Part 28

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A week later....

The Chesapeake started doing his letters again. I only got one within a month and he didn't seem as weird and confessed he lied about Will, meaning we could let him back into society. Katie's pregnancy was going well and I was still over the moon about it. Abigail was starting a book about her life with Freddie Lounds and I often visited her, Abigail even called me mum by accident - not that I mind.

——— FBI HQ ———

I was in the gym, trying to gain my strength back. I adjusted my ponytail as sweat rolled down my body. I glanced at myself in the mirror to see my crop top and sweatpants were also a little sweaty. I adjusted my sweatpants and took a gulp from my water. I heard the door creak open and I turned to see Will wander in with his hands in his pockets. He looked more stable than I last saw him. He wasn't drenched in sweat, he looked calm and had gathered himself together. He took a glance around the small gym then his eyes landed on me. It was clear the both of us didn't know what to say.
"How do you feel?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and put my bottle down on the floor again.
"Tired but.. means it's working" I smiled. I wrapped my knuckles up in rags to protect them as I walked towards the punching bag.
"Jack said you got another letter?" He asked me. I began to punch at the bag and thought of what to say next.
"I did. It wasn't bad though, he admitted to lying about you. Didn't strike me as a person who lied" I said to Will as I put more effort in, feeling my ponytail swing.
"What was on it?" He questioned me as he walked over to me.
"Nothing that'll help us." I answered. He then put his hand on the punching bag, forcing me to look at him. I was a little irritated by this.
"What?" I asked him, shrugging my shoulders.
"Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked me as he raised his head up a little. I scoffed and put my hands on my hips.
"About this case... or my private life?" I asked him, showing slight anger in my voice. He just simply shrugged his shoulders as he analysed me.
"You have a suspect, don't you?" He realised. I opened my mouth to say something but I just sighed and looked at the floor.
"Who? Hannibal?" He asked on.
"I-I don't know! Okay?! He said-" I tried to exclaim but the door creaked open. Me and Will both swung around to see Hannibal walking in, wearing his signature suit and trench coat. He looked at mine and Will's face and seemed slightly confused.
"Am I... interrupting?" He asked me.
"No. I was just leaving" Will said then he hurried out the room. Me and Hannibal watched him leave then looked at each other confused.
"I don't know either" I shrugged my shoulders then went back to boxing. Hannibal slowly walked around the gym and looked down at my small pile of my belongings - phone, keys, badge.
"Carl has left you forty-seven messages" he said to me. I sighed and rested my head on the punching bag.
"He hasn't stopped" I groaned.
"Have you thought of getting a new number?" He questioned me.
"I'd lose too much contacts, and my number would be unknown to some very important people" I exclaimed to him, catching my breath. There was a moment of silence so I lifted my head up and took off my rags from my knuckles, showing they were slightly red but not worrying.
"Jack instructed me to tell you to see him at his office, not sure why" Hannibal told me. I grabbed my things off the floor and exhaled, knowing it was going to be another murder.
"Got it... I'll be a few minutes" I replied back to Hannibal, since I did need to shower after my workout.
"Sure" he smiled to me. I would've kissed him but I was sweaty. I just simply left the room and headed to the showers.

I walked into Jack's office, adjusting my shirt as I walked in. Will, Alana, Hannibal and Jack all turned to look at me and I just glanced at them all, a little confused.
"Hi...?" I said to them as I gave them a faint wave. They were all standing up, except for Jack. Hannibal had his coat in his hands while Will had his hands in his pockets. Alana, as usual, had her arms crossed and I was adjusting my clothes on myself.
"This case could be personal to you, Grace. So we've all decided they maybe you should... not do this one" Jack said to me, slowly and calmly. I slowly looked around them all and they were looking down at the ground, making me remember about the time my dad was brutally murdered.
"Who is it this time..?" I asked to them, quietly. I had many thoughts that moment and they were all dreadful thoughts. Maybe Katie was killed, or my mum. Maybe Abigail or Alice was hurt, I just screamed in my head repeating them thoughts over and over.
"Could've been your friend" Will said to me. It was sort of a relief to hear that because I don't have that many friends, I just have people to drink with.
"I.. wait, what's going on? I just need a name and I'll be out of your hair. I promise" I raised my hands, surrendering to show they have my word.
"Daniel Kaye, you know him?" Will asked me. I never thought I would hear that name again, especially not in work.
"He's an Old school friend... he's... hes" that's when Carl came into my mind and they were best friends.
"He's close to someone I used to talk to" I exclaimed to them all. They all exchanged looks but Hannibal just looked me up and down slowly.
"Carl's friend?" Hannibal asked me. I nodded my head and put my hands in my jackets pockets.
"You think this 'Carl' had anything to do with it?" Jack asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and bit my bottom lip, to bite the flesh off it. It wouldn't surprise me if Carl did kill him but they were so close when I last saw them together.
"Not too sure, wouldn't surprise me" I answered to Jack. He nodded his head at me and looked down at his desk, where the crime scene photos are.
"I'll take a look at the body, then can we bring Carl in for an interrogation?" I offered out to them. They all exchanged looks and Alana hadn't said much of a word.
"What do we have to lose?" Will murmured out.

