Part 9

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——— Graces home ———

I laid on the couch with Buddy, I was stroking him as I cried and cried. Freddie Lounds made another article about my failure in capturing the suspect and once I found out about my father, I went to go see my mum and Alice. They were both broken and Alice didn't see my dad, thank god. They're staying at my auntie Katie and uncle Collin's house. I felt like I was going to throw up again. Hannibal stayed with me and he was collecting some water for me. Buddy put his head on my lap and I sniffled, it made me feel a little better but I was still distraught. Hannibal came in with some water and he sat beside me and held the cup out to me, I took a sip and I felt a little better. I leaned forward put the cup onto the coffee table, Hannibal put his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest. He put his chin on the top of my head as he held me close to him. He had a strong aftershave on and it smelt good. Buddy got off the couch and went to go drink some water, so I tucked closer to Hannibal and tucked my knees close to my chest.
"I lost my family when I was just a boy" he confessed. I sniffled and listened to what he had to say.
"One day it was just me and my sister, Mischa. I tried to protect her but we were stuck in a war. Some terrible men found us and took her away from me..." he said. I felt so terrible for what happened to him and I saw him as such a great guy. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my knees close to him. My head was on his shoulder and he still had his arms around me.
"You don't deserve what happened to you.." I whispered to him. He sighed and cleared his throat.
"And nor do you, Grace" he reminded me. I took a deep breath and more tears streamed down my face.
"How was little Alice and your mother?" He asked me.
"Just as expected, broken. I'm not... going to go on break, I'm going to find the ripper" I said sternly. I needed to bring closure to my family.
"As you should, I made a deal to help you" he reminded me.
"Thank you" I closed my eyes and felt safe in his arms.

Hannibal's POV

I viewed Grace asleep in my arms. She smelt nice, like roses. I wiped her few tears with my thumb and she nudged a little closer to me. It felt good, knowing she felt safe with me. I picked her up in bridal style, carefully, and I carried her to her bed. Her head was dug into my neck and she was often twitching in her sleep. I placed her down onto her bed carefully and Buddy jumped onto her bed and curled into a ball next to her. I put the duvet over her and put my hand on my arm, glancing at her peacefully asleep. I then walked to the bathroom and started a warm bath for her.

Graces POV

"Stop!" I shrieked as I awoke from my terrible nightmare. I sat up and gasped for air. Buddy sat up and started to lick my face and it helped me calm down, I stroked him and he sat beside me. I looked around the settlement I was in and I was in my bedroom. I considered for a moment that it was all a bad dream and my dad is alive and the Chesapeake ripper doesn't have feelings for me, but it was all real. I bit my bottom lip and listened to the house settlement creak and the floor boards ache. I didn't realise my bath was running until it turned off. I looked over at the bathroom door that was directly in front of me and to my right was the exit to the bedroom. The bathroom door creaked open and Hannibal appeared.
"I ran you a bath, it has some bath salts in to calm your nerves" he informed me.
"Oh, thank you" I wasn't really used to someone caring for me like this. As a child, I did a lot with my grandma then she passed. My mother was a large workaholic and my father never spoke to me, he spent hours in the garage fixing old junk and selling it for a higher price. I got off the bed slowly and headed towards the bathroom. I viewed the bath tub and it was steamy warm with some roses floating on the surface. I smiled and sat down on the toilet seat.
"You really went all out" I chuckled as I leaned forward and fiddled with my fingers. Buddy walked in and laid beside my feet.
"I suppose I did" Hannibal responded, giving me a faint smile.
"I shall be downstairs, enjoy some relaxation. Would you like me to take your dog for a walk?" Hannibal asked me as he held onto the door handle.
"Maybe we could walk him together" I suggested. He nodded his head and left the bathroom, shutting the door slowly. I undressed and got into the steamy warm bathtub.

I rested my head on the side of the bath tub and I slowly stroked Buddy who was sat beside me. He was such a peaceful dog and it always baffles me when people say his breed is pure evil. I checked my arm slash I got from the metal sheet and I already took the bandages off them. It was healing well but I should still take care of it, crawling under the fence reopened it a little. I let out a relaxed sigh and laid back. Hannibal was right, the bath salts were relaxing and I should consider buying more of them. The ones I had now were from Christmas or something. I picked up a rose and viewed it, I thought it was a fake but it was actually real. I couldn't help but smile and slowly put the rose back into the water.

I blow dried my hair and put it into a high pony tail. I put on a hoodie and jeans, with some walking boots on. I went downstairs and headed to the living room to see Hannibal reading a book. I walked over and sat beside him and he put the book down on his lap.
"What're you reading?" I asked him.
"Just a novel" he smiled to me. I viewed the front cover and it just had the title written in gold on it, and leather as the case.
"My grandma had this favourite book she used to always read it to me, it was about a princess who hated thieves, a thief who hated dragons and a dragon who hated princesses. Until one day they all crossed paths and made a good team. It was a dumb story but it was cute" I chuckled. Hannibal put the book down onto the coffee table and I bit my bottom lip and sighed.
"Thank you, for the bath. It was relaxing" I confessed. Hannibal gave me a faint smile and I stood up.
"We can walk buddy together and then... then I'm going to analyse my dads body" I said to Hannibal. He slanted his head at me and clicked his tongue.
"It would be absurd to let you do that" he stood up and walked towards me and he towered over me.
"It's still my case, I've gotten so far... I can't give up now" I murmured to him.
"Yes you have gotten far, but too far" he reminded me. We looked into each other's eyes and I saw him glance and my lips and I opened my mouth to say something but Buddy bit into his squeaky toy and it caught both mine and Hannibal's attention.I laughed and Hannibal chuckled.
"I'll gear Buddy up" I said as I walked away to fetch his lead.

——— The Forest ———

I let buddy off the leash and he dashed forwards and ran around. Hannibal had a trench coat on and I had an army-green water coat on. I rubbed my nose and felt a cold coming in. The evening breeze brushed past me and made the trees rustle above me. The twigs crunched under my shoes as me and Hannibal travelled deeper into the woods.
"I was thinking..." Hannibal went on to say. I looked over at him and he was looking forward.
"Maybe you and your family would like to join me for dinner. You haven't tried my home made dishes before, and you can all talk without a depressed settlement" he offered to me. I opened my mouth to say something but I was lost for words, it sounded perfect. We all do need to talk and not have such a terrible atmosphere.
"That would be... amazing" I smiled. Hannibal gave me a faint smile and we both looked forward again. Buddy ran around but stayed in view. Suddenly, I saw a figure approaching us and saw they had a leashed dog. I whistled for buddy to come back and he came back and I attached him back onto a leash - not that he was dangerous, but so I have control if their dog isn't in control. We were getting closer to the figure and I saw they had a Labrador on a leash, it had fluffy, golden fur and seemed like a happy dog swinging it's tail side to side. As we crossed paths, their dog suddenly barked and it frightened buddy and he cowered beside me. The owner tried to get the dog under control and it didn't seem to be going well.
"Goddamn it! Why is your dog making my dog feel threatened?!" Shouted the owner to me. I scoffed and raised an eyebrow.
"Does my dog look like a threat?" I asked him, showing buddy scared beside my legs.
"He's a pitbull" the owner spat to me.
"Sir, your pet seems to be more vicious than her dog who is actually trying to distance itself from yours" Hannibal scowled to him, but in that always polite tone.
"My dog is a good dog!" He shouted to us. I just scoffed and walked away before he could come up with another bullshit excuse.

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