Part 33

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——— Hannibal's dinner party ———

I grabbed a glass of champagne and looked around the room. It was just filled with rich folk with posh looking outfits and loud laughs, making me and my family - that hadn't arrived yet - the odd ones out. I saw A few people had surrounded Hannibal and they all laughed, with their alcohol in their hands. I took a sip of my champagne then I saw a man walking up to me. He wore a posh tuxedo, styled his brunette hair and had some pretty facial features and a faint stubble. He gave me a warm smile and I just gave him a quick smile back, I noticed him putting his hand in his pocket.
"Hello. And who might you be?" He asked me. His voice didn't sound posh but he spoke a little bit like a gentleman.
"I'm Grace, and you?" I asked him, adjusting my curled brunette hair.
"Ryan, just a Simple name that I cannot say everyone else possess" he joked to me. I bit my bottom lip to avoid smiling but it was a massive failure. He glanced down at my smile and smirked at me.
"You're not like these folk, are you?" He asked me. I shook my head and took a gulp of champagne - I knew I would be needing loads of these just to get through this night.
"Far from these folk, I am just a... normal girl" I sighed, drinking on my champagne. I suddenly felt eyes burn into me and it startled me a little, but I wasn't sure who was giving me this stare.
"Normal sounds lovely" Ryan replied to me. I raised an eyebrow at him, slightly confused at what he meant.
"All the education, pointless lessons, lectures and all just to secure their fortune. Nothing more" Ryan exclaimed to me, which made me feel a little sad. I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and pull me close to them. I could smell their strong aftershave and just knew it was Hannibal. Ryan kept glancing between me and Hannibal, a little lost for words.
"Hello, Ryan. I see you met Grace, lovely lady isn't she?" Hannibal asked Ryan.
"That she is. Is she your....?" Ryan asked him, I slightly gasped under my breath and looked the other way, feeling the awkwardness dive a knife into me.
"Something along the lines of that, I must talk to Grace alone if you wouldn't mind" Hannibal said to Ryan, still sounding emotionless.
"I wouldn't mind at all" Ryan gave us both a smile and walked off, then Hannibal took a hold of my hand and lead me out the room. The further away we got, the quieter the music and people got. Hannibal lead me to a small room, with one large window, a couch facing a warm fireplace and the expensive décor around. Hannibal shut the door and I put my champagne down on a surface.
"Is everything okay?" I asked him, sounding a little concerned.
"What did he say to you?" He just asked me instead, facing the doors still with his hands pressed against the door and resting his head on it. I scoffed under my breath and bit my tongue to avoid escalating the situation.
"We just talked about the people you invited, is that so bad?" I asked him, not adding a cocky tone to it but showing I was slightly irritated.
"I just... I don't like how he looked at you" he groaned to me.
"Ugh, goddamn it" I murmured to myself. He started to walk over to me and I really wanted to push him away but I just stood still, glaring at him.
"Do you vow to me that you only spoke about everyone I invited?" He begged to me, staring into my eyes. I scoffed out loud and then I couldn't help myself so I pushed him slightly.
"Oh you asshole! You think I gave him my number or something?!" I lightly shouted to him, avoiding to bring attention to us.
"Did you?" He asked me. I pushed him again but with more force and I went to push him again but he grabbed my wrists and pushed me against the wall.
"Did you?" He asked me again, repeating himself.
"Even if I did, would should it concern you?" I whispered to him. We've never made whatever this is official but I know we're both not the type of people to ask about 'boyfriend - girlfriend' questions.  He pushed his body closer to mine and our faces were close together.
"Well, why shouldn't it?" He whispered back to me. I opened my mouth to say something but he clashed his lips on top of mine and I couldn't help but melt in his arms. He slowly let me go of my wrists and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his body. I put my arms around his neck and held tightly as I felt him move around the room. He laid me down on the couch as I felt the arm chair behind my neck and I pulled away from his lips.
"I can't... not with my family coming over..." I whispered to him. He looked down at me with that expressionless face and clicked his tongue.
"They won't be here for another half an hour and those in the other room won't even notice we're missing" Hannibal informed me. I bit my bottom lip as I thought for a moment but he leaned down and kissed at my neck. I closed my eyes and felt myself sink into the couch. I put my hand behind his head and I felt his Hand feel around my body, touching at my waist and stomach. He slowly ventured his hand up my legs and under my dress, making me slightly Squeal. I opened my mouth to say something but I just couldn't say anything at all, like a cat got my tongue. I heard a slight rustle then he suddenly pushed himself entirely inside me. I gasped and quickly slapped my mouth using my two hands so I wasn't loud. He moved his head away from my neck and hovered above me. He didn't go slow, he just went rather fast making me clench my hands closer to my mouth as I moaned too loud. Hannibal could somehow control his noises better than me but still was a little loud. I removed my hands away from my mouth and put them around his neck, to kiss him. It didn't silence us but still felt good rather than silencing myself using my hands. He started to thrust into me, making my noises louder and louder. I pulled away from his lips and covered my mouth but that still didn't do much. I saw Hannibal clench his lips together, in hope to be more silent, but he was still making too much noise. He hit my G-spot and my entire body shook and my eyes rolled back. He started to kiss at my neck and I didn't even feel like there was even a point in trying to stay silent since it wasn't working at all. He left wet kisses all around my neck and I felt my palms sweat. Hannibal shot his head up and looked over to where the door was and sighed. I just listened in and heard some faint footsteps and Hannibal didn't break his eyes away from the door, I just kept looking him up and down. I put one hand around his neck and I pulled myself up a little, just to start kissing at his neck. He started to faintly make noises again and I smirked. I kissed my way up to his ear and nibbled at his ear lobe and he suddenly pushed me down and pounded into me once, making me gasp.
"I would say we must be leaving, but I can't now" he whispered in my ear. He put one hand beside my head - on the arm chair - and the other on top of my mouth. I put my hands on top of his hand - that was on top of my mouth - because I knew this was going to be a challenge. He viciously pounded into me, making my squeal and often feel like I was about to black out. He bit down on his tongue and rested his head in my neck in hope he would be quieter. He destroyed my G-Spot again and I just wanted to scream. My moans were loud, even with three hands trying to cover it up. He used the rest of his energy and did one last, powerful thrust then collapsed on top of me, panting hard. His warm breath imprinting my neck. He slumped his hand away from my mouth and I was still trying to recover. I could still feel him inside me and my entire body was shaking. Now what am I going to do, with my family coming over soon? We stayed in the same position for a few moments then he pulled out and tiredly got up. I was still laying down, trying to motivate myself to get up.

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