Part 11

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——— the analysis ———

Seeing 'Johnny Williamson' as a name tag in a morgue made me feel like I was dreaming.
"Don't do it, Grace" Will whispered to me. I shook my head and took a deep breath.
"Gives me more of a reason on why I need to find the ripper" I responded. Jimmy hesitantly opened the door and pulled his body out. My dads skin was grey and rotting, his eyes as white as the clouds, his opened chest started to oxidate, making it a brown colour.
'You are a monster' kept replaying inside my head. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath.
"Close it" Will said but I grabbed the slab and opened my eyes.
"I can do it" I promised him. I made sure my gloves were on right and I opened his mouth and viewed his cut tongue.
"It isn't cut clean off... the ripper could've used scissors or... or a kitchen knife" I started to slip on my words so I stood up right.
"Will, when you reimagined the scene... what happened?" I asked him.
"He was asleep... he first cut his tongue and then... then he cut open his stomach... once he passed out, he hung him up" he exclaimed to me. I closed my eyes and a single tear flowed down, died from blood loss.
"If he was killed Sunday night, why was it midday when he was found by Ella?" Jimmy asked us.
"They fought often and my mum would go into a different room and my dad would go to the garage" I exclaimed to him as I looked at my dads body up and down.
"Slicing the tongue must represent something" Will said to us.
"It does... we fell out on Sunday, said I wasn't his daughter. It was in the letter he left" I tried to swallow my guilt but it was too big.
"Any DNA on him? Did Ella or Alice say anything was weird that night?" Will asked out, aimed to any of us.
"No DNA and Jack said Ella and Alice claimed they didn't hear anything that night" Jimmy answered.

——— the hospital ———

Me and Hannibal walked into the hospital reception and I had my hands in my jacket pockets.
"Hello. We are here to see Abigail Hobbs" Hannibal informed the receptionist.
"Okay, you're just going to have to wait a couple hours. She's under surgery" the receptionist exclaimed to us. I pulled a puzzled look and Hannibal tilted his head.
"No that's... that's Impossible, she just had surgery. What doctor took her?" I asked the receptionist. Their face went cold and that's when I realised Abigail has been taken.
"Call Jack!" I shouted to Hannibal as I ran to her hospital room. I paced up the stairs and hurried to her room. Patients and doctors swung to the wall, seeing me run past them at speed, my heart beating fast. I swung open the door to see Abigail's bed and drip was gone, like she was never here. I looked down the hallway and saw the fire exit. I ran to it and barged open the door using my shoulder. I looked up and down and saw it was a hallway to a car park or the front of the hospital. I ran down to the car park and I saw a man dressed up in a doctors outfit, pushing Abigail's bed but it was clearly too heavy. I pulled out my gun and shouted.
"Stop where you are! Or I will shoot!" I shouted to him. The man turned around and I saw he had beady, black glasses on. They were balding and seemed to be in their 40's. He saw my gun and whimpered.
"Where are you taking her?" I asked him.
"You dug up my garden" he scowled to me. I bit my bottom lip and he suddenly tried to grab something. I dived behind a car and bullets went everywhere. I was afraid if I shoot, it would shoot Abigail - who is unconscious from the drug access he just had.
"You'll only get into more trouble" I shouted out to him. The bullets then stopped and I heard the click of his trigger, his magazine ran out. I charged out of cover and I ran to him, I saw he reloaded his gun so I threw my pistol at his face and it hit his nose. He dropped his gun and cupped his nose and I saw blood leak through his fingers. I threw him to the floor and he fell onto his stomach. He coughed from the impact of the ground and I hand cuffed him. I grabbed his hands and violently put them behind his back.
"Ouch, ouch, ouch OUCH! Okay, listen. I can tell you everything just please stop" he begged me. I leaned down and whispered in his ear "talk". He took a few breathers and I loosened my grip on his hands and his whole body relaxed.
"Okay, okay. When you plant someone, the spores can feel you. The-They follow you." He exclaimed to me, yet I didn't get it.
"I-I saw the Freddie Lounds article, you-you want to feel connected to Abigail. I can help you with that" he promised me. I put my knee on his back and pushed down, he yelped in pain. I was so angry at what he tried to do to Abigail.
"You're going to be locked up for a while" I warned him. He then started to sob. I heard the fire exit door burst open and footsteps rushing to my directions, I waited for Jack to reveal himself. Jack came around the corner with Will and Hannibal, with the odd few agents. They saw me with my knee on him, handcuffed.
"Well done, Agent Williamson" Jack praised me. I gave him a faint smile and stood up, the man gasped for air and coughed.
"Do you know why he wanted Abigail?" Jack asked me.
"We did just demolish his garden, Jack. He was clearly going to replace it" scoffed Will with his arms crossed.
"He's right. He said he also saw the Freddie Lounds article about me. The one about me and Abigail, said he wanted to help me. Said something about spores feeling you" I informed them all. I heard the agents hustle behind me and I turned to see the man had his cuffed hands in front of him rather than behind him, which made me feel unsafe. I walked over and I knelt down to pick up my gun. I checked my gun to see some of the mans mans bleed on it and I wiped it on my jeans.
I looked up and saw the man had pushed over the two agents that were leading him away and he was running for his gun. He picked it up and then me, Will and Jack aimed our guns at him.
"Drop the weapon" instructed Jack. The man had the gun aimed at the floor. His hands were violently shaking, making his cuffs hit the gun making some noise. He was sweating and was clearly under stress.
"He's overwhelmed, we can talk him down" I heard Hannibal whisper to Will.
"Let's just... all put our weapons down and you come with us, peacefully. No violence, no need to make this all worse" I said to the man calmly. I slowly put my gun on the ground and raised my hands.
"Grace what're you doing?" Jack asked me. I told him to shush and he looked at me confused. I slowly stood up, my hands still in the air.
"See? My gun is down..." I slowly walked towards him and I heard them all whisper between them.
"I know you're scared right now, that's okay... let's just talk" I promised to him. I saw he was loosening his grip around the gun, that was still aimed at the ground.
"You can trust me... I won't let anything bad happen to you, you have my word" I promised to him. I was getting closer and closer to him. Once I got close up, I put my hands around the gun slowly and he was so shaken up.
"See? It's okay.." I promised him. Suddenly, he knocked the gun out my hands and shot himself in the temple. I closed my eyes and I felt the blood spit all over my face and I heard his body drop. I just stood there, frozen, too scared to open my eyes. I heard footsteps surround me and someone wipe my face.
"You did all you could" I could tell that was Hannibal's voice.

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