Part 18

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———Hannibals home ———

Me and Hannibal both played on the piano. I did the beat and he played the hard part (song above) of the song and I watched his hands play so elegantly. He glanced over at me and smiled and I smiled back. I was enjoying this time with Hannibal and I suppose he was too. Once the song was over, We put our hands on our lap and stared at each other.
"That was beautiful for a beginner" he smiled to me. I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.
"I messed up on a few parts, though" I reminded him.
"I didn't notice" he chuckled. I smiled and traced my hand on a key. There was a moment of silence and then I said what I needed to get off my chest, it was making me scream inside.
"Even with the Minnesota shrike dead, he still is here... he's haunting everyone" I murmured to Hannibal.
"Shall we not talk about that, and enjoy our free time?" He asked me. I looked over at him and shrugged my shoulders.
"What do you have in mind?" I asked him. He then leaned down and put his hands on my waist. I leaned forward and put my hands around his neck and kissed intensely. He pulled me closer to him and I put one hand behind his head. He slowly traced his hands down to my thighs and started to squeeze them. I quietly yelped in his mouth and he then picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me up the stairs as we made out. He then laid me down and I rushed to undress, as did Hannibal as he unbuttoned his shirt.

He crawled on top of me and kissed me again and I pulled away from his lips and put my hand on his bare chest.
"Is something wrong?" He asked me.
"I uh.. I just am thinking about the Chesapeake ripper... I don't want him to hurt you" I whispered to him. He slanted his head at me as a response.
"He won't" he promised me.
"I don't want to take any chances... not with you" I debated back.
"Grace, I promise you I won't be harmed" he swore to me. I thought for a moment and hesitantly nodded.
he leaned back down and kissed me again. I felt him push himself inside of me and I gasped. He looked down at me and I gripped his back and my jaw was open. He went at a slow pace and I closed my eyes and rested my head back onto his pillow. He pushed himself further into me and I quietly moaned. He started to grunt as he quickened his pace and I bit my bottom lip and he suddenly thrusted into me. I cried out loud and my body moved with his. I quietly moaned over and over and Hannibal grunted. I clawed at his back and he then hit my G-Spot. I gasped and cried out loud again.
"Oh fuck" I moaned as I bit my bottom lip. I put my hand around his neck and back and I saw his hair dangle in front of his face, which was madly attractive to me. He let out a louder grunt and he gripped my shoulder and the bedsheet. He then pulled me further down on his length and I tightened my grip around him. I started to moan louder and we stared into each other's eyes and I honestly stopped breathing for a moment.
"Oh my god" I hit my head back onto his pillow and he then moved his hand away from my shoulder and put his hand under my thigh and squeezed. He used his other hand and put it on top of my collarbone. He started to grunt louder as he got faster and I cried out again. Suddenly, I got a buzz on my phone and me and Hannibal stared at each other and he stopped.
"Sorry" I said awkwardly then I reached over to the nightstand and it was a call, Hannibal didn't pull out and I sort of liked it like that.
"Hello?" I asked down the phone and Hannibal started to plant kissed on my collar bones and went at a slow pace, making me have to bite my tongue.
"Hi, Grace. Hope I haven't called at a bad time, I was just asking if you'd come over and have a few drinks with me, Katie and Collin. You could bring Hannibal, just as a small thank you for dinner. Is he with you?" My mum asked me. I had to wait a minute before I could respond so I didn't moan down the line.
"Yeah, he's with me. Just viewing at some..." I moved the phone away and moaned a little, I brought the phone back and continued to talk.
"Heh, sorry. We're just viewing some photos we got the other day. When do you want us to come over?" I asked her. Hannibal used his palm and covered my mouth as he hurried his pace again.
"In around an hour? We're expecting someone to come over and buy dads old tools. The cake Alice also brought back home was amazing! You still have your bakery skills, which is good. Speaking of Alice, she mentioned something to me about a nightmare? I doubt it's nothing but did anything happen when she spent the night at yours?" she asked me. Hannibal removed his palm and started to kiss at my neck and he made it so difficult to not make a noise.
"She came downstairs late at..." I stopped talking for a moment so I could silence myself  "late at night and said she had a bad dream but slept well afterwards" I exclaimed to her. Hannibal grunted a little but his head was burrowed in my neck.
"Maybe I should talk to her about it. Anyway, I'll see you in a bit. Love you, mwah mwah!" She then ended the call. I put my phone on the bed and Hannibal did one last thrust before collapsing on top of me. He was taking in some deep breaths as was I. I played with his hair and rested my head back onto the pillow. He slowly sat up and pulled out. I shivered when he pulled out and I felt how weak my legs were.
"I need to go see my family" I chuckled and Hannibal gave me a faint smirk. "If you'd like to come" I smiled since it was a very strange offer after what just happened.
"Sure" he replied. He stood up and grabbed his pants from the floor, as did I.
"Maybe a shower is needed before we go" Hannibal suggested. I viewed myself and saw I was sweating and it was a little difficult to stand.
"Yeah, probably" I smiled.

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