Part 6

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It was Sunday and I was at my parents house, getting ready for my aunties wedding. Hannibal said he'll drive himself here and he should be here in half an hour. I was in my bedroom as I changed into my dress and I never felt so stressed. I didn't know much about weddings, I felt like it would be rude to wear a white dress since that's the brides ideal colour scheme and I didn't want to wear black to make it look like a gloomy setting but my aunt (Katie) said she didn't care what colour we came in but I still felt so stressed. I did some twirls in the mirror and I kept telling myself it'll be fine.

I had a knock at my bedroom door and I shouted "come in"

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I had a knock at my bedroom door and I shouted "come in". The door creaked open and I saw it was Alice and she was in a cute dress, grey tights and a white cardigan with a white butterfly clip in her brunette hair.
"Gracie, can you make my hair like yours?" She asked me. I had made my hair curly and she had combed hair.
"Sure, Alice. Come sit" I got my curlers and I pulled the wire to reach the bed - where Alice was sat. I took her butterfly clip out and I started to curl her hair.
"Avoid moving, then you'll look very pretty" I promised her as I did her hair. She swung her feet and put her hands on her lap.
"Who are you bringing to auntie Katie's wedding?" She asked me.
"I am bringing that man that picked you up from school with me" I informed her. I heard her gasp and giggle. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"When is he coming?" She asked me.
"Not long, why? Do you like him?" I asked her, as I added more curls into her hair.
"He's nice. He said my volcano drawing was identical to a real volcano" she said, all in one breath. I chuckled and adjusted some curls. I put her butterfly clip back into her hair and I showed her to the mirror.
"Now we're matching" I smiled, putting my hands on her shoulder as I stood behind her to view her reaction in the mirror - she seemed very happy with it. Her hair was a lot more shorter than mine but I was still able to add curls. My hair was rather long. Alice smiled and touched her hair. Then the door bell rang. I gasped a little then I hurried down the stairs, holding my dress up.
"Is that your friend?" Asked my mum, who just emerged from the kitchen that was right next to the stairs. I nodded my head and her face lit up. I walked over to answer the door and I opened it up Hannibal stood there, as expected. He wore a tuxedo and slicked back his hair. He looked me up and down and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back.
"You look very beautiful" he complimented.
"Thank you. You look very handsome" I opened up the door for him and he entered. My mum came around the corner and she introduced herself.
"Hi there, my name is Ella." My mum said as she shook Hannibal's hand.
"Lovely to meet you, mrs. Williamson. I'm doctor Hannibal Lecter, Grace's partner" he said. My mum smiled and I cleared my throat.
"Partners in the FBI department" I added on. My mum was so keen on me being in a relationship, but I always stuck with work.
"You're a doctor?" My mum asked him.
"Psychiatrist" Hannibal responded. Alice stood at the top of the stairs and I heard my dad come down the steps. I didn't exactly get along with my dad, sort of how my daddy issues grew. He never talked to me, unless it was to tell me off and didn't let me have a good childhood really. He said I should stay inside and study, because I got a B in science or something. My dad (Johnny) walked to Hannibal and looked him up and down. I rolled my eyes, expecting the worst. My mum's face also was also pulling a little concerned look.
"Hello sir" Hannibal said to him. They both shook hands and my dad looked down at his wrist watch and saw it was expensive.
"I didn't know the FBI payed so well" joked my dad.
"I'm also a psychiatrist" Hannibal informed him. My dad seemed impressed and I was so relieved he didn't cause a scene.

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