Part 32

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A month later....

Abigail now addresses me as her mum - and I love that. It makes me feel warm inside and I feel almost blessed that she feels safe around me, so I've adapted onto the role as her mother. Katie had her baby and I was actually off to go see her healthy baby girl with Hannibal, since I have a few more vacation days then I need to go back to work.

——— Alice's and Ella's home ———

Me and Hannibal walked into the living room to see Alice knelt beside Katie's knees, mum wasn't in the room and Collin was at work. My eyes dawned upon the newborn in Katie's arms and my heart melted. I glanced up at Hannibal and he also stared in awe.
"Hi you two" smiled Katie.
"Hello" Hannibal responded. I just stared at her baby.
"She's called Clara" Alice told us as she rested her head on the arm chair, for a better view of baby Clara. I walked over and sat down next to Katie and she chuckled once she saw my amazed face. Most babies are ugly when they're born, but Clara was adorable with her onesie on that barely fitted her. Hannibal put his finger beside Clara's hand and her hand was so small. Clara held onto the finger Hannibal held out to her and he chuckled since Clara's hand didn't even fully wrap around Hannibal's finger. 
"It's so small!" Shrieked Alice. Everyone chuckled and I was having extreme baby fever. Clara's eyes were still closed and she kicked her legs about.
"You wanna hold her?" Katie asked me. I faintly gasped and shook my head.
"I-I don't know how to hold a baby, especially a newborn" I stuttered on my words. I was so afraid of hurting a baby, especially someone else's.
"It is easy, Grace, do not worry" Hannibal promised me. Katie held Clara up to Hannibal and he carefully took her off her. Hannibal supported Clara's head and she started to cry so Hannibal rocked her slowly. I just stared in astonishment, he did not lie when he said he had many talents.
"You're a natural" Katie complimented Hannibal. He lightly chuckled and he turned to face me.
"You must try, Grace" he said to me. I shook my head and raised my hands but he still leaned down and put her on my lap. Hannibal took a hold of my hand and guided it to where I should hold her.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" I panicked.
"It's okay, Clara is okay" He promised me. I nodded my head slowly and looked down at Clara in arms. She made little baby noises and I smiled. Baby fever was extreme.
"I told you that you'd be fine" Katie teased me. I chuckled and Alice leaned over for a better look at Clara in my arms. I heard footsteps and I looked up to see mum and Collin entering the room. My mum smiled and looked down at Clara in my arms.
"You'd be a great mother" Collin said to me. I smiled and looked back down at Clara, thinking of Abigail.
"Wouldn't she" Hannibal agreed. Clara yawned and rubbed her nose using the back of her hand and I stared in awe. How can this baby be so cute?
"I'm hosting a rather large dinner party tomorrow evening. I'd love for you all to come" Hannibal informed us all. I heard of all the parties Hannibal hosted and it did sound like Alice would really not enjoy to be there.
"I would love to go" smiled my mum. I adjusted Clara's head on me then looked up to my mum - who was standing beside Collin in the door frame. Clara suddenly started to cry.
"Ooohhhhh no" I gasped, since I didn't know what to do. Hannibal leaned down and picked her up. Everyone watched him slowly rock her and I heard Katie ruffle in her bag.
"She's probably just hungry" Katie mumbled to us all.

——— Grace's home ———

I had a small built-in pool in my backyard and I invited over Abigail and Alice - girls day. I adjusted Alice's swimming goggles while we were both in my bedroom and Abigail was in the back yard. I was simply in a black laced bikini for today.
"Can we play Marco Polo?" Alice asked me. I chuckled as I tightened the goggles around her.
"Sure" I smiled. I heard her giggle and I picked her up and carried her to the backyard. I opened up the back door and I saw Abigail laying on the sun beds. I put my finger against my lips to Alice, to tell her to be silent and she grinned once she knew what I wanted to do. I slowly put Alice down on the floor and crept over to Abigail - who had her eyes closed on the sun beds. As I got closer, I noticed her scar on her throat was fading well but will always be apart of her. I shouted out random words and she jumped up. We all bursted out laughing and she pushed me into the pool. I gasped and hurried to the surface.
"Not nice is it?" Teased Abigail. I noticed Alice dying of laughter and Abigail was grinning.
"I mean, I was planning on getting in anyway so..." I smirked then laid on my back and floated about.

