Chapter 15: "Honey give me the crown"

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You sneaked past a guard and into the security room.

You crouched down behind a wall, as you fished up a tear gas can.

You took on a gas mask as you dragged out the security on the can and threw it in the middle of the lodge.


People ran around, panicking and crying and coughing.

When you made sure most of them were gone, you stood up and began walking calmed into the room, closing the door behind you.

You looked at the screens, everyone were gone.

'Brilliant, almost too easy' you chuckled as your fingers flew over the keyboard buttons, and few minutes later it was clear.

You suddenly turned around, ducked as a enforcer stood right behind you.

You dodged the next attack as you grabbed the enforcer's hand, twitched it and fished up a dagger from your jacket and slashed over the main blood rear, so blood ran out, fast and much.

You sent the enforcer to the ground with a single kick as you went out of the room like nothing had happened.

' too easy'

You opened the door as Moriarty came in.

You both went to the main room, where the crown and jewels were.

Suddenly you heard sirens outside.

" Excellent ! Then its not going to be boring" you chuckled as you looked at Moriarty.

" Indeed, y/n...."


Sherlock's perspective.....

Sherlock, John and Lestrade stood outside the building, with two other enforcer teams.

" Why should Moriarty try to get the crown again?" John asked as he looked at Sherlock that was loading his gun.

" Don't ask me, Im not a consulting criminal mastermind" Sherlock muttered.

" Well, you are a consulting detective and after your own words, a high functional sociopath" John mumbled.

" Boys, no sassy sarcasm now" Lestrade snapped as the doors opened.

Moriarty stood in the door, as he took the gas mask off his face.

Sherlock immediatly drew his gun and stared at Moriarty.

" Where is y/n ? And if that case, what have you done with her/him?" Sherlock asked directly.

Moriarty chuckled, " now now Sherlylocks, no need to rush it.....she/he is fine, calm down......I haven't done anything...bad to her/him....Im not a psychopath...."

" Where is she/he?"

" She/He is here, with don't think I would've left her/him? no no.....she/he is hands now......."

Sherlock frowned as he aimed at Moriarty.

" No need to be violent, Sherlock...if you don't believe what I say......see for yourself!"

Few minutes later y/n appeared, beside Jim Moriarty.

" y/n ? " Sherlock blurted as he lowered his gun.

" Wait a second Sherlylocks.....I forgot to tell you something......*giggles* y/n have...changed"

Sherlock tilted his head with a quizzical look.

" What do you mean, Moriarty?"

" y/n here, is a top trained criminal......not the one you know the field? when one of my friends accidently shot him? that damadge could've killed y/n ........but it didn' just damadged her/his brain a little......the day after she/he didn't remember anything, not even who she/he were..."

John could see the smirk on Moriarty's face grew bigger as he explained.

" Why do you tell us now? When she/he stands right beside you?" John suddenly asked.

Jim looked at John, " because she/he can't hear what I the moment.....she/he is currently listening to a song....she/he dosent give a single though of what I tell now..." he chuckled as he fished up the phone from y/n 's pocket.

Jim tapped on the phone screen, as y/n took out the earplugs " hmm?"

" Honey, give me the crown"

Y/n nodded as she/he dissapeared inside the building and few seconds after she/he came out with the crown and the jewels.

" Thank you, Darlin' " Jim said softly as he took the crown and looked at it.

Suddenly Jim jumped backwards as a bullet raced pass his ear.

He looked suprised up at Sherlock, that reloaded his gun.

main perspective..

Your reaction was jumping in front of Jim and firing bullets in front of their feet, making them move.

" See you at home, y/n" Moriarty chuckled as he dissapeared into the building.

You smiled as you kept shooting, as you fished up another tear gas can, as you took on your mask and unleashed it.

You threw it in front of the enforcers.


" Move!" you heard them shout as the can exploded into a massive gas.

You heard the helicopter taking off from the roof.

You quickly went off, down the street.

You heard someone coming after you, as you quickly turned around and saw a man running after you, shouting your name.

Jim had told you everyone knew your name, and this one was one on the enforcer team.

You fished up a grenade, pulled out the security and threw it in the nearest window before you took off.


You looked quickly behind you, he was slowed down by the grenade.

You chuckled as you dissapeared by jumping inside a black cab without sign.

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