Chapter 6- " I'm your friend"

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This is the last chapter before reichenbech fall ( did I type that right? Xd)
So well, this is where you find out that you are, well gay or bisexual. By the way one that read chapter..4? " Is this makin' you uncomfortable" pm'ed me about making an add on book thingy, because he/she wanted to read what happened with y/n and JM, and I said maybe because this is an Sherlock x reader book and the appearance of Moriarty is actually how I though he was after what I heard before I watched the episode where you see him, but I don't say I can't make one, if you want a book like it too pm me :D I also take request if the book should be .


You sat down in a chair, in your apartment.

You didn't feel good, it was like your stomach had taken a twist after yesterday.

You had felt so bad when Moriarty had undressed you in front of Sherlock.

Sherlock had looked at you while Moriarty had touched you, he had seen how you actually in a way let Moriarty do it, you could havd stopped it but your dog, your sweet old german sheperd was the one that Jim had threatened to kill.

You loved your dog, she was old but had been your company since you were at the age of two and found her out on the street, skinny and helpless.

You sighed as you stroke her over the forehead.

" I won't let anything happen to you, or John, Mrs.Hudson or Sh..Sherlock"

The dog looked up when you said Sherlock.

" No. I know that look, no. Im not!"

The dog barked and wiggled its tail.

" Maybe you're right...your old scruff" you smiled as you ruffled its head.

Maybe you were.


The way you had felt so bad, guilty for what Moriarty did to you, in front of Sherlock and before.

No, no not even possible.




Yes, you...



You slammed your fist in the couch.

"arghhnnn!" you growled.

You stood up and marched around in the living room.

Maybe you were?

Maybe you were homosexual, or bisexual..

Did you like Sherlock?

Like, no. Love


As your dad had told you " Career first, love is distraction"

When did you listen to what your dad said?


So you did.

But, how?

Sherlock and you had been friends since day one!

You knew him better then anyone, even Mycroft!

Even how weird Sherlock's plans was, you joined him because thats what friends do.

Yup, definitly.

You fancy Sherlock.

But what about Moriarty?

Ughh, just the though made you shrug.

That nasty bastard of a criminal mastermind.

You sighed as you placed two of your fingers on the mark.

Think that! Jim Moriarty a criminal mastermind has kissed your neck.

No, forget it, don't think, at all!

What were you going to do?

Tell Sherlock? Maybe

Beat up Moriarty? Definitly.

No, get Moriarty off your mind now, ugh.

Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock, Moriarty, SHERLOCK!

You grabbed your own hair and pulled a little.

This was just crazy.

You couldn't just walk up to Sherlock and say;

" Hi Sherlock, I like you!"


In your mind it wasn't working at all!

Suddenly your phone beeped, you fished i up.

" Please not be another threat from Moriarty" you muttered as you opened:

" New kill investigation (..)"

Nope, not now, not in the mood.

You grabbed your coat and got it on and grabbed the car keys, " come" you called as the dog were by you at once.

You couldn't risk her to be alone one second now.


You stood, practising shooting at targets, as other cops were around you, training themself.

Your dog sat by the bench, ears covered with earmuffs to block the sharp noise.

You aimed at the heart region, and saw for you Moriarty, and his smile.

Hit, hit, hit.

Then of some reason Sherlock was in your mind.

miss, miss, almost, miss


You were back home, laying on the couch with the dog sleeping on you.

*Beep Beep*

You picked up, sheesh many messages!;

" Hi, alright after yesterday? -SH"

" You ok? -JW"

" Y/n ? -SH"

" Why don't you answer? -JW"

" Hello Darlin'-

You immediately threw your phone away and heard that it hit the carpet.

That man was a irritating, nasty, criminal! and you now want to smash his face up.

How had he even got your number?

Seriously? A criminal mastermind should have better things to do.


Someone knocked on the door.

The dog jumped off and began to bark at the door.

You got up and equipped your Sig pro as you went to the door.

You looked out from the key hole, it was Sherlock.

You laid the gun down as you opened, " Hello"

" Hello y/n"

" Come in"

" Thanks, but I dont have time, John is worried and wanted me to..check on you. Making sure you haven't taken suicide, but, here you stand, so, catch ya later when you have, got on your feet"

And then he was gone.

You closed the door and went back to the couch, turning on television.

You sapped trough channels, and each channel seemed to just show something about criminals, and every criminal looked like Moriarty.

You snorted, you had hundred channels.

~Hundred channels later~

You threw the remote in the wall as you had been trough every channel, Moriarty was everywhere!

Of some reason he had really fucked up your head, and now it was pissing you off.


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