Part 2

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A few days later

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A few days later...
I was walking my dog (Buddy) ,who was a Pitbull, into the forest and I had my hands in my coat pockets as twigs snapped under my shoes.
"He is an adorable being" Hannibal said to me, referring to Buddy. I looked over at Hannibal and he had a trench coat on, showing off his blue tie. I smiled at him then looked forward again to see Buddy running around and jumping into small leaf piles.
"When I moved out my parents house, I didn't like being alone, so I got Buddy" I informed him as we slowly walked.
"So, did Will teach you while you were in the FBI academy?" He asked me. I shook my head.
"He wasn't my teacher. I was actually taken out of class once, by Jack, and he needed my help for a case. I was in the top of my class, so that's probably why they picked me." I responded. Buddy walked back to us with a twig in his mouth and he sat down in front of us both. Me and Hannibal chuckled and he picked the twig out Buddy's mouth and threw it somewhere, he then viewed his dirty hands and he pulled out a napkin and wiped off the mud. It didn't surprise me much, Hannibal was a clean man.
"About yesterday's homicide, did you get Francis Doyle?" He asked me. I nodded my head.
"Me and Jack did a raid of his apartment block. He had the bodies of two girls in his bathtub, but he filled the bathtub with ice cubes" I exclaimed to him, confused.
"Caught him red handed" Hannibal responded. I heard Buddy bark and I looked up to see he was sniffing around a buck. It's antlers were tall and it was a muscular buck. I turned my head over to Hannibal slowly and he seemed mesmerised by the wild animal.
"Oh wow..." I gasped, lost for words.
"What a beautiful creature.." Hannibal muttered.
"You think it'll run away if we approach?" I asked him.
"It is still a wild animal, however it did not run away from Buddy who is a predator to them" Hannibal said to me. I slowly approached and the buck shot it's head up once it heard a twig snap and saw me and Hannibal slowly walking towards it. I showed my hands and I slightly reached out for it. It stepped back a little and Buddy walked away. I put my hand on the buck's face and it moved back a little but gave in. It slowly closed its eyes and I laughed, astonished it worked. Hannibal then started to stroke its body, we were both smiling.
"Just wait till I tell Alice, she'll be so jealous" I chuckled. Alice was my little sister, she was so sweet and people described her as miniature me. The buck then got startled by something and ran off. I jolted back and I fell into a mud pile. I gasped and slowly raised my arms and looked around myself. Hannibal walked over to me and held his hand out. I started to laugh and I looked up at Hannibal to see he was smiling, clearly avoiding to laugh. I took a hold of his rough palms and he pulled me up. The mud puddle made a loud squelch as I was pulled out of it.
"Is it bad?" I asked him as I was laughing. He checked the back of me and I heard him let out a faint gasp.
"Oh no..." I chuckled as I felt my cheeks redden.
"It's... pretty bad" he confessed.
"But I have to go pick up Alice in half an hour" I gasped.
"And we need to go back to the head quarters once your father picks up Alice from your home" he reminded me.
"Looks like the walk is cut short" I sighed. I whistled for Buddy and he came running back with a stick. I knelt down and I attached a leash on him and we walked back to the car.

——— Grace's home ———

I was on my knees as I was washing Buddy in the bathtub. I had cleaned and changed out of my dirty clothes, I was now just wearing leggings and a long sleeved tight shirt. Buddy splashed in the water and got some water on me.
"Ugh, Buddy" I groaned as I looked down at my shirt and saw water splashes on it. I heard the bathroom door creak open and I looked over to see Hannibal leaning on the bathroom door frame, staring at buddy in the tub.
"I can hear him downstairs" he smiled. I laughed and continued to scrub dog soap onto him.
"He used to love baths, now I have to carry him to one" I said. Hannibal knelt down beside me and he had rolled his sleeves up, showing his veining arms.
"I'm rather fond of dogs" he confessed as he helped me scrub soap into him.
"What about cats?" I asked him. I analysed his face and he almost cringed as a response.
"They are pretty creatures, I would not own one however" he told me.
"I agree" I grabbed a jug and I poured water on Buddy to wash the soap out. Hannibal just cupped water using his hands and poured it onto Buddy.
"Okay, Bud, you're free" I joked as I stood up and grabbed a towel. I turned around with the towel I just grabbed and saw Hannibal had already taken him out the bathtub and was already drying him with a towel. Buddy was still, but with me he wouldn't be, and he licked Hannibal's face and Hannibal laughed, as well as me.

——— collecting Alice ———

Me and Hannibal waited outside the school gates - where I always am  when I collect Alice - since the school is always crowded and I trust Alice. I had my hands in my Jean pockets and Hannibal had his arms beside him.
"How Old is Alice?" He asked me.
"Ten" I informed him. I ruffled my brunette hair up.
"You were fifteen when she was born?" Hannibal asked me. I nodded my head and looked over at him.
"My mum was fifteen when she had me" I confessed to him. We stared into each other's eyes before I got a phone notification. I pulled my phone out my pocket and checked.

Grace, another girl was abducted. We're going to the victims house, please come ASAP. Bring Hannibal too.

I let out a loud sigh and I put my phone away.
"Another abduction. We're gonna have to hurry, unless you wanna go now and I'll see you there?" I asked him. He shook his head and clicked his tongue.
"I much prefer your presence there" he confessed. I nodded my head and looked back into the school. I glanced over at Hannibal's wrist watch and Alice was later than usual. I looked back into the school gate and Hannibal looked over at me.
"Is something wrong, Grace?" He asked me.
"Alice would've been out sooner..." I murmured to him. I moved my position so I could look further in but I still couldn't see her. I walked into the gates and I spun around and just saw parents reunited with their children.
I turned around and saw Alice running towards me with open arms. I picked her up and she hugged me I tightly. She always calls me 'Gracie' even though she knows I'm called Grace, she's called Gracie ever since she was learning to talk.
"Oh where were you?" I asked her playfully, extremely relieved Alice was okay. I saw Hannibal walk towards us and he smiled faintly at the sight of us. I wonder if he has any siblings...
"I'm sorry, I was getting my drawing" she showed me a piece of paper and it was a drawing of a volcano with some glitter and bits of ripped paper.
"Oh that's very good, Alice" I praised her. I put her back down on the floor and she looked up at Hannibal. She had met him before, but that was just when I made a quick visit home for some things.
"Hello again, Alice" he said. Alice did a faint wave at him.
"Hi again" she replied.
"Okay, let's get you home" I took a hold of her hand and we walked back to the car.
"Thanks again for coming, Hannibal" I said to him. He was on my left and Alice was on my right. He glanced over at me and stared into my eyes before responding.
"Of course" Hannibal responded.
"Are you Gracie's boyfriend?" Alice asked Hannibal, leaning forward to see him. My eyes widened and Hannibal's mouth slightly opened.
"Mmm... no" Hannibal responded.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because we just aren't, Alice, I'm sure he's got eyes for a lucky lady" I expressed to Alice, trying to not make things awkward between me and Hannibal.
"You could be that lucky lady, Gracie" she tugged on my hand, I looked down at her and she had a sibling smile on.
"Highly doubtful." I responded. I looked back over at Hannibal and he let out a sigh and had his hands in his coat pockets. I mouthed 'I'm sorry' to him and he just smirked at me and looked forward again.

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