Part 15

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——— Johnny's funeral ———

It was raining today, which just made everyone sadder. Hannibal offered to come to the funeral with me to be supportive and I couldn't say no, because I do need him. Everyone wore the dark colour scheme and I wore a black dress and I had a coat on. I held Alice in my hands as we all surrounded the casket and Hannibal held an umbrella over me, Alice and himself. Everyone all sniffled and wiped their runny noses with tissues while I tried to keep it together for Alice.
"We are all now at ease, since Johnny got the justice he deserved" said the priest as he said a few kind words about my father. It's funny that they left all the bad stuff out, that funerals are to keep the happy memories and burry the bad memories with the casket... but how can you forgot? Alice tightened her arms around me as she cried silently and I held her close. I was more broken seeing Alice like this.

Once the ceremony was over, everyone headed to their cars to go to the after party but I didn't want to go. I got a buzz on my phone and I saw it was another Freddie Lounds article about me. I just scan read it and it was her talking about the incident at the hospital and about the Chesapeake ripper. There wasn't anything bad said about me. She talked about how I tried to talk down the man at the hospital and my dedication to finding the ripper. Then I got a message off Jack. I looked up at Hannibal and he was standing beside me, still shielding me from the rain with an umbrella.
"You are concerned that it is about the ripper?" He asked me. I nodded my head and he slanted his head at me and sighed.
"It's over" he reminded me. I opened the message and read it out loud to him.

There's either a copycat or we have the wrong man.

"What!" I shouted out loud.

——— the crime scene ———

Me and Hannibal ran into the house and we hurried to where the crime scene was reported. The second I stepped foot into the garage, the smell of multiple rotting corpses hit my face and made me gag. I covered my mouth with my arm and coughed, as did Hannibal. I saw Jack with his notepad out and he saw how terrible me and Hannibal reacted.
"Sorry to pull you out the funeral" apologised Jack, observing the clothes we were wearing.
"The letter. Did he leave a letter?" I just asked instead as Hannibal walked towards the car and viewed the three bodies inside.
"It's... really, really bad. It will be stupid to show you" Jack exclaimed to me. I scoffed and my jaw dropped.
"After everything, you're going to say no now?" I asked him.
"Do you know any of these people?" Jack just asked me instead. I walked over and stood beside Hannibal and peered inside at the three bodies.
"I don't know them..." I said truthfully. The two victims in the back the car had flies swarming them and cock roaches running out their mouths. They've been here a while. One had a screw driver in their temple while the other had its jaw ripped open, you could see the tear in its cheeks. The one at the front of the car had their hands cut off and red marks around their necks.
"What about the trunk?" Hannibal asked Jack. Jack walked over to the trunk and opened it up to see a blonde haired woman inside, she looked so rotten you couldn't even see her facial features anymore. Her arm was hacked off but it was all healed up. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"They've been dead for so long..." Jack murmured.
"She was starved" Hannibal told us.
"The ripper did kidnappings?" I asked the two of them.
"Seems to be" mumbled Jack.
"Can I please see the letter?" I pleaded him. Jack sighed and crossed his arms.
"After everything-" Jack went on to say but I talked over.
"Yes! After everything!" I shouted to him.
"I feel she does deserve to see it, Jack" Hannibal sided with me. Jack sighed and walked over to a table in the garage, and there laid the letter. It was still out in the open rather than in an evidence bag.

Dear Beloved Grace,
You may be wondering why I laid those bodies out in the car. I feel it represents a family. Family is such a gift, but can be taken from you in the blink of an eye, as you already know. It's been a week since Will Graham was locked up for the crimes he did not commit, however he did do some I cannot take credit for, sadly enough. You felt as if you were so close to catching me. I bet you do crave to see me, see who is doing all these horrific acts. I wish the same thing, I also wish plenty more. Seeing you play the guitar so perfectly, with your gorgeous hair falling in front of your face, it only made me crave you more. To hear you cry my name in my ear as I lay on top of you. Your perfect, naked body under me, screaming over and over as I pleasure you. I often think of that. I wonder what your first time was like. I know you have had your first time before.

From yours truly,
- c. Ripper

"Oh fuck" I gipped a little and Jack let out a loud sigh.
"Will was innocent..." I murmured.
"Not entirely, the ripper said he cannot take credit for all the murders Will is going against" Hannibal informed me.
"But what murders?" I groaned to the two of them.

——— Graces home ———

Hannibal had prepared me some scrambled egg with bits of sausage and vegetables in it. Buddy was asleep upstairs since it was late and Hannibal was sat on the couch with me, only staying until I finish my food.
"I keep thinking about that letter..." I murmured to Hannibal and I ate more off my plate.
"What do you think of it?" Hannibal asked me.
"It's disgusting but... Will did kill some people, even if he wasn't the ripper" I replied as I continued to eat.
"We're not sure of that yet. Will is facing less murders but we are not certain if Will is guilty for the murders the ripper did not commit" Hannibal reminded me. I finished my food and put it down on the coffee table and I faced Hannibal.
"There was four victims in that car that we didn't even know was missing. It could've been them" I suggested to him. He gave me a few nods and clicked his tongue.
"I think I must be going, I have a session with Franklin tomorrow" Hannibal informed Me. I stood up and followed him to the door. I leaned on the wall with my arms crossed as I watched him prepare to leave.
"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked him, chuckling a little nervously. He picked up his trench coat and walked over to me.
"You think you deserve otherwise" he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and stood up right.
"I haven't done much in return, except play the guitar" I chuckled. He smiled and put his trench coat on.
"I don't expect anything in return. Your presence is already a gift to me" he informed me. I smiled and I suddenly put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. He seemed a little stunned from my decision at first but then put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He had such soft lips and our breaths were almost in sync. We pulled our lips away from each other for a moment but then kissed again and pulled away properly, except we didn't let go of each other. Hannibal smiled and I smiled back at him.
"How long were you waiting to do that?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and laughed.
"Long enough" I replied. He smirked and let me go.
"I shall see you tomorrow?" He asked me as he opened up the door. I nodded my head and leaned back on the wall.
"Good night" he then shut the door.

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