Chapter 16: " Fair enough"

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Two days had passed since they had taken the crown and jewels, Moriarty sat in his chair, with the crown on his head.

You came in, " Who am I Jim?"

Jim looked at you, with a quizzical look.

You stopped by the desk, as you threw the newspaper right in front of him.

On the front page it was a picture of you and beside it it stood; " Have the detective changed side now?, for two days ago this picture was taken when the crown and jewels was stolen, witnesses says it is the criminal mastermind Jim Moriarty, has he got a new assistent? This woman/man he were with we know as one of Sherlock Holmes comrades and job partners for a very long time, we have been informed that she/he now is on the criminals side when she/he helped the criminal Jim Moriarty with getting the crown.
Sherlock tells that she/he has memory loss after a shot days before, and it was told by the criminal Jim Moriarty. We discussed it with the doctors and they said it could likely be it.But where is she/he?"

Jim made a ':/' face.

" When did you start reading newspaper?"

" Jim"

Jim sighed as he shook his head.

" You want to know?"

You nodded.

" fair enough"

" what?"

" Ill tell you, but I cant guarantee that I will let go off you, Darlin"


When Moriarty told you, your memories came slowly back, but something had changed, you still knew what you had done here, with Jim.

And when every single piece of it was back, you were pissed.

You leaned over the desk, grabbing Jim by his tie, right up in your face.

" You are a sneaky lizard, Jim Moriarty. You used me to your little missions, you made me torture and kill people, you made me almost kill Sherlock. You are....disgusting"

You spat right in his face.

Jim struggled out of your grip before he took a quick wipe over his dress.

" West wood"

" But Darlin ' knew it, didn't you? "

" what do you mean?"

" Don't you remember? "

You creased your brows.

Jim smirked as he formed his lips into a kiss, before back to the smirk.

Your eyes widened as you stood like frozen.

" Exactly, Darlin' . And after what I heard, you didn't dislike it either " he chuckled.

You stood there, trying to fetch the memory.

Moriarty was right, why the hell was he right?

Jim watched you with a smirk on his face.

" Fuck you, Jim" you hissed as you looked right in his eyes.

" That can be arranged" Jim said with a small smile.

You frowned at him.

" Why didn't you kill me?"


" You knew I would find out"

" Indeed"

" Why didn't you kill me?

" Because I simply didn't want to"

" Why?"

" does not please me to answer that question at the moment"

You turned around and headed to the exit.

You called your dog as you wen out of the house.

Jim had something in mind with you.

Now that your memories was back.

If he hadn't he would killed you.


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