Part 34

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Dear Beloved Grace,
   I heard this man gave you some troubles, so I fixed then for you since I knew you would just let it go - but how could I let go? He wanted to claim you, to be his. I couldn't just let him get away with it, because you are mine. I've often dreamt about protecting you, and killing you. I'd use my hand around your soft neck and squeeze the sweet life out of you - but not yet. I see you're getting better after the multiple incidents that have happened to you, your bravery is admirable, Grace. However, you must remember that I vow to protect you, hold you in my arms as you drift sleep or to kill whoever hurts you. Killing Carl was such a pleasure, he tried to fight back but he was a weak man. All the pain he has given you is gone. This Jasmine you spoke of, sounded like a lovely girl, was this her? If so, she was very beautiful indeed. I don't believe that it was your fault about her death, but Jasmine's parents think otherwise don't they? That would exclaim why you don't speak to them anymore, when you were all so close. I'd imagine that Jasmine would have forgiven you and would want you to put it in the past, so do. You keep pulling the grief around with you and one day, it would be too much. Let go.

I peered my eyes down the letter to see the ripper had found a photo of Jasmine (photo above). My hand was slightly shaking as I held the letter - in an evidence bag - and I looked to my side to see Ryan's corpse.
'Your bravery is admirable, Grace' Hannibal once said that to me. I turned around and I gave the letter to Jack, not being able to see Jasmine's face again.
"Who was Jasmine?" Jack asked me. I ruffled my hair up and bit the flesh off my bottom lip.
"She was my best friend..." I sighed. Jack faintly gasped and I slumped out the room, and past Will.
"Grace, are you okay?" Will asked me. He went to touch my arm but I moved away from him a little, and he seemed to get the message.
"I'm sorry.. I just, need to take a few breathers" I whispered to him. He nodded his head at me and he seemed worried and sad, it was written all over his face. I went outside and I sat down on the porch, looking around myself. Police duct tape surrounded the house, ambulances and police cars were everywhere, police were pushing off the locals and I saw Hannibal ducking under the tape and walking over to me. He sat down beside me and I didn't nudge closer to him, I just looked straight in front of myself and I felt his eyes look me up and down.
"Did he leave a letter?" He asked, breaking the silence. I had my suspicions on him but I just don't want to believe it.
"He did. Talked about Jasmine and killing me, not a great first day back at work" I sighed to him. There was a moment of silence but I heard Hannibal click his tongue, meaning he had something to say but so did I.
"Why does everyone I love die..?" I asked him, turning my head over to face him. He just stared at me and looked down at his lap, sighing.
"I don't know, Grace." He whispered to me.
"I always wonder who's next. I mean, I could just wake up and you're gone" my eyes widened when I said that, accidentally admitting that I love him.
"No, I didn't mean that.. shit" I gasped. I slapped my face and felt my cheeks redden, I could feel how awkward it was.
"Let's just forget about that, okay?" I asked him, looking up at him and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear. He hesitantly nodded his head and Jack hurried out the house and paced towards us both - I was actually relieved to see Jack come to us because this was so awkward.
"Come, the two of you" Jack pointed at us both then went back inside the house. Me and Hannibal exchanged confused looks and followed Jack inside. Jack walked rather fast which meant he was very serious and easily tipped off, so I planned on staying out of his way for today. Me and Hannibal were practically jogging and Jack stopped at Ryan's corpse and pointed down at him. I looked down at Ryan and saw the red marks on his neck, bloodshot eyes, slash wound on his stomach and flies swarming around him.
"Yeah... he's dead, what's your point?" I asked Jack.
"Why is he dead? What did he do to you and who would want to do this for 'your protection'?" Jack asked me. I slightly gulped and took a deep breath.
"He made a move on me yesterday, it was nothing" I promised Jack, glancing over at Hannibal and remembering how distraught I was in his arms. Hannibal glanced over my way and I quickly looked back at Jack, who had his arms crossed.
"Who did you tell about Ryan and Jasmine?" Jack questioned me, making me feel uneasy. I crossed my arms and tried to play it cool.
"Nobody" I lied, trying to not make Hannibal a suspect. I know how much I wanted to catch the ripper but now I sort of want to keep it a mystery, because what if Hannibal is the Chesapeake ripper? As selfish as this sounds, I can't him go. I don't really know what I would do without him, just like my own family. Jack looked me up and down, seeming like he didn't fully trust my answer. I felt Hannibal's eyes look me up and down and I felt like just running out.
"So... how did he know who Jasmine was?" Jack asked me, sounding lost. I shrugged my shoulders and bit my bottom lip.
"I dunno. He's a smart psychopath, or whatever he is" I sighed.