"Marco..." Abigail shouted out.
"Polo" Alice shouted. I then shouted after Alice and Abigail was swimming over to my direction with her arms out. I held my breath and tried to stay as still as possible. I then saw Hannibal emerge out the house and I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back at me and Abigail grabbed me. I shirked and everyone laughed.
"You two do a round without me, I won't be long" I promised them. I swam over to the edge and I pulled my body out the water and slicked my hair back and walked over to Hannibal, adjusting my bikini. I felt the water drip down my body and Hannibal seemed a little tongue tied.
"Hi. Everything okay?" I asked him. He glanced back up at me and gave me a faint smile, nodding his head.
"Yeah, I was just coming by to see if you're okay" he said to me.
"Yeah, everything is okay over here. It was a little warm so I decided to bring over Abigail and Alice" both me and Hannibal turned around and saw the girls laughing in the pool, making us both smile.
"I was also coming over to ask you if you would like to try out some foods I plan on serving tomorrow, there's no rush" he promised me. I nodded my head and slicked back my hair again.
"I don't see why not. I trust Abigail with Alice and my mum is coming by to take them both home soon anyways" I told him. He slowly nodded his head at me and I turned to shout at the girls.
"I'm going out! Pizza is in the fridge if you want to heat it up!" I reminded him. Abigail gave me a thumbs up and Alice waved me goodbye, I waved them both goodbye and I headed inside.
"Just gotta shower, I won't be long" I said to Hannibal as I rushed upstairs.

I put my bikini in the washing basket - that was located in the corner of the bathroom - and started a steamy shower. I waited for the shower to warm up and the steam had already fogged up the mirror, and heated up the entire room. I stepped inside and let the water run all over my face then I washed the chlorine off myself.

——— Hannibal's home ———

Me and Hannibal were both in his kitchen, sat at his breakfast bar. I had my glass of water beside me, along with some small dishes that Hannibal wanted me to try, I knew he didn't need a taste tester but just wanted some time with me which I thought was cute.
"And it's topped off with cranberry sauce" Hannibal informed me as he spooned a little on his table spoon.
"Sounds nice" I smiled to him. He smiled back to me then held the spoon out to me. I took it off him and tasted it. There was a lot of flavours in my mouth but they all fitted neatly together.
"Probably my favourite out of them all" I confessed. He chuckled and I took a sip of my ice cold water.
"I haven't asked yet, how do you feel?" He asked me. I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked me up and down for a split second.
"You nearly died in my arms, Grace. Twice" he reminded me. I sighed and scratched my cheek, thinking of how to respond.
"Well, I feel fine now... tomorrow is my last vacation day then I'm back at work so it's all going back to normal" I put my arms around his neck and he smirked at me.
"I suppose so. I rather miss little Clara" he said to me. I chuckled, since I did too.
"She's so cute, babies normally look ugly when they're born" I joked. Hannibal chuckled and he put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to his body.
"Do you remember when Alice was little?" He questioned me. I hesitantly nodded my head - trying to remember - and I leaned forward, close to his lips.
"She was cute, can't remember much" I whispered to him. He stroked my cheek with thumb and let out a small sigh, imprinting onto my face. I think I honestly loved this man, and I wasn't the type to think that. I opened my mouth to say that to him but I just didn't know how.
"Goddamn it..." I murmured to myself, closing my eyes and dreading to open them again. I felt Hannibal calmly put his lips on top of mine and I kissed back, feeling a little heart broken that I actually could love him. People say love is a great thing, but Is it? I feel like everyone I love dies around me, like Jasmine. He pulled away and I leaned away from him, letting him go and looking down at my lap.
"Is everything alright, Grace?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders - since I didn't know how to tell him - and I ruffled my hair up.
"I think I should be going, I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked him as I stood up, in a slight hurry but avoiding to make it obvious.
"Of course you shall" he promised me, looking a little confused after seeing my sudden mood swing.
"Okay, see you" I pecked his cheek and left his home and to my car.

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