Chapter 18-" Angels and Demons"

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You had used a half year, trying to be old y/n , but it was harder then though. Sherlock had began to trust you now, but it was hard. You knew that. You both had strong feelings for each other, and in this situation, forgiveness and such was hard. But you both knew the others worked hard with fixing it. Poor mrs.Hudson and John and Mary, this seemed to confuse them, until they got to know what you were doing. But it went well in the progress after almost a year.


You and Sherlock was walking up the street, you had been in the lab, researching stuff and such.

You were now done with chatting about what you had done, as you arrived 221B.

When you were inside you were met by a happy dog.

You stroke her over the head and back, as you went in.

She followed you, wagging her tail like crazy.

" y/n ! I took her out for a walk, since I had a though you may come home late. -MH"

it was a note.

MH= Mrs.Hudson

You smiled as you went to the kitchen.

You did the dishes, and when Sherlock appeared, the fist thing you did was throwing a towel in his face.

He looked at you, tilting his head.

You pointed at the bathroom with the brush, and you heard Sherlock's dramatic sigh.

You lifted your brows, as you took a quick whip with the brush so Sherlock got bubbles on his face.


You both sat, clean and smelling good, eating salad with macaroni while watching some comedy shit.

When something was funny, you both laughed at the same time, then you looked at each other, before facing the screen again.

When the salad was eaten up, you took the plates to the kitchen, and when you got back, you dumped down on the same spot.

It was just quiet now.

Mrs.Hudson had went to bed hours ago.

Your dog was sleeping on the doormat .

"Sherlock...Im....terribly sorry know....I really am. And I wouldn't normally had said that, but the guilt I have is fucking tearing me apart, so I almost can't stand it longer...I know that Im a ass, dick, dickhead, slut..whatever word that suits...but Im...sorry...I know cant blame myself because I saved your life and got a bullet in the head bla bla bla but I....-"

You trailed off as you dragged your hands down your own face.

Sherlock looked at you, " saving my life?"

You nodded.

" Moriarty had told his contacts that five minutes before sun went down everyone of them was going to shoot you.."

Sherlock tilted his head.


You sat in silence, wanting to rip your own hair off.

" you still?..."

" Love you? Yes"

" Serious?"

" Indeed"

" But the trust is long away"

" yup"


" you...a little...mathematically 5% "

" Mhmm..."

" That is going to change"

" how? Im curious"

You looked at Sherlock as you took his hands and placed a kiss on the knuckles.

" Because I love you "

Sherlock chuckled.

" Thank god...."

"Hmm?" you looked at him.

" I though you were going to propose "

You chuckled slightly as you smiled

" You'll have to wait for that part, mister"

Sherlock looked at you, with a lifted brow.

" Really?"

" Trust me, or that I just said, that's for sure"

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