Chapter 34: Two addicts and You

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You looked out , on the dark green wet grass. That covered meters of the property they were in.
" Y/N ?"
You blinked as you sighed, " What?" .
No respond, you sighed as you turned around.
Your 'shopping partners' was now digging in piles of diffrent clothes in the mall.
Why had Jim sended them with you? Didn't he trust you enough? Or was it just to have someone to be with? Maybe.
Well, usually you had taken a coffee at the cafe, maybe ordered a cupcake or a cinnamon roll too. Then you had taken a quick look in some shops, nothing more.
But now you had unwillingly two shopping addicts with you, just great.
You were leaning on a wall, looking out on all the wet dogs and their owners, playing and having fun.
You suddenly spotted a familiar face, running after a stick.
A smile formed on your face as you placed your hand on the glass.
Her old but still young working body jumping around in the rain, the happy face with sparkling eyes.
You missed her, like you missed Sherlock and the others.
But you couldn't go to them, not now. Jim would probably make sure if you did, it would not happen again.
It was not a thought, you knew he would, probably.
Jim was like at the moment, a maze. He was different, or no, maybe he wanted to seem diffrent.
He wants you to be like you when u had memory loss, you didn't know why though.
He was playing a sidegame now, trying to trick you to be on his side. You both knew it, you both knew what the other were capable to do. You knew too much about each, what made it a tinsy bit dangerous then already.
Suddenly she froze, with the stick between her sharp fangs. She turned around towards the mall windows. She spotted you, and weird enough she reckognized you.
Fem reader only changed btw!
(Even if you were totally changed, your hair had got long as really long, you had began using more make up, flashing red lipstick, thick mascara lines, eyelines with sharp ends, black nail polish and all.)

It was like you could hear her whining, she missed you just as much.
" Its okay Girl, I'm coming day or so" you whispered into the glass.
Girl looked at you as she dropped the stick, and letted out a howl.
You smiled as you went away when John apperead.
John looked at Girl, " what is it now? Did you see something?" . Girl whined as she began pulling the leash.
" Whoah! Easy Girl! Whats bothering you?" John snapped as he held her back.
Girl's ears suddenly flattened as she began growling. John looked up at the window as he spotted who it was.
He frowned as he dragged Girl backwards, " Don't let him bother you Girl. Lets go" John mumbled as he began walking away, as Girl followed a bit later.

" What are you smiling over now Jim?" you asked him as he went away from the window.
" Nothing darlin' have your little shopping trip been fun?" Jim said as he changed subject.
You rolled your eyes as you looked over to the changing rooms. Where the shopping addicts were trying out every single top they saw.
" Yeah, very fun being 4 hours stuck with shopping addicts.." you said in irony.
Jim nodded as a, guess so before he looked at the clock.
" Time to go, they won't even notice im gone." you said as you looked at Jim.
Jim chuckled as he nodded as you walked out of the shop, Jim still having the smile on his face as he chuckled lightly.

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