Chapter 29: A Date?

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Well this chapter guys is going to be a two part thing, since Ive written in she and he person ish Cx. So well u are stressed as hell, and it upsets everyone, and your friends makes a plan, a date for you. Of some reason many volunteered, but they knew you didnt trust everyone at the same, so the he part of this chapter is going to be that u are on a date with Molly ( I like her and well, she seems nice and friend..person) And the she part is going to be with, is going to be a suprise xDD ENJOY

You were fixing you hair, as you heard knocking on the door. Girl began barking as you heard her jog to the door, jump, and that the door opened. You sighed as you saw Molly in the door, in a white coat. " Oh! Sorry y/n ! Umm..." she squinted as you only stood with a towel around your waist.

You chuckled as you smiled, " Its okay Molly, sit down...Im soon done"

....(10 minutes later)

You got out of the bathroom, in a black pair of pants, and a white shirt with a black tie, your hair shined in the light, curly.

You were not used to this, at all.

Molly looked at you, this wasn't familiar for any of you.

" Shall we?"


You and Molly sat down on a bar/cafe.

You had each a wine glass, as neon lights and all was on top a bit away from you, stereo filling the building and people shouting and dancing.

You had been sitting, just chatting for a hour, and now both sat in silence.

You suddenly took all in one sip, as you coughed, got up and took Molly's hand.

" Lets dance"

Molly smiled as a yes as you hauled her to the middle of the crowd.

You spun around in high speed, your movements matching Mollys as you spun her around with your hands, as the bass and music played faster and faster as you spun her around faster, but you didnt loose balance.

When the song was at end, you made a wave as the dj shifted to a slowdance as Molly spun right in your chest.

You both smiled and laughed as the slow dance started.

Your hands placed on each side of Molly's waist, as her hands was at each of your shoulders as you slowly wiggled side to side.

Suddenly the dj changed to a more classic song, as everyone danced after the music, a pair dance, almost like the one you had done earlier, but more slow.

So you did it again.

When the song ended, you took some sort of showstopper thing, as Molly bowed backwards over your arm as a final.

She had to grab your tie to not fall, as your hand was at her back.

When you lifted her back up to her feet, something unexpected happened.

Your faces was resting at each others, lips one centimeter distance.

You both were a bit tired, as you breathed heavily.

You looked right in each others eyes.


You stood on the street, as it was raining, your hair was getting wet.

You stood in the coat and black high heels, as the end of the slim black dress you were wearing poked out on the bottom.

They had been deadly serious, you though it was a joke.

You were going on a 'date' with him?

At that moment you would've suggested Lestrade or Anderson,just not him.

It was just weird, but you had no choice.

A black car appeared as it stopped right beside you, the door opened as you got in.

You closed the door as you looked out of the window.

" Don't be like that, y/n . I didn't want this either, so we both just got to get it over with"

You gave him a sharp look, before you continued looking out of the window.

" Its not normal, at all. No one must know about this, agree?"

" Agree"


After some minutes you arrived the place, as you went out of the car,

You heard the tap noise of the end of his umbrella hitting the ground right beside you.

It was annoying after five minutes.

You went inside, as he waved at fellow job partners of his, dressed in smokings and all.

You sighed as you entered a huge hall, with wine glasses placed in a triangle on a table, a chocolate fountain, strawberries, and a small classic playing band.

You inhaled the smell of light alcohol, strawberries dipped in chocolate, the smell of thousands of perfumes and cigarettes.

This was going to be a looong night,......

(after some hours)

The party was soon over, as the last song was played, a slow dance.

You sat in a chair, playing with a lemon piece in your empty glass.

Suddenly he came over, you looked up at him as he reached out his hand.

" May I? No one should be bored at a party, Miss"

You rolled your eyes as you took it, as you played with, you bowed as you got lead to the dance floor.

He placed his hands at your waist, as you placed each hand at his shoulder.

This was totally weird, this was definitely something you would remember, as a weird thing.

When you were in the middle of the song, people began to take spins.

You smiled a bit as you were a bit tired of just barely moving.

You suddenly grabbed his hands as you took a quick spin.

He took it faster then you though, few seconds after you looked like professionals.

You saw a tiny smile on his face as you spun around on your heels.

You smiled too.

When the song was done you both bowed as you went out and back to the car.


When you arrived 221B you got out of the car.

The window rolled down as he poked a bit out.

" Thanks for getting me home too"

" No problem, miss y/n. Remember, not telling a soul"


You went inside as he drove off.

When you were inside you closed the door as you sighed.

" Now we have done that too.....we have been on a 'date' with Mycroft Fucking Holmes.."

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