Part 31

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3 months later....

I was put on the case to find out where a drug shipment was coming in from and I stopped by a home near where it was all happening. Me and Abigail were rather close and Katie was doing well, she found out she's having a baby girl named Clara. The ripper still leaves letters for me but I don't bother reading them anymore.

——— a house ———

I walked up to the front door with my hands in my jacket pocket. I pulled my hands out one pocket and I knocked on the door. As I waited, I looked around myself. It was an isolated home, with some trees to cover it up a little. The house looked well maintained on the outside, and seemed like a modern styled house. I heard many locks move then the door opened up, to reveal a man and a woman. The woman had beautiful blonde hair and oceon blue eyes. The man had darkened hair and a scar on his eyebrow, making him look a little intimidating.
"Hi... can we help you?" The woman asked me. I gave them both a faint smile and then answered.
"I'm agent Williamson. I've been put on the case about the drug shipment that's been going on around here, could I ask you a few questions?" I asked the two of them. The both exchanged looks and the man opened the door for me. I stepped inside and heard all the locks again, which made me feel uneasy and that I've found something here. I turned around and saw the many locks on the door. The woman gave me a friendly smile and I gave her one back and she motioned her hand for me to follow her, so I did. She lead me to another room and there was a couch and a cozy fire on.
"Please sit. Want a drink? Tea, coffee?" She asked me. I sat down and crossed my legs.
"No it's fine, I'll be out of your hair shortly" I joked to her. She chuckled and the man stood beside her, with one hand in his pocket. He had a black buttoned up shirt and an expensive looking belt - I've definitely found something here.
"So, what questions did you want to ask us?" He questioned me.
"Just here to ask if there's been anything suspicious around here lately" I promised them. The man crossed his arms and the woman had her hands in front of her.
"I'm Grace" I held my hand out to shake and only the woman shook my hand, the man just stared down at me.
"I'm Kara, and this is Leonardo" she exclaimed to me.
"Nice to meet you two" I smiled to them.
"I've seen you somewhere" the man said as he raised his head a little. I sighed and knew he was on about the articles but which articles.
"Probably, I've had a few articles made about me. Which ones have you seen?" I asked him. There was a moment of silence and the woman said something.
"Please excuse Leo, he's just... not a people person" she promised me. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.
"Perfectly fine. So, anything strange around here? Anything at all" I asked them, repeating myself from a few moments ago.
"Not that I've seen. It's just been me and Leo out here" Kara answered. The man groaned and wiped his face, making me raise an eyebrow.
"We've seen nothing" Leo groaned. I stood up and adjusted my shirt.
"Okay, then I'll be leaving" I said to the two of them in a polite tone. I headed towards the door and saw a photo of the two of them holding a little girl, around Alice's age. They all looked happy then I felt the presence of someone behind me. I could smell their strong aftershave so I just knew it was Leonardo. I continued on walking then saw a box with duct tape on it.
"What's that?" I asked him.
"Just a parcel. Keep moving" he scowled to me. He pushed my shoulder a little and he went to push me again but I swung around and grabbed his hand. We stared at each other in the eyes and showed we weren't afraid of each other.
"Wouldn't mind if I take a look, would you?" I whispered to him.
"I would mind. Leave" he barked to me. I let go of his hand and I walked over to the box anyway - gut feeling. I used my keys to rip off the duct tape and I opened the box to reveal a ton of wrapped up Cocaine. I heard a floorboard creak behind me so I spun to the side of me, hitting the wall. Leonardo charged and stabbed into the box, once he pulled out the knife, the drugs started to spill out. He shouted once he saw he ruined his package and tried to stab me again. I dashed to the side and grabbed the bowl - that was on display - and I threw it at him, he shielded himself and all the glass shards fell to the floor.
"That was expensive" he growled to me. I scoffed and tried to grab my gun but he threw the knife at me, diving into my hand. I shrieked and fell to the floor, and I used my other hand and grabbed my gun out. I shot and I hit his ear. He shouted and cupped his ear and ran out the room, as I shot continuously at him and putting holes in his wall. I pulled the knife out of my hand and I saw my injured hand was shaking as blood leaked out. I got up off the floor and I hurried to the door. I started to unlock the countless amount of locks and someone grabbed my shoulder and threw me to the floor. I looked up to see Leonardo walking towards me with a gun and knife in his hands. I crawled backwards and felt my hand hit the knife I pulled out my hand. I clung onto it as I watched Leonardo walk towards me with a hole in his ear.
"I got you good, didn't I?" I asked him, referring to his ear. He scowled and aimed his gun at me.
"Who was that little girl on the photo?" I asked him, in hope to loosen his guard. I saw his eyes widen slightly and he eased on the trigger.
"She was pretty" I said to him. I saw he was slowly lowering the gun away from me without realising. I then got onto my knees and shot the knife into the back of his ankle and twisted it. He shouted in pain and kicked me off him. I scuttled to my feet and heard countless gunshots as I ran. I jumped over the couch and used that as cover. I turned on my radio and asked for back-up, giving them an address and the situation. I got a sudden sharp pain in my arm. I checked to see I had been shot. I gasped but quickly covered my mouth, the bullet must've gone through to the other side. I heard the floorboards creak slowly and I couldn't tell from whereabouts in the house.
"Come on you little bitch..." he said under his breath. I covered my mouth to hide my whimpers and I heard a slight sizzle. I peered my head around from the couch and saw he collected the boiling hot fire poker.
"Shit..." I whispered to myself. I saw he was slowly creeping around and I got up from the floor and ran to another room and I heard him run after me. I knocked over the bookshelf in the hallway and he shot my shoulder. I gasped and I turned and shot at him, I heard him grunt and hit the floor then more gunshots echoed through the house, one hitting my foot. I got to the kitchen and I collapsed onto the floor. I quickly shut the door and pressed my back against the door. I checked my foot to see it was bad and I could not walk on it without making it worse. I hit my hand on the floor and murmured to myself.
"Goddamn it..."
I checked my shoulder and saw the bullet was still in it. I was about to pull the bullet out using my fingers but something stabbed into my back. I gasped and fell forward. I turned my whole body and saw Leonardo was stabbing through the door using the fire poker. I got off the floor and I fell again, putting too much pressure on my foot. I heard the door swung open and he dragged my foot closer to him. I shrieked as I kicked and screamed and he restrained my wrists. I looked to my side and saw the fire poker and I tried to reach for it but he saw where I was looking and grabbed it. He raised it up and I tried to grab his wrists.
"Bad fuckin' move to come here alone" he smirked to me. He then dived it down but while he was giving me a little speech, I had grabbed my gun. I shot him in the stomach until I lost all my bullets in my magazine and his body fell on top of me. I screamed in pain when the fire poker pressed into my rib cage and Leonardo's body pushing it further down. I pushed him off me and saw the fire poker inside me, still scorching hot. I pulled it out and I gasped. I threw it away from me and I tried to get on my feet but I just collapsed. My vision started to go blurry and I felt myself going weaker. As my hearing faded away, I heard the front door barge open and faintly hearing all the locks break. Then footsteps took over the house and the rest was just a loud ringing in my ears. I felt someone pull my head onto their lap and I couldn't exactly hear who it was, probably Hannibal.

