Part 14

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——— Grace's parents home ———

I took a few breathers before entering my second home, where my mum and Alice lived. Hannibal was sat in the car waiting for me, since I wouldn't be long. I slowly approached the door and I put my hand around the door knob and I slowly pushed it open. The door creaked open and I heard the TV fill up the silent house.
"Agent Grace Williamson and Agent Jack Crawford have caught the Chesapeake ripper last night at 12:32 AM. He is known as Will Graham, a teacher at the FBI academy. Agent Crawford said he couldn't of done it without the help of Agent Williamson and Doctor Hannibal Lecter, who was partnered with Agent Williamson" the news said on the TV.
"Mum?" I asked out. She hurried out the living room and she was crying. She ran over and hugged me as she cried.
"You did it, baby!" She cried to me. I hugged her back and closed my eyes as I sobbed with her. I saw Alice come out the living room and she was also crying. I held my arm out to her and she strolled over. We all cried in each other's arms.

——— the FBI HQ ———

Me, Jack, Alana and Hannibal were all in Jack's office, talking about Will. Jack was sat behind his desk, Alana paced the room, I was sat on the chairs directly in front of Jack's desk and Hannibal stood beside me, with his trench coat in his hands.
"I warned you, Jack! I warned you!" Shouted Alana.
"I needed his help, Alana! He saved lives!" Jack reminded her.
"You broke him" Hannibal said out loud.
"Oh my god, it's not just Jack's fault! It's everyone's. It's mine, it's Jack's, it's Hannibals, Alana and the media! We all should've seen the signs" I shouted to everyone. The room fell silent and I put my head in my hands.
"So he called Garret Jacob Hobbs?" Alana asked us.
"Probably" Jack sighed. I hit my foot on the ground in anger and avoided crying again.
"How did we not see the signs! He was right in front of us!" I shouted. I raised my head and everyone was looking at me. The room went silent again and I hated it so much, it was like we were dealing with the death of Will.
"Does Abigail know?" Alana asked us.
"No. She hasn't even fully woken up from the heavy drugs the man at the hospital gave her" Jack informed Alana. I got a flashback of the gunshot and I cleared my throat and looked around the room.
"So what now?" Hannibal asked us.
"We keep doing what we did before, doing our jobs" Jack responded.
"What about Abigail? Will was such a huge help to the crimes. It's not going to be like last time" I scoffed to Jack.
"Why don't you take a break, Grace? You've been through so much" Alana suggested to me. I just shook my head.
"I'm not giving up. If I can stop another murder then l'll stop it" I stood up and I put the radio - that Jack gave me yesterday - down onto his desk. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.
"It's done" I then left the room.

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