.


It was raining as you went after Sherlock.

" Sherlock! Wait!"

Sherlock stopped and turned around.

" y/n ?"

When you caught up with him your hair was soaked.

" Why did you leave?"

" Because I did"


" Well, not everyone wants to have a psychopath that should been dead in a wedding party"

Sherlock looked at you, as the rain drops ran down his face and to his blue scarf.

You looked at him,as your lips formed a small warm smile even in this harsh weather, you saw on his facial expression that he was hurt and shocked.

You placed a hand on his shoulder, " Do not listen to them, ok?youre not a pshycopath, you are a genius and brave man, they are just jealous because they arent like you".

Sherlock looked at you,and you looked directly in his eyes. " Why?Everyone thinks I am a psycho and that Im some sort of creature from hell that can't die"

he mumbled as he looked a bit away, not happy to say it.

Your empty hand wandered down Sherlocks arm and to his hand.

" Because they're jealous.Its what people are because youre diffrent" you whispered as you twinned your fingers around his as your other hand got a grip around his backhead,twinning your fingers trough his hair.

" Sociopath, psychopath, creature from hell, I don't care.I love you anyway" you whispered as you kissed him, you kissed Sherlock Holmes.

And you liked it.

It felt so damn good.

To feel his lips against yours.

To feel your fingers tugging on his hair.

To hold his hand.

You looked at Sherlock, that looked a bit suprised.

You had still a grip in his hair as your fingers were still twinned, as you.let go and dragged your fingers trough your head.

" You have no idea how good that felt"

You chuckled as you went back to the party.

Leaving Sherlock to himself.

When you were just inside you made a ' yeah yes!' pose before you rejoined the party.

" Nice Wedding"

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