Part 25

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——— Ella's and Alice's home ———

Alice laid in bed with me and Buddy. I played with her hair as she drifted to sleep. Buddy stretched his body out and Alice faintly smiled with her eyes closed.
"I missed having you here" she whispered to me. I smiled and I started to stroke her cheek with my thumb.
"I did too..." I whispered back to her.

I woke up during the night and I saw Alice was still asleep beside me and Buddy, who was curled in a ball. I slowly crept out the bed and I snuck out the bedroom. I slowly shut the door and I went downstairs to the kitchen. I checked the time and it was Seven in the morning. I decided to get a glass of water but There was then a knock at the door and that confused me a little - because of the time. I walked out the kitchen and headed over to the front door. I opened it up, a little cautious - and how could you Blame me? It came to my surprise to see it was Hannibal. I looked down at his hands and noticed that he was holding a food container.
"Good morning, Grace. How do you feel?" He asked me.
"Hi. I feel a bit better, I haven't coughed as much but it still hurts" I told him as I felt my neck and it felt like it was healing well.
"That's good. I brought you some stew, just needs heating up" he held the container out to me and I smiled as I gracefully took it off him.
"Oh.. thank you" I chuckled nervously.
"Would you like some coffee, before you go and... see patients or go to the FBI?" I asked him.
"Sure" he smiled. I opened up the door for him and he entered.

I stirred the coffee cups and I carried them over to the breakfast bar - where Hannibal was sat. I placed his cup down in front of him and I leaned on the counter as I sipped on mine.
"Thank you, how is your family?" He asked me.
"They're doing really well" I smirked when I thought about the conversation me and my mum had.
"And my mum found the article about my 'affairs' the other day" I informed him. He sipped on coffee and looked up at me.
"I didn't say it was you. Something else got in the way before she could keep pestering" I teased. He smirked and looked back into his coffee.
"That wasn't my concern" he said to me. I stared at him for a moment before looking down into my coffee cup again.
"So what're your plans today?" I asked him. He clicked his tongue and tilted his head at me.
"Talk to Abigail and then see my patient, Mason Verger" he exclaimed to me. "And you?" He added on.
"Not sure. I might be getting some coffee with an old friend but I haven't decided yet" I finished my coffee, as did Hannibal so I took the two cups and put them in the sink. Hannibal stood up from the breakfast bar and I approached him.
"Well, enjoy your day at work and I'll see you later?" I asked him as I adjusted his tie for him.
"You shall see me later" he smiled down at me. I smirked and he leaned down for a kiss. I was hesitant at first in case anyone saw but I kissed him back anyway. He put a hand behind my head and around my waist and I put my hands on his cheeks. I was about to pull away but he held me tighter and I didn't object. He ran his hand through my hair and I pushed myself closer to him. We pulled away from each other's lips and stared into each other's eyes.
"It is a shame I must be leaving, isn't it?" He asked me as he left wet kisses on my jawline.
"It is" I smirked. He stood up right and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Rest well" he said to me.
"I will"

——— the cafe ———

I opened up the cafe doors and stepped foot inside. I scanned around the cafe and saw Carl (photo of him above) sat down at a table, with his legs spread apart and he was looking around the cafe. I walked over and he smirked when he saw me.
"Was staring to think you wouldn't show" he chuckled. I smiled and sat down in front of him and I saw his faded lip scar.
"I was considering it" I said to him blandly. He looked me up and down, mainly at my throat.
"What happened there?" He asked me. I put my hand around my throat and felt it for a moment before answering.
"Just something going wrong in work. Worked out in the end though. Where do you now work?" I asked him.
"I am unemployed" he informed me as he leaned back on his chair. I tilted my head at him and he seemed so chill that he was jobless, I wouldn't be. He was always irresponsible as a teenager, but now that he's an adult I would've thought he'd sort himself out.
"You still go to parties?" I asked him.
"Not as often as I used to, why? You wanna go to one?" He asked he as he leaned forward again and put his hands on the table.
"Why did you contact me?" I asked instead. I saw his smirk grow and he just shrugged his shoulders at me.
"I saw you in the papers and stuff, thought I'd say hi. Some gruesome shit if you tell me" he answered. I scoffed and leaned back on my chair.
"So what do you want?" I just asked him as I put my hands on my lap.
"What do you mean?" He questioned me, confused.
"I mean... what do you want from me? You're not the social call kinda guy" I reminded him. He smirked and bit his bottom lip.
"Are you going to answer, asshole?" I snapped to him.
"Your scar hasn't faded much" he said to me as he slanted his head at me. I put my finger on the bridge of my nose and felt my old scar.
"So?" I scoffed to him.
"Isn't it a funny story how you got it?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked the other way as I bit my tongue.
"Heh, why did I think this was a good idea?" I mumbled to myself.
"Grace, sommet is going down at some warehouse. Come on, be like old times?" He offered to me. I looked back at him and shook my head.
"I've grown up. You should too" I suggested to him.
"What's the worst that could happen?" He asked me.
"No" I said as I stood up and tucked my chair in. Carl suddenly got onto his feet and grabbed my arm. I looked over at him and glanced down at his hand.
"Come onnn, please" he begged Me.
"Carl, no" I whispered to me.
"Why? Is your life so fucking perfect you can't even live a little?" He asked me, rather snarky.
"I have a job and things I need to do rather than partying with old news like yourself" I whispered to him, since we were still in the cafe.
"Or is it because you have another guy who is giving you his dick?" He snarled to me. I started to laugh and he didn't seem too impressed.
"You sound almost jealous. Are you jealous?" I asked him. I felt him loosen his grip so I pulled my arm out of his.
"Don't try contact me again" I warned him and then I left the cafe.

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