Chapter 35: The Lion's claws

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( Beginnin to get hard to write twogender now guys! sowwie :{ )
You stood in the bathroom, preparing to have a relaxing bath for once. The tub was slowly filling up with bubbles and the steam fogged the mirrors slowly.
You took of your sunglasses as you laid them by the sink, as you looked at yourself. What the fuck was wrong with you? Here you stand looking like that sassy rich bitch!
You weren't like that, nope. You ain't a bitch. Its at least the last thing you would been at the moment.
You sighed as you got the donut out of your hair, letting it fall down on your back. You quickly and fast took off your clothes, and laid them in an organized stack on a chair, as you removed all the make up, wouldn't look like a damn ghost either.
When it was done, you looked at yourself.
you bit your lip hard when your hand found the still seeable crown that had been burned in you unwillingly right over your hip on the right side. It had left a clear hell of a scar.
You moved your hair up, the mark after the bullet had Jim payed for to remove, so it was gone, but you could still like feel it.
All the marks and cuts on your body was from when you had been in the torture chamber years ago, the mark of rope around your hands, the whip slash marks on your back, every single one was from Jim.
Jim didn't know about them, hell you wouldn't show em to him either.
You slowly went down in the tub, letting the water flow over every single part, expect your face.
After some minutes you began cover yourself in soap, as you washed it all off, twice.
You stood as the cold water streamed down your body, you closed your eyes as you took your fingers trough your hair.
With your eyes still closed, you turned the water off, dragged out the plug and let the water flow out, as you got out of the tub and on a towel.
You stood there, doing nothing for a moment before you felt a tiny cold wind hit your half dried body.
" Never heard of privacy, Moriarty?"
You didn't open your eyes, it was uncomfortable enough with them closed.
Jim chuckled softly as you pulled away when something came near you.
You opened your eyes, as you saw Jim facing the other way, reaching you a towel.
You took it and quickly wrapped it around you, a quick tie and it didn't fell off.
" Thanks" you got out between the wrapping.
Jim looked at you again as you began brushing your bird nest of a hair.
" Is it anything Jim? Since you stand here?" You asked after a minute.
Jim didn't answer.
You sighed as you sneaked past him and across the hall, and to your room.
You went behind the changing wall as you knew he was at the door.
" You like the scars Darlin' ?"
What question was that? Of course you didn't like them.
" Yes"
You heard him laugh, he didn't believe you.
" You like not caring about privacy?"
Jim laughed again.
" Maybe" .
You coughed as you got on some black skinny jeans and a white blouse.
" You miss them, don't you? "
You froze.
" You miss him?"
You didn't say anything, you didn't feel anything.
" Goodnight, Jim. Please close the door after you"
So he did.
You stood there.
You didn't feel right, what did he want?

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