Part 1

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WARNING: sexual content, gore, detailed murders, strong language

I sat in the waiting room and I clicked my fingers for some entertainment. The waiting room was very comfy and homey looking, with some fake plants and pretty paintings hanged on the maroon red walls. They were impressive looking paintings, originals probably. The sun shined through the large window behind me and onto the polished wooden floors, probably made from spruce wood from the darkened colour. The seats were beyond comfortable and there was a neat pile of magazines on the small coffee table beside the chair I was sat on. I crossed my legs and I checked my phone messages, one was from Will and the other was from my mum.

Hi Grace, we looked further into your theory and it seems you were onto something. We have a prime suspect.

Hi sweet pea, are you still coming over on Sunday? We have a few things planned. Also, please do bring a friend with you. Love you XX

I smiled down at my phone screen and put it back into my jacket pocket. I leaned back on the chair then the office door opened. I stood up in a hurry and saw a man wearing a suit that had a black and red colour scheme. He had grey slick back hair and hazel eyes. The man also had a strong jawline, as sharp as a knife.
"You're no patient" he said to me as he slanted his head at me. I chuckled lightly and I showed him my credentials. He leaned forward for a better view of them.
"I'm agent Grace Williamson, I was recommended to you by Alana Bloom" I informed him as I put away my credentials in my Jean pockets.
"Recommended me for what, may I ask?" He asked me.
"I need help profiling some psychopaths, or just general murderers. Mainly the Chesapeake ripper, I suppose you've heard of them?" I asked him. He nodded his head and opened the door for me.
"Please do come in" he said to me with a faint, welcoming smile on his face. I walked in and I gasped at how beautiful his office was. He had tall walls, with red tones as a colour scheme. He had a large window beside a black, leather therapy chair. In the centre of the room was two black leather chairs that faced each other with glass tables beside them. He had a neat desk located near the centre of the room too and what mainly caught my eye was the balcony full of bookshelves with historic looking books, to get there you needed to use the ladder that was there. He had a few statues around, and they seemed just as expensive as a house.
"Wow... this is beautiful" I complimented as I slowly walked around the office for a better views of things.
"Thank you. I cannot take all the credit for myself, I hired an interior designer. But I can take credit for the masterpieces I have collected throughout the years" he hand gestures across the room and I saw he was pointing at a painting and statue beside a piano. There was a war horse statue and just an abstract painting. He was clearly a rich man and he talked like a gentleman.
"They are impressive" I chuckled. I turned around and he leaned down to pick up a small notebook and pen on one of the two glass tables beside one black, leather chair.
"So what do you know about the Chesapeake ripper?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and put my hands in my jacket pockets.
"We haven't found out how they choose, they normally take an organ with them. They have some medical knowledge, they could've been a doctor or are a doctor. We don't have much" I sighed. Doctor Lecter nodded his head slowly as he looked me up and down.
"Have they killed anyone personal to you? You seem... to be bottling up mixed emotions" he asked me. I raised an eyebrow at him and he walked over to the desk. Did he analyse me?
"They haven't, but I imagine they will if I get too close to the case. They're dangerous, I know the risk I'm willing to take to put them behind bars" I confessed. Doctor Lecter delicately placed his notebook and pen on his desk and he sat down and clasped his hands together, leaning forward on his desk. I walked over and quickly scanned his desk. He had a scalpel, files, letter opener, iPad and some pens on his desk. There was a moment of silence then Doctor Lecter clicked his tongue before saying...
"So if I was to agree to this offer... what would I do?" He asked me.
"Come to crime scenes, analyse bodies and come to conclusions to help us get a profile. Think of it as a side job to your psychiatry." I informed him. He looked me up and down again.
"There will be other agents?" He asked me. I nodded my head.
"Agent Will Graham and Agent Jack Crawford" I told him.
"Will Graham? I thought he was a teacher at the FBI?" He asked me, confused.
"He is, and he has a very unique imagination. Something Jack wants to use" I told him. He nodded his head and did a faint smile.
"Sounds educational" he smiled to me. I smiled back and he stood up to walk over to me.
"It'll be very educational" I promised him as I watched him walk over to me.
"So we'll be... partners?" He asked me.
"I'll be whatever you want me to be" I shrugged my shoulders and we smiled at each other.
"When do I begin?" He asked me.

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