Part 16

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——— Grace's house ———

I picked up Alice and put her on the kitchen counter. I was left to babysit her while my mum and Katie go through my dads stuff to sell, keep or gift.
"What are we baking, Gracie?" She asked me.
"Well, Hannibal is coming back with some ingredients and he's going to tell us what to do. So I don't know either" I giggled. Alice smiled and I tied her hair up into a messy bun, same with my hair.

Hannibal came back with the ingredients. Alice whisked with Hannibal as I weighed out ingredients. I peered over at the two of them and Hannibal guided Alice's hands to whisking the mixture and I couldn't help but smile. He was good with kids.
"And the flour is done" I said as I gave them the small bowl of flour.
"Can I put the flour into the bowl?" Alice Asked us.
"Hannibals the boss" I shrugged my shoulder as I smirked with my hands on my hips. Hannibal nodded his head at Alice and her face lit up.

——— 11:00 PM ———

The cake was good and Alice was asleep in my bed with Buddy while me and Hannibal were downstairs. We were resting on the couch and he had his arms around me.
"Tomorrow I have to drop Alice off then I'm going to see Abigail, if you want to come" I offered to him.
"I don't see why not, I would like to see if she is doing well" Hannibal replied.
"Then I should go see Will... ask him if he knows what he's done..." I murmured to Hannibal. He looked down at me with the expressionless face but I knew he did not like that idea.
"We should let him see for himself, first" Hannibal suggested to me. I sighed as I sat up, turning my body to face Hannibal.
"He's probably confused and needs someone to guide him. I promise it will be in and out" I promised him. He sighed and licked his lips.
"It will be fine" I leaned forward and he leaned closer to me. I closed my eyes as we kissed. He put his hand on my cheek and I used my hands to support my position on the couch. He then put his hand behind my head and I crawled closer to him. I sat on his lap and he traced his hand down my back. I suddenly heard footsteps coming down the stairs slowly and I quickly got off Hannibal and sat beside him, adjusting my hair. Alice came into view, holding her teddy and wiping her tired eyes.
"I had a nightmare..." she whimpered to me. I stood up and walked over to her and picked her up. She dug her head in my neck and sniffled. I looked over at Hannibal and he looked a little sad seeing Alice like this.
"Do you want a bedtime story?" I asked her. She shook her head and she clearly tried to prevent crying as her breathing got more intense. Buddy later then came down the stairs and trotted into the living room.
"Okay, just a few more minutes then back to bed. Okay?" I asked her. She nodded her head and lifted it up and I saw her wipe her teary eyes. I walked over and sat next to Hannibal, Alice clung onto me and sniffled.
"What was it about?" Hannibal asked her. There was a moment of silence and she adjusted her position.
"You were all dead" she answered. Me and Hannibal looked at each other with worry in our eyes.

——— 1 AM ———

I sat beside Alice - who was asleep in my bedroom - and I watched over her, in case she twitched or looked like she was in distress. She rolled over in her sleep and put her hand on Buddy who was curled in a ball. I heard Hannibal creak open the bedroom door and I turned to see he was holding a glass of water. He crept inside the room and put the glass down on the nightstand. He then knelt down beside Alice.
"Do I tell my mum?" I asked him, whispering. He glanced up at me and stared at me for a moment before answering.
"We do not want to concern her but it is after all, her daughter" he whispered to me. I adjusted the duvet on her and stood up, Hannibal grabbed the glass he brought in and followed me out the room. I quietly shut the door and yawned, as I stretched my neck out.
"Thanks again for staying, it's not exactly easy to feel safe in your own home once you find out a serial killer likes you" I smiled. He smiled back at me and held the glass of water out to me. I took it off him and took a sip.
"That's good... but I really should try sleep." I exclaimed to him. He nodded his head and started to walk downstairs, and I followed. I put the water down on the coffee table and Hannibal laid down on the couch.
"Could I stay here with you?" I asked him, mainly because he decided to stay here and make sure I feel safe rather than be at home and I felt thankful for that, and wanted to show it him rather than just tell him.
"Sure" he agreed. I smiled and I crawled over him and I laid on top of him and wrapped my arms around him. He put his arms around me tightly and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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