Hannibal's POV

"Jack! She's here!" I shouted out to Jack as I held Grace's head on my lap. She was covered in blood and I saw the fire poker had blood on it, not sure if it was hers or the mans body beside her. I heard Jack rush in and gasp when he saw Grace, who couldn't even keep her eyes open.
"Goddamn it! The paramedics haven't even arrived yet" Jack informed me as he shouted. I took off my trench coat and I rolled my sleeves up.
"Wait, what are you doing?" He asked me.
"She's badly hurt, High chance of blood loss" I told Jack as I turned my head to see him. He stared at me for a moment and raised his hands.
"Do what you need to do" he murmured to me then left. I took Grace's jacket off her and she twitched, meaning her nerves are still reacting which is good. I saw the bullet still in her shoulder and I sighed, this is going to hurt. I took my belt off and I put it in her mouth and closed her jaw for her - since she was that weak. I noticed the sweat forming on her forehead and her skin losing colour. I then shoved my fingers in her shoulder and tried to reach the bullet. She tried to get out my grasp as she shuffled about, shrieking. I pulled the bullet out and her whole body relaxed. I put my hand on her cheek and I scanned her body for any other injuries I could attend to. She had a stab wound around her rib cage but it wasn't bleeding, she must've been stabbed with the fire poker. Her foot was bad but I couldn't do much about that. I heard the sirens outside and I took my belt out of her mouth and I picked her up in bridal style. I looked down at her face and saw she was slipping.
"Stay with me" I begged her. She moved her head a little and opened her mouth.
"Where else would I go..." she weakly mumbled to me.

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