——— Hannibal's home ———

I finished my day at work and Hannibal invited me over for a little drink, which I didn't refuse. I also decided to use this opportunity to see if he is the Chesapeake ripper, it scared me really.

Hannibal gave me a wine glass and we clinked glasses but I didn't drink out of mine.
"You seem troubled, Grace. Is something the matter?" He asked me. I sighed and put my glass down on the counters. I was honestly terrified at this point but I just needed to know, even if that meant I had to die to find out the truth - curiously always kills the cat.
"And so do you, Hannibal" I bit the flesh off my lip and faced Hannibal, he just slanted his head at me and put his wine glass down.
"Because I am" he confessed. I raised an eyebrow at him and he clicked his tongue while he stared into my eyes.
"What did you mean, when we were on the porch at Ryan's residence?" He asked me. I instantly knew what he meant but I just acted clueless.
"Which part?" I asked him, trying to sound like I really didn't know what he meant but he smirked and looked me up and down.
"You know which part, you're a smart girl" he replied to me. I sighed and wiped my eye.
"Did you accidentally confess that you love me?" He questioned me. I faintly gasped under my breath and felt my face go to a red. I didn't really know what to say and it felt like my legs were jelly. I was quite good at hiding my emotions, I sort of needed to hide my emotions when I was around my family. However, this whole love thing was new to me.
"I..." I tried to say something but I stuttered a little. Hannibal just stared down at me and I quickly changed the question.
"I only told you about Jasmine, I only told you about Ryan, you were always there, Hannibal... please just say that I'm being stupid and that you're not... him" I pleaded to him, shaking in my voice. If he does say yes, then it's my fault my dad is dead and it's my fault that Alice and my mum don't feel safe.
"Would you call Jack?" He asked me. I pulled out my phone and put it on the counter, away from me and to him. He glanced down at it for a moment then back up at me and he saw I just seemed... heart broken rather than scared as my eyebrows were arched up. He reached his hand out and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear but I didn't flinch away from his touch, I just stared at him.
"If you answer my question, I shall answer yours" he said to me.
"Okay... fine..." I let out a sigh and looked down at the ground, I then nodded my head.
"I did, I am uh..." I looked up at him, slightly gulping. He tilted his head me and I waited for him to answer my question, I saw a faint smirk on his face but he wiped it off, reaching for his wine glass.
"So? Are you?" I asked him.
"I was intrigued as to what you might do"
I leaned on the counter for some support and I felt like I was about to throw up. It was him all along.
"Are you going to call Jack?" He asked me. I gulped and looked down at the floor. I used to be so eager to find the ripper and he was right in front of me the whole time. I made everything easier for him, like I was accompanying him.
"You wanted me to find you.." I muttered to him.
"I did. I wanted to see how you would react" he replied to me. I ran a hand through my hair as I felt all these emotions and I never felt so confused on what to do. I was so sure that I would lock away the Chesapeake ripper but now... it's all changed, because this is Hannibal. I don't know what I would do without him, really. I also want my family to feel safe and justice for my dad but I just can't. Suddenly, there was a text on my phone. Me and Hannibal exchanged looks and we both looked down at it to see it was from Jack.

We have a man threatening to jump with a little girl, come now.

Hannibal pushed the phone towards me, meaning he trusts me. I quickly replied and Jack gave me the address.
"May I come?" He asked me. I looked up at him and hesitantly nodded my head then we both rushed out.

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