Part 27

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Two weeks later...

I was in recovery for the incident that had occurred two weeks back. My lungs were slightly damaged and my leg needed some serious recovery. We don't know what did the large gash wound, but it was sharp and deep. I managed to convince Jack that Will is innocent and they had their suspicions on it too, I still wonder if the ripper did lie to us though, he doesn't spark me as a liar. Now there's just the talk on if Will should be released into society again. Still nothing off the Chesapeake ripper so I felt like life was going back to normal. I frequently went to go see my family and especially Katie. Now, I was at Hannibal's home after a long day with Alice and Buddy, running around at the park.

——— hannibal's home ———

I laid on his couch and looked up at the ceiling. I sighed and felt a body sit down on the couch. I raised my head up to see Hannibal had sat down in his pyjama bottoms and was shirtless - like he is most nights. I rested my head back down on the arm chair and I felt calm, I haven't felt like this in a long time. The Chesapeake ripper has eased on his murders and letters, Will was almost free, Abigail is free from Jack's eyes - Jack the was determined to find out if she accompanied her father - and I didn't feel entitled to work 24/7 to save everyone. Everyone was almost safe. Hannibal put his finger on my leg - since I was in shorts - injury and I felt him slowly trace his finger down it. It was a large wound, but was healing very well and was just soon to be a scar.
"I thought I was going to lose you that day..." he murmured to me. I chuckled and put my arm under my head.
"So did I. I got off easy to be fair" I smiled. I heard him chuckle and rest his head back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling with me.
"How was Alice today?" He asked me.
"Oh she was so happy. You should've seen her today. We all jumped around into leaf piles, puddles... She's getting better everyday." I told him.
"That's nice to hear, she deserves happiness" he responded to me. I nodded my head in agreement and adjusted my position on the couch, rising my hips and shuffling further into the couch.
"How else have you spent your free time? I suppose it felt strange" he joked. I laughed since it was true, I've never had such free time before.
"I learnt a few recipes actually. Then I just watched TV and played on my guitar, it was sooo relaxing" I exclaimed to him, not adding Carl's spam texts. Carl had just kept begging for me to see him again, I don't know why he suddenly wants to reconnect with me, but I plan on staying loyal to Hannibal - even if it's not official.
"I have a question" I said to him.
"Hm?" He responded. I thought for a moment before I asked this question, hoping to not make it awkward.
"What is this?" I asked him. I mentally smacked myself in the face for phrasing it like that.
"Us?" He questioned me. I sighed and put my hand on my thigh.
"Yeah..." I muttered to him. I felt a slight rustle on the couch and I looked down to see Hannibal spreading my legs apart and laying on top of me.
"It can be whatever you want it to be" he told me. He smirked at me and I just couldn't help but smile.
"Ha, cute" I said sarcastically. He chuckled with me slanted his head at me.
"You don't strike me as someone who likes... commitment" he said to me. My mouth opened a little as I tried to think of what to say, but I was tongue tied.
"Is it something to do with Carl, and that scar on your nose?" He asked me. I sat up, making him sit up too. I stared down at the floor for a moment, to think if I should confess. I felt him collect my hair and put it behind my back.
"We were so stupid" I mumbled to him. I shuffled beside him and he wrapped his arms around me, holding my head close to his chest.
"What happened?" He asked me. I put my feet on the couch and I leaned in closer to him, just to smell him a little more. His scent gives me butterflies and a wave of safety.
"We were stupid teenagers doing stupid things... me, Carlos and..." I paused for a moment and gulped, then continued "and my best friend... She was called Jasmine" I smiled. Jasmine was so beautiful. Everyone loved her at school, boys and girls would fall onto their knees just seeing her. She always knew how to cheer me up. Her fashion sense and music taste was so perfect, everyone loved it. We'd dress up in her room and dance to 2000 songs, always getting told off by her parents though - they loved me as their daughter. I sighed and all the memories of me and Jasmine got bigger in my mind, like the time we both went swimming in a local river with some friends on a warm sunny day, or the time when we both did a stick and poke together with matching tattoos - that faded after a year. We were stupid and reckless but that's what we loved about each other.
"Carl and his friends said there was somewhere nice to drink and talk.... it was an old factory, the machines were rusty and there was smashed glass everywhere. We were walking over a machine, but the platform wobbled. Me and Jasmine said we should turn back but Carl and his friends said it was fine. We kept going and.. it collapsed... I tried to hold onto her, but I just couldn't... when she fell, she broke something down there. It... knocked off what I was holding on but I could jump to safety... I fell in some sharp stuff and that's how I got my scar. I tried to help Jasmine but she was..." I closed my eyes and I couldn't finish my sentence. Jasmine was the whole world to me, I would exchange my life for hers any day. "I blame myself for that day... and Carl" I exclaimed to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and a few single tears rolled down my cheek.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you.." he whispered to me as he kissed my head and tightened his grip around me, making me feel warm and safe.

