Chapter 24: Kennel

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The vacation ended, as you, Sherlock, Mary and John were about to get on the plane, but you and Sherlock had suddenly dissapeared.

You and Sherlock stood outside, with a cig between your fingers.

You had dissapeared from the others sight when Mary had wanted to spend hours in the tax-free.

Nope, not interested.

Suddenly you saw Mary coming, in a hurry.

When she were too close, you both hid the cig behind your backs, closing your lips.

" We need to go! The plane is taking off about 15 minutes!"

You and Sherlock nodded to an answer.

" Are you smoking?"

You shook your head, as you looked at Sherlock.

Mary looked a bit suspicious at you, before she hurried back inside.

You blew out the smoke that had waited to get out.

" She is just as bad as mrs.Hudson"

Sherlock looked at you, as he began to laugh.


You all sat on the plane.

John, Mary and Sherlock had fell asleep already.

You sat, looking out of the window.

In between the hours, the ones working on the plane offered you food, drinks, blankets, but you just shook your head, or pretended to listen to music.

You sat there, rest of the flight, looking soulless out of the window.

When the plane landed, you were the first that went off the plane.

You went out to get your car, as when the others came out, you stood waiting at the entrance in your car.

When everyone was inside, you hit the clutch and drove off, heading to John and Mary's apartment.

" See cha" you smiled when John and Mary went inside their house.

They smiled and waved back, as you drove off.

Sherlock looked at you.

" You ok, y/n ?"

" Yes, I'm ok, I'm fine, no need to worry"

" Really?"

" Yes!"


" Got to pick up Girl at the kennel"


"Stay put"

You went out from the car, closing the door behind you, and locking the car.

You saw that Sherlock frowned a bit when he heard the sound the car makes when it gets locked.

You smiled a bit, before you headed inside.

You went directly to Girl's cage, like you knew where she was.

When she saw you opening the door, she began wagging her tail, whining and barking.

You smiled as you passed few other cages before you reached hers.

You kneeled down, as you sneaked your hand in between the wires.

You felt her tongue lick your fingers, as her teeth barely touched your hands.

" Good to see you too, Girl"

You looked in the log folder, checking if she had been weird or sick while you were gone.

Your eyes scanned the log, nothing bad yet.

When you closed the folder, you saw how skinny she was.

Her ribs was clearly visible.


You then looked at the feeding bowls, filled.


You used three seconds to pick the lock, as you opened the door and picked up the bowl with food.

Sniff, sniff, snort.

You screwed your face up, it didn't smell like dog food.

It didn't smell eatable.

You took up one of the pieces, as you scanned it with your eyes.

....Sherlock's perspective...

Sherlock sat in the car, with an open window because of the heat.

Why was it taking so long? She/he should be back now.

Was it so hard to take the dog and go?

Suddenly gunshots was heard, from the kennel.

The sound of a Sig Pro Parabellum bullet getting fired.


-Main perspective-

You dodged a fist coming at your face, as you tackled the man by using your leg.

He tripped and fell in a pile made of sacks filled with dog food.

You reloaded your Sig Pro as you aimed at the man's head.

" Why does Jim Moriarty or Richard Brook or whatever he calls himself, send a untrained, low payed jobbing, hobo to try to poison my dog?"

The man didn't answer, he just began to laugh.

" More precise, a psychopathic hobo"

Suddenly the man opened his jacket, as it was attached a bomb and a screen to.

The screen flashed, as Jim Moriarty apperead on it.

" Hello, y/n, darlin' . Miss me and my little jobs? Well...I see you stopped me try to harm your dog, sad.

Well, I hope you enjoyed your little vacation with  Sherlylocks.....

You should hurry out, the bomb is time settled...

And, if you're quick enough, you might get a suprise "

You called your dog as you ran out, as the bomb released.

It was a distraction, the message and bomb.

You saw two men carrying Sherlock up a ladder to a helicopter.


You sprinted  towards them.

You saw Moriarty up in the helicopter as Sherlock got carried inside.


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