——— Interrogation ———

Me, Jack and Hannibal were behind the mirror and looked at Carl sat in the empty room. He had his arms crossed and leaned back on his chair and didn't seem angry, sad, confused, scared... he just seemed... neutral?
"All yours, Grace" Jack said to me, snapping me out of it. I walked past Hannibal and headed into the interrogation room and Carl swung his body round and smirked at me as he chewed his gum once he heard me open the door. I shut the door and dropped the file on the table, not smiling. I sat down in front of him and he tilted his head at me as he looked me up and down.
"Out of everyone... they send you" he smirked.
"Why? Any objections?" I asked him with a stern tone. He raised his hands and chuckled.
"None here, ma'am" he teased, making me wanna barf. I opened up the file and laid out the crime scene photos. He peered down at them and didn't show much of a reaction.
"That was your best friend, Carl!" I reminded him, pointing at Daniel's mauled face. He just looked back up at me as he chewed his gum.
"He's dead. Why do you not care?" I asked him. Then it clicked.
"You did it didn't you. Why?" I asked him. He didn't respond so I slammed my hand on the desk and he didn't show much of a reaction.
"Jasmine then Daniel. Who's next? Me?" I shouted at him as I stood up and put my hands on the table.
"I didn't kill Jasmine" he reminded me.
"Yes you did. You told us to go there, when she said no!" I reminded him, angered.
"You let her go, Grace." He whispered to me. I closed my eyes and looked down, the guilt seeping into me again.
"Why did you kill Daniel?" I asked him, calmly. He still didn't answer and I looked over at where Jack and Hannibal would be. Although I couldn't see them, they could see me. I was on the verge of giving up but I couldn't. I looked back over at Carl and he just chewed his gum.
"Cut it out. Getting on my nerves" I groaned, meaning the gum.
"Uh-huh." He mumbled, but didn't stop.
"So why did you do it? Did you know I'd be in the case?" I asked him. He leaned forward on the desk and stared into my eyes. I stared back into his eyes and didn't break away.
"Whos the guy you've been fucking?" He whispered to me. I looked back over at where Jack and Hannibal are watching and hoped they didn't hear that.
"Like I'd tell you. You gonna kill him next?" I whispered back to him.
"Maybe." He whispered back to me. Then a thought came to my mind.
"Did Daniel like me or something?" I mumbled to him - I'm not egotistical but he's a little obsessed.
"Said some very... harsh things about you that I couldn't let go" he whispered back to me. He leaned closer to me and I stayed where I was, not showing to him that he was dominant.
"And what did he say that made you do that to him? You ripped his face off, Carl" I reminded him, staying quiet since he wanted his conversation to seem private. He looked me up and down then stared back into my eyes. I glanced down at his scar on his lip and he smirked, thinking I wanted to kiss him but he didn't make a move.
"Don't worry, he deserved it.. so tell me, who's the guy? What does he have that I don't?" He asked me. I sighed and didn't notice him leaning closer to me.
"He has everything you don't. Especially a heart" i scowled to him. He suddenly tried to kiss me but I stood up and my chair knocked over. Carl then stood up and seemed confused. I adjusted my hair and tried to hide my fear by gulping.
"Fuck Grace! Please" he cried to me. The door opened. Me and Carl turned to see Hannibal, Jack and a police officer. I hurried over to Hannibal and fell into his arms and I heard Carl get cuffed.
"Is that him, huh? Hey-Hey!" Carl shouted as he started to be dragged away. I heard his shackles get closer since we were by the door and I dug my chest closer into Hannibals chest.
"She's mine. Fucking touch her one more time and I'll kill you. You hear me!" Carl's screams faded and I was shivering in Hannibal's arms.
"You two okay?" Jack asked us both. There was silence for a moment and I avoided the question.
"It was him. He admitted to it, in his own way"

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