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Hannibal's POV
days before....

I sipped on my champagne as I looked around the room. Bright lights, big crowds, but most importantly... Grace. She was standing beside the refill bar, just drinking as she looked around. Her devotion to the FBI was extremely admirable, as well as her lovely features. She possess many women don't hold, I'm still not sure what it is but it's one of the many reasons I have found her attractive. When I first laid my eyes upon her, I wouldn't of guessed I would've loved her as much as I do now. Yes, love. Love can also be an addictive drug, so it sometimes must be demolished. Of course, I want to protect her at all costs but sometimes the universe thinks otherwise. She's made me feel something I've never felt before, trust. I trust she will one day discover who I am - with my guidance - and I trust that she feels the same about me.
"Oh, Dr. Lecter" Dr. Chilton said to me as he strolled towards me, in a formal manner. Frederick Chilton and I often don't feel the same way about things, even though we're both in the same profession.
"Lovely to see you, Frederick" I said with a smile on my face. He slightly smirked as we shook hands and then I had a strong feeling to check upon Grace, so I did. Ryan was talking to Grace, she was even smiling. I felt anger build up within me, like a ball of fire. Ryan was just someone to be avoided, he's only here because I am fond of his parents.
"And he said that-" Frederick was telling me but I was too busy staring at Grace.
"I am severely sorry, Frederick. There is something I must attend to immediately. Please forgive me" I walked to Grace and Ryan, wondering what Ryan was telling her. Once I was beside her, I slithered my hand around her waist and pulled her close to me, her body pressed against mine felt so warm. It was like hugging the heavens, it was a beautiful but an indescribable feeling. Ryan's eyes slightly widened once he saw how I held Grace and I felt that Grace was feeling safe in my arms, as she also leaned on me a little.

——— hours later ———

I broke Ryan's lock to his house, and I adjusted my clear, plastic killer suit. His house was still lit up, meaning he was still awake. Ryan worked as an author so he could possibly be working on a new book upstairs - where he normally works. I crept up the stairs and faintly heard him talking, on a phone.
"You do not understand what I am trying to say, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She discussed her life with me, a woman named Jasmine has stayed loyal with her ever since they were children. She is perfect" Ryan said, on his phone. I creaked open the door a little to see him with earbuds plugged in, his glasses on as he worked on his laptop. I felt so much anger within me, I wanted to do so much to him during this moment of time but I couldn't. I must wait, this must be perfect. The only noise going on in the house was his typing and loud breathing.
"Oh, forget it. Good night" he sighed, ripping the earbuds out of his ears. He slammed his laptop shut and jumped into bed, groaning. I entered his room and he shot up once he heard a floorboard creak under my feet. He slowly looked me up and down, confused and scared.
"Dr. Lecter, it is very late at night" he nervously chuckled, making me smile.
"It is indeed, Ryan." I replied to him as I slowly walked towards him. He tried to sneakily crawl backwards on his bed but I grabbed his foot and pulled him closer to me. I saw the fear in his eyes and I knew that when I kill this man, Grace Will connect the dots and I didn't mind that. He opened his mouth to say something but I picked him up by his shirt and slammed his head down on his desk, then threw him to the floor. He was bleeding a little and seemed dizzy.
"You upset Grace, Ryan" I scowled to him. He was sobbing as he hazily waved his hands to me, begging for mercy but without his words. I picked up his laptop and threw it beside him.
"The woman stood tall, her silky brunette hair fitted her neatly with her silky face and black, tight dress" I repeated to him, that's what he wrote down on the laptop. Ryan kept looking at the laptop then at me, he seemed so lost and so scared. I knelt down beside him and he looked at me, shaking tremendously.
"You should listen to when a lady says no" I whispered to him. I grabbed his head and twisted it, hearing his neck break and witnessing his eyes roll back. Once I heard his body drop, it was a large relief. I stood up and adjusted my hair, that had escaped my slicked back hair. I strolled over to his desk and searched for a paper and pen, to leave Grace a letter.

I love Grace, I promise to protect her but the sound of savouring her liver or heart sounds so delicious.

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