——— 9 PM ———

(Song above) I strummed on my guitar strings as Hannibal played the piano keys. I tapped the floor for the beat and since there wasn't many piano notes in the song, I saw Hannibal glaring down at me while smirking. I hummed the lyrics to stay in tune and I kept laughing under my breath. Once the song was over, I looked to see Hannibal smiling at me. I smiled back at him and put the guitar beside the piano.
"How long have you known how to play?" He asked me. I thought for the moment and looked up at the ceiling as I thought.
"Around... eleven years?" I answered, a little unsure. I stood up from the piano stool and I leaned down and kissed Hannibal a few times before laying back down on the couch again. I laid on my back and looked up at the ceiling.
"Did you always want to be a psychiatrist as a kid?" I asked him. I felt his body sit down on the couch and there was a moment of silence.
"No. I was originally a surgeon, but someone died in my care. So I switched to healing the human mind and nobody has died as a result of my therapy" he joked. I chuckled and then he spread my legs apart and laid down on top of me again.
"Did you always want to be in the FBI?" He asked me. I smiled and bit the inside of my cheek before answering.
"I wanted to be... am interior designer" I started to laugh, since it had been so long since I thought of that. Also, the FBI and interior design are completely opposite jobs. Hannibal chuckled on my chest and I started to play with his soft hair. I heard him let out a relieved sigh under his breath.
"So that exclaims why you were so struck when you saw my interior design and possibly exclaims your art talent" he said under his breath.
"Maybe. You're a talented... well, talented at everything" I smiled. He pushed himself up, still on top of me. He looked down at me and I had my hands on his neck and head. He slowly leaned down and planted his lips on top of mine. I ran my hand through his hair as we made out. He pulled away from my lips and started to leave wet kisses on my neck and collarbone. I bit my bottom lip and adjusted my hands around his head. I peered over at his biceps and they were so madly attractive. I felt his hand explore all over my body then he started to tug at my shorts. I let out a quiet moan and I heard a slight rustle then him push himself inside me. I gasped and I gripped on his hair. He went at a slow pace and he lifted his head up from my neck and looked down at me. I looked up at the ceiling as I closed my eyes and I felt his hand slowly reach up to my throat and he slowly tightened it. I gripped onto his wrist and another moan slipped out my mouth. He quickened his pace and started to grunt, making me start to moan continuously. I tightened my grip around his wrists using my two hands and he put one hand beside my head, gripping on the arm chair and his hand tightened around my throat. I gasped and his grunts got louder as well as my moans.
"Shit..." I moaned out and I put my hands around his neck. He quickened his pace and thrusted into me, making me cry outloud.
"Fuck..." I moaned out. He let go of my throat and put his hand beside my head on the arm chair, giving himself full support. I put my hands on his back and started to claw at it. My eyes rolled back and he hit my G-Spot. I gasped and cried out loud as he hit it over and over. I bit my bottom lip and more moans slipped out. His grunts got louder as did my moans and then there was a knock at the door. He stopped and we both exchanged looks.
"Who is it?!" Hannibal asked out, not pulling out. I was taking in heavy breaths, as was he.
"Sorry about the time, it's your neighbour on the top floor. I just needed to ask you about something, won't be long!" The deep voice shouted over to us. Hannibal sighed and looked down at me and whispered to me.
"This isn't over"
I bit my bottom lip to hide my smirk and he pulled out. I sat up and watched him adjust his pants and walk towards the door and open it up, I didn't hear much afterwards.

"And where were we?" He asked me as he came into my view. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I wrapped my Arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and he kissed me. He walked somewhere and hit me against the wall. I didn't even get a chance to Yelp once he clashed his lips against mine.

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