Chapter 3- "This is how you end a game"

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Months have passed, you and Sherlock have worked on the serial killing case, and now Sherlock has dissapeared, and when you arrived baker street 221B John was walking around like a headless chicken.
" John, calm down!" you almost shouted as John mumbled nonsense and marched around in the room.

" I can't! y/n !" John spat as he tried for the hundred time to call Sherlock, but no respond.

You had no choice, you had to. " Im sorry John but I have to".You went to John, grabbed him by the arms and forced him in the wall with a dunk. Your eyes shot trough his as you grabbed the phone out of his hands,
" FOR CHRISTS SAKE SOLIDER!!GET YOUR BALLS BACK AND CALM DOWN!!" you yelled right in his face, pissed off.

John looked terrified at you when you were done. You slowly let go of him as he got to his feet, not saying a word.

You went to the desk, leaning over it, rubbing your head and taking a deep breathe.

" y/n?" John almost whispered, scared of that thing that just happened would happen again.

" Tell.Me.Exactly.What.You.Two.Were.Doing" you wheezed as you bit your lip, hard to calm yourself down.

" We..were tracking up the lady's phone on the laptop, then a cabbie came and the police and poof!Gone" John stuttered as he looked around.

You froze as you got it. The cabbie, the taxi, the killings, the pills, of course!

" He is a son of a bitch of a genius!" you exclaimed as you smiled, then you ran down the stairs and out in a hurry you grabbed the leash to your, runned out of paintience, black german sheperd as you jumped into your car, as the dog jumped in the passenger seat.

John ran after you, " what?!" he squeaked.

" You will see, go up to your laptop and get to the damn destination!" you shouted as you hit the pedal and drove over the speed limit to where Sherlock was. " Sherlock, your not going to win that game" you muttered to yourself.

When you arrived you saw the taxi in front of your car, you went out as your dog followed.

" Find him girl" you whispered to the dog as you took of the chain leash from the spike collar.

The dog obeyed and ran towards the building, followed by you.

You bursted trough every door the dog went to, as when your dog began to bark you knew what the game was.

Sherlock had joined the cabbie because of the serial killing, not knowing how he was going to try to get killed. But in a way the cabbie played a game, the pills of course, you had been in a situation/case like this before, and last time it did not end well. The cabbie makes them do suicide by offering two glasses, with one pill in each, one kills you, one don't they say every time, of course they know who is who.

When you reached a main door you saw the sketch of Sherlock and a old man trough the round blurry windows.

Right when you were at the door you heard a gunshot, you opened the door with a bang and saw the man fall, Sherlock standing with a pill in his hand.

¨The dog went straight on the man, Sherlock began babbling to the now dying man about the pill.

You looked up at the window, spotting John before he dissapeared.

Suddenly you heard the man scream in pain, as you turned around, spotting that Sherlock was standing on his bullet wound.

" GIVE ME A NAME!!" Sherlock yelled.

"MORIARTY!......" the man wheezed, before he took his last breathe.

Suddenly Sherlock focused on the pill, the man that was now dead hadn't swallowed his. No, not going to happen, you knew Sherlock.

"Sherlock, don't!" you yelled as you with out meaning to act like you did by instinct, you pulled up your Sig Pro and took off the security and aimed at his head.

The pill was nearly touching Sherlock's lip, but no further.

Your heart was pounding like hell as you now stood threatning your best friend and childhood friend by shooting a bullet trough his head.

" Drop.The.Pill.Sherlock" you commanded, as you bit your lip again.

Sherlock's eyes looked at you, but he didn't move a muscle.

" This isn't a game you win on, unless its suicidal. Drop it" you said, calmed.

Sherlock moved his hand with the pill a bit away as he closed his mouth, " its a game y/n, and it has already started" he mumbled.

You shook your head, " that isn't a game you got inbetween your fingers, its pure suicide." you put away the gun and stepped in front of him, almost to close so it didn't seem, weird.

You snapped the pill out of his hands, he frowned and tried to take it back, but your hands were faster, dodging every try.

" Give it to m-" Sherlock said but got cut off by you.

"Shut up Sherlock!" you spat, suprisingly for both of you.

Both of you stood in silence, looking at each other.

Sherlock looked a bit worried at you after few seconds, " y/n ?" he aksed as he placed his left hand at your shoulder.

His right hand traveled down your arm as it found your hand with the pill, sneaking it out of your hand, but he didn't succeed.

You looked at him with a frown, " don't even try, Sherlock".

Sherlock lifted a brow, " I want to find out"

You knew this would take forever if nothing happened, you heard the sirenes from the police cars outside and voices.

" No, youre not" you said, in a serious tone, looking right in his eyes.

" Yes, Im-" Sherlock said, as he tried to pull the pill out of your hands.

Suddenly Sherlock looked at you in shock, he knew it.

" y/n don't" Sherlock said, as you heard the panick cracking his voice up a little.

You heard that your dog stopped barking.

" Since you started a game, it has to end" you mumbled.

" y/n " Sherlock repeated.

" This is how you end a game" you said simply as you threw the pill in your own throat, and swallowed.

Few seconds after you fell, and everything went black.

It was not as you though it was, was this death?

No, death was painful.

Maybe the cabbie played fair, and just had luck?

That you didn't see coming.

But for a hell this pill worked!

Now you felt the effect of the pill that didn't kill you, it was just so damn painful after few minutes.

You heard Sherlock's, voice, you felt that your body was getting shooked.

'Com on Holmes, you know that I am not dead' you though to yourself, or were you dead?

Nope, still alive, it still hurted, like hell, even worse now.

'Fuck games' you though as you fainted because of the pain growing incredibily huger.

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