Chapter 14: "Memory Loss"

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Now its going to be a bit difference here! The title says it all! In the last chapter you got a bullet in your head but you didn't die of it, your brain got damadged tho. So Moriarty found easily out that you had lost your memory of things and who wouldn't take the chance to use a top trained detective/cop on their side? Exactly.
And I though writing in 'you' person was hard enough ~_~ but I had to make some action! Couldn't just end up at the hospital, again!
No no no, now its Moriarty's turn. And since you dont remember anything at all, expect trainings etc Moriarty can use you to do whatever he wants you to, from being his playdoll to kill civile....
Remember that Moriarty is a consulting criminal mastermind, he does whatever he wants......

You sat on a bed, rubbing your head.

What had happened with your head? Who were you? Where?

You heard a door open, as you looked up.

A man entered the room, in a grey or dark beige dress with a light yellow colored tie.

He approached you slowly, " Hello, Darlin' how are you?"

" I'm fine, I guess...Who are you?" you asked curiously.

The man sat down beside you, looking at the side of your head, screwing his face up a little when he lifted up your hair to check.

" I'm Jim Moriarty, a consulting criminal mastermind, and I'm your, boss, superior "

" And who am I?"

" You, you are y/n . A top trained at the age of four broke into the bank when your parents was going to take out money and you just tapped the code like it was your phone password....the excuse you had when they asked you was, I just did.
You, my Darlin...are just like me..."

You looked at him with a quizzical look.

" I am?"

" Yes, of course you are"

" How long have I known you?"

" You want me to answer it properly? Simple enough, since day one...(..)"


Days had passed, you had showed great to Moriarty, killed few people, got codes for his little 'projects' . Fucked up the London security system, got access to every camera in London etc.

Moriarty loved it, his smile just grew and grew.

You didn't want any reward for doing the jobs, because the reward was nothing in your mind, just doing what your superior told you to do, and everything went ok.

...-months passed-...

You threw a man straight in the wall, as you tackled another one with your leg.

Few seconds later everyone expect you laid groaning on the floor.

Moriarty stood in the door, smiling.

You spotted him when you fixed your dress arm that had moved a little.

" Just excellent y/n ! " he exclaimed as you followed him out of the room.

" Thank you, boss " you simply replied as you showed no emotions.

" aww, y/n . don't be so formal with it, call me Jim or Moriarty"

" As you wish, Jim"

You went down a corridor and into the 'torture' room.

A man was already attached to the table, beside a table prepped with different embalming tools and such.

" Good evening, mister...?" Jim chuckled.

" Thomas Beevernse , 34, high ranked enforcer, closest relations; Greg ,Lestrade , status of relation, superior. Caught, two weeks ago. Reason, tried to kill two of your contacts while getting a code. Treatment, none yet." You completed.

" Indeed..." Jim smirked as he looked at the tools, with excitement sparking in his eyes.

" y/n ?" the enforcer suddenly wheezed.

You looked over at him as you stood by Jim.

" Pardon?"

Jim looked at the enforcer, then at you, his eyes were a bit wider.

" why are you here...and not with Sherlo-" the enforcer got cut off by Jim, covering his mouth with a rope.

You lifted a brow, " who was he talking about, and how did he know my name?"

" Darlin' its nothing to worry about, everyone knows your name because you're a criminal, specially enforcers " Jim smiled as he picked up a scalpel and reached it to you.

You had just got on the plastic gloves, as you took it with two fingers.

You turned to the enforcer named Thomas.

Your eyes scanned him as you looked at the scalpel, " If you're lucky, Thomas. My boss will maybe stop me before I cut one of your main blood rears."

..........-TS-......( sunset)

You stood in a bathroom, cleaning your face

You wore underwear and black cozy pants, as your hair was half dried.

When you were done you cupped your hands, filled them with water and scrubbed your face.

When you were done you wiped a towel over your face, as you jumped and lost it on the floor when you looked in the mirror.

You blinked and looked in the mirror, it wasn't you that stood there, well it looked like you but it wore a blue scarf, black coat, blue eyes and a bit more not fluffy hair.

You sighed as you went to the kitchen.


You stood leaning on the bench in the kitchen, as one lamp was on, standing by the coffee machine.

You had made yourself a cup of coffee, black, two sugar.

You heard the door open, as you inhaled the smell of Moriarty.

Jim went right beside you, turning on the coffee machine, making himself a cappuccino or something.

" Where were you?" you asked when you heard that the coffee was done.

Jim picked it up and stood right in front of you, leaning on the other bench.

" On a quick meeting, just business " Jim simply said as he took a sip.

You stood chatting for a hour before the cups were empty.

You stretched your arms in the air as you sat down the cup on the bench.

" Tired Darlin' ?" Jim chuckled as he sat down his cup as he stood on the same place.

" A little...hard day.." you mumbled as you yawned.

Jim smiled as he took one step forward and placed a hand on your shoulder, " You are doing great Darlin' ...take a free day tomorrow, relax , whatever you like"

You smiled a bit, " serious?"

Jim nodded, " Im always serious"

You nodded slightly as you dragged out the plug in to the coffee machine.

When you looked forward again, you got surprised.

Jim got a soft, but commanding grip around your chin as he pulled you a bit down and kissed you, hard and focused.

When he left you, he smiled as he went out of the kitchen.

" Good night, y/n "

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