Part 19

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——— Ella's and Alice's home ———

I knocked on the front door and Hannibal was standing by my side. It was rather difficult to stay standing for too long and so I leaned on the pillar on the porch. Hannibal noticed and smirked. Alice opened up the door and smiled at us both.
"You two came!" She cheered.
"Of course we did" I chuckled as she came in for a hug. I hugged her back and then she went and hugged Hannibal and it took him slightly by surprise.
"Mummy really liked the cake we all made, it's on the table" Alice told us both.
"That's nice, where are they?" I asked her.
"They're in the back garden" she informed us. Alice then went inside the house while Hannibal and I exchanged looks before entering. We walked through the house to the backyard and they were all sat around the fancy picnic table. It looked like a normal dining table but with a umbrella planted in the middle.
"Hello everybody!" I smiled.
"Hey you guys!" Katie shouted to us as she adjusted her sun glasses.
"Hello" Hannibal said back. We both went and sat down and Alice was running around the backyard with Buddy - I had requested my mum to look after Buddy since I knew I was going to get busy at work.
"So, how was work you two?" Collin asked us as he sipped his beer.
"Good" Hannibal replied.
"And how's that girl, is she called Abigail?" Asked my mum.
"Yep and she's not doing too well but she's woken up" I answered.
"Beer? Cider?" Katie asked us.
"Ya know... I'm fancying some wine right now" I replied back.
"Wines where it always is, Grace" my mum said.
"Gotcha" I stood up and went to the kitchen. I entered the kitchen and grabbed it from the cabinet. I popped the cork and I saw Hannibal walk in.
"You need any assistance?" He asked me.
"Nope. I guess you want some too?" I asked him. He chuckled and nodded his head.
"Oh what a surprise" I teased as I grabbed two wine glasses. I poured the wine into the glasses and gave him one which he gracefully took off Me. We clinked glasses and took a sip. I grabbed the bottle then me and Hannibal left the room and went outside again. I saw Buddy run about and then run under the table.
"Oh Buddy! What're you doing?" Katie asked him in her baby voice. Collin chuckled as he sipped his beer.  I whistled and Buddy ran out and went back to Alice and she giggled. Me and Hannibal sat back down with the wine and I noticed Katie didn't have any alcohol.
"Whats up with you?" I asked her sarcastically.
"I've already had a bit to drink so I'm just going to lay off for a minute" she informed me as she adjusted her shiny hair.
"the FBI is such a huge thing, how difficult is it?" Collin asked me and Hannibal.
"Uhh.... it has its pros and cons" I said as I drank my wine.
"And what about you, Hannibal?" Katie asked him.
"It is very intriguing. I am glad I got the opportunity to work in the FBI" he answered. I sipped on my wine and Alice sat beside me, all tired.
"Someone's getting tired" teased my mum.
"Just closing my eyes" she muttered as she rested her head on my arm.
"Uh-huh" I smiled as I drank my wine.
"Should I go put her to bed?" I mouthed to my mum. She nodded her head at me and sipped on her cider. I picked her up and her arms drooped over my shoulders as I held her thighs and back.
"I'll be right back" I whispered to them all and I took Alice to her bed.

I laid Alice down on her bed and she mumbled in her sleep as I put the duvet over her. I knelt down on the floor beside her to give my shaking legs a rest and to move the hair away from her face. I slowly moved the strands of hair away from her face and I looked at her peacefully asleep, pondering what she is dreaming about and is it my fault? I heard the floorboards creak behind me and I turned to see Hannibal.
"How is she?" He asked me. I sighed then faced Alice again.
"She looks okay for now, not sure for how long though" I stood up and instantly felt my legs weaken.
I quietly grunted and walked to the door as I felt my legs loosen and I fell on Hannibal. He caught me by holding my waist and I grabbed him by his shoulders. I chuckled nervously and he smiled down at me.
"Sorry" I chuckled. He just slanted his head at me and glanced over at Alice. He lead me out the room and shut the door slowly.
"I'm worried for Alice" I confessed. He looked down at me and clicked his tongue.
"You're not to blame, the ripper is" he reminded me. I sighed and looked down at the floor.

"What were you crazy kids up to?" Asked Katie jokingly as me and Hannibal were walking towards them.
"Tucking Alice in properly, thank you very much" I chuckled as I sat back down.
"Alright so, I need some space" Katie said as she started moving Empty cans and the wine bottle. I held onto my wine glass and looked around at everyone, confused. Katie pulled out a box from her bag and put it on the table.
"Everyone else knows" she said to me as she pushed it Further to my direction.
"Oh, okay" I opened up the box and stared at its content. Three positive pregnancy tests. I shut the box and looked up at her.
"Shut up!" I squealed. She smiled and everyone else was smiling. Hannibal peered in the box and smiled.
"Since WHEN?!" I stood up and ran over to hug her. Everyone started to laugh and I held Katie tight.

——— the FBI HQ ———

I was in Jack's office with Jack - obviously - Alana and Hannibal. We were talking about Abigail and how we should approach her.
"It's still her dad, we need to gain her trust before we do anything" I said to Jack, who wanted to just dive right in.
"We don't have time, Grace! The ripper is out there, Will's about to face trail and we still need to find out for which murders" Jack reminded me.
"We don't even know if Abigail accompanied her dad" Alana jumped in.
"Yes we do know!" Jack slammed his hand on the desk and it silenced everyone.
"Why don't we have this conversation after Abigail trusts us?" Hannibal recommended to us, breaking the deadly silence. I had my arms crossed as I looked around the office. Alana was pacing the room while Jack was sat at his desk and Hannibal stood beside me.
"I can agree with that" Alana said. I nodded my head and Jack let out a loud sigh.
"Fine. Then we talk about the Chesapeake ripper. Did he ever leave you a letter with no bodies?" Jack asked me. I cleared my throat and nodded my head.
"He broke in. I'm scared if he does it again so my dog is with my mum and Hannibal normally stays with me" I exclaimed to them all.
"What if we influence him to leave you another?" Suggested Jack.
"I'm sorry WHAT?" Alana asked, clearly upset, giving Jack the death stare.
"He's bound to slip up somewhere, Alana. We both want the same thing!" Jack reminded her.
"It's fine, Alana..." I whispered to her. She sighed and crossed her arms again.
"Doctor Lecter, Will you be so kind as to stay with Grace again?" Jack asked Hannibal. I looked over at him and he nodded his head.
"Of course" he said. I gave him a faint smile and he gave me one back.
"How are you going to get the ripper to leave her a letter?" Alana asked.
"I have my ways" Jack scoffed as he went back to writing down onto paper.

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