Part 21

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——— A week later ———

Abigail was able to leave the hospital with Alana Bloom's permission and some company with her. Abigail begged and begged us to let her return home one last time since everything inside it will soon be owned by the victims families. We decided to use this opportunity and find out what Garret Jacob Hobbs did to his victims.

I looked around the Hobb's residence and I found a pouch. I picked it up - with gloves on - and I took a good inspection at it. It was a leather of some sort, with some decorative stitching on it. I stuck my fingers inside and I felt my fingers grab something so I pulled it out and it revealed to be a clump of females hair. I shrieked and dropped it to the floor. I fell backwards and crawled away as fast as possible, hitting my back on the wall. I heard the floorboards creak multiple times and I saw Alana and Hannibal coming to see if I was okay.
"Grace?" Alana asked me as she knelt beside me.
"Abigail wasnt-wasnt lying... he used every single bit of them..." I whispered to Alana, trembling in my voice.
"Okay, but you're safe" she reminded me. I put my hands behind my neck and took a few deep breaths. Hannibal then sat down next to me and put an arm around Me. Nobody knew that me and Hannibal were... a thing? Friends with benefits? Just something. I later saw Abigail walk into the room and I looked up at her. She had bandages around her neck still but she normally wore scarves to cover it up.
"Is she okay?" Abigail asked Hannibal or Alana.
"I'm fine... I just got scared" I replied back, sternly.
"What else did your dad do?" I asked her. She gulped and looked around the room.
"They're everywhere. He used their bones to fix the pipes, collected their teeth... ate their insides.." she shivered at the last part, as did I. Alana then got a call and she answered and put it on speaker.
"You're on speaker, Jack" Alana said to him.
"We found out who was in the trunk, with the three other bodies. Miriam Lass, she went missing a few years back when I put her on the ripper case" Jack exclaimed to us. We all looked at each other and none of knew what to say.
"I'm so... sorry Jack" I said to him. I heard him sigh down the line and everyone didn't know what to say.
"We'll avenge her" Alana promised him.
"I'm sure we will" Jack then ended the call. I got a buzz on my phone and I checked it to see another Freddie Lounds article. I scoffed and opened it up.

The fake Chesapeake Ripper
The FBI had wrongly accused Will Graham for being the Chesapeake ripper. Although he did not commit every murder we thought he did, the ripper did say in a note that Will did in fact kill a few people. Agent Grace Williamson got a letter from the Chesapeake ripper himself and it's confirmed that he is in fact obsessed over her, asking disgusting questions about her personal life.

"She never knows when to shut up" I grunted as I stood up from the floor.
"What did she comment about this time?" Hannibal asked me.
"Just about Will Graham and the note the ripper left me" I exclaimed to him. I suddenly heard a shriek and I saw Abigail was gone. I ran to the noise and saw Abigail slowly backing away from a man holding a glass shard. I put my hand on Abigail's arm and she nudged closer to me. The man looked angry and he squeezed onto the glass shard, blood dropping onto the wooden floors.
"You killed my sister..." she man whimpered.
"Who are you?" Hannibal asked him.
"Oh, I'm a nobody mister." He gave a quick smile to Hannibal then looked back at Abigail with malevolent eyes.
"You're trespassing on private property. Leave" Alana said sternly.
"Or else you'll call the police?" He scoffed. I slanted my head at him and he looked over at me.
"I know you're the FBI. You killed the Minnesota shrike and that puts you on my good list" the man said to me. Although he meant that as a compliment, it didn't feel like a compliment to me.
"What she said. Leave" I snarled back. He hesitantly dropped the glass shard and I saw his hand shaking and leaking more and more blood drip onto the floor, creating a small puddle.
"You better have someone watch your ass 24/7" he pointed at Abigail and then left. I hugged Abigail and she clenched her arms around me and dug her head close into my chest. I slowly stroked her hair and heard her whimpers.
"It's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you" I whispered to her.

——— Hannibal's home ———

I laid down on Hannibal's black leather therapy chair and looked up at the ceiling, deep in my thoughts. Hannibal then came into view and he put his hands in his trouser pockets.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked me. I sighed and took a deep breath in.
"Just what's happened... wondering if I made another choice and see how things would pan out" I exclaimed to him. Hannibal slanted his head at me and I sat up right.
"What would you change?" He asked me as he sat down beside me.
"How I approached the Minnesota shrike, Abigail, the man at the hospital, Will.... my dad...." I closed my eyes and Hannibal put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and sniffled.
"He's in a better place" he reminded me. There was a knock at the door and a buzz on my phone. Hannibal got up and walked over to the door and I got my phone out.
"Expecting anyone?" I asked him.
"Not for another twenty minutes" he replied, which made me feel uneasy. I looked down at my phone and saw the text from.

Come to the theatre

That was the text, just plain and simple. I stood up and I saw Hannibal talking to a man with a beard and dark brown hair. He was in a cheap looking suit and seemed friendly.
"Franklin, you're early" Hannibal said to him. I unintentionally listened in as I grabbed my belongings from his desk.
"I know I am, Dr. Lecter but it's about Tobias" the man - known as Franklin - then whispered something in Hannibal's ear that I didn't catch on.
"Did you alert the authorities?" Hannibal asked him.
"I didn't want to believe it" Franklin replied. I put my phone into my Jean pocket and I walked over to the door.
"It seems you're busy so I won't snatch you away. There's been a reported crime at the theatre and I've been called over, I'll see you at the head quarters?" I asked Hannibal.
"Of course you will" he smiled to me. I gave him a smile back and I was about to walk away but he took a hold of my hand, making me turn around and face him. He planted a kiss on my lips and I was surprised he was so comfortable allowing someone to see us kiss, since I'm getting good and bad reports from Freddie Lounds, giving me a strange reputation.
"I'll see you soon" Hannibal said to me and I smiled and nodded my head. I turned around and began to walk away.
"Is she your girlfriend?" Franklin asked. I chuckled as went downstairs, not being able to hear anymore.

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