Part 5

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Me and Brian Zellar were searching the letter for DNA and I never felt more hopeful in having a lead before. Brain took swabs of it using cotton buds and he used other equipments to find anything, even a hair. I helped in any way I could, feeling pumped.
"The ink is common, found in most stores across the world. The paper is from a cheap notepad and it doesn't have any scents on it to follow" Brian exclaimed to me. I bit my tongue and put my hands on my hips.
"So we have nothing?" I asked him. He sighed and shook his head.
"Fuuuuck......" I looked to my side and I was so enraged. All of this hassle for nothing.
"He went into my house and still left us nothing!" I shouted to Brian.
"We don't know that for sure, Jack is looking for CCTV" he reminded me.
"We do know that, there wasn't even any DNA on the window that he had to open to get in!" I replied back. Brian took off his gloves once he put the letter back into the evidence bag. He strolled over to me and handed the letter over to me, all sealed up like a present.
"I get why you're angry.. but we'll find him" Brian promised me. He put his hand on my shoulder, giving me an assuring smile and I nodded my head at him.
"You got this" he added on. I gave him a faint smile and the door swung open. I turned around and saw it was Will, he seemed angry and was holding his phone.
"Will?" I asked him. Brian was packing up some equipment and Will stormed over to me and showed me his phone screen.
"It's about you.." he whispered to me. I took his phone off him and I saw it was article.

Minnesota shrike gunned down by agent Grace Williamson.

Agent Grace Williamson discovered the Minnesota shrike and was reported to gunning down the Minnesota shrike (Garret Jacob Hobbs) and it was said he was defenceless. She has orphaned Abigail Hobbs who is suffering in the hospital, in a coma. Some agents on the field describe her as bossy and treats police like 'garbage' said one of the agents. Agent Jack Crawford refuses to take her off the field, even after killing a defenceless man and what happened to Abigail was unknown.

I stared at the short paragraph a little longer and saw there was a photo of me walking out the house, with blood all over myself.
"That's complete bullshit!" I shouted, all of the publicity can see this and I'm putting a bad reputation on the name 'Williamson'. Will sighed and took his phone off me and shoved it in his Jean pocket.
"Freddie Lounds made that article, we're trying to find out how she got this false information" Will told me. I shook my head and crossed my arms.
"The ripper said I treated everyone with respect and then this happens" I scoffed. Will looked down and I was actually a little devastated. I didn't think I treated people poorly, I don't think I'm any lower or higher than some people - even with me in the FBI.
"I'm sorry, Grace" Will murmured to me. I looked at him confused and he had his hands in his Jean pockets as he looked down at the floor.
"None of this is your fault, Will. It's just life, it's going to throw some things at you." I reminded him. He nodded his head and looked up at me.
"It's a Saturday, go make the most of it" he begged me. I shook my head and he sighed.
"I need to find the ripper-" but Will interrupted me.
"We have no leads or victims. Go home, rest up" he pleaded to me. I sighed and hesitantly nodded my head.
"..fine, okay"

——— the hospital ———

I sat beside Abigail and I held onto her hand as I stared at her. The hospital room Stank of bleach and it inflamed my nostrils, almost breaking my sense of smell. The door creaked open and I turned to see Alana coming in. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I noticed her shopping bag and she noticed where I was glaring.
"How are you, Grace?" She asked me. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders.
"As good as can be" I lied.
"I heard what happened last night and yesterday... do you want to talk?" She asked me. I shook my head at her and she strolled over to me, holding the bag with two hands.
"Are you sure?" She asked me. I nodded my head.
"Whats in the bag?" I asked her. She smiled and glanced inside it.
"Just some clothes for Abigail. I don't know her size so I got 14's and 16's. Let's hope it was a good guess" she joked. I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.
"Probably" I looked back over at Abigail and I felt the sadness sink in again.
"You can't blame yourself" Alana said to me, breaking the silence.
"Not sure that's true, Freddie Lounds made an article about me" I informed her. I heard her quietly gasp.

A few hours later...

Alana finished reading a part of a book to me and Abigail. Alana looked up from the book, revealing her bright smile and it made me smile it was so bright.
"You have a pretty smile" she complimented. I chuckled and wiped my eye.
"Thank you, so do you" I responded to her.
"So, how's Hannibal?" She asked me as she laid the opened book on her crossed legs.
"He's a great guy. Should've recommended him to me sooner" I smirked. She laughed and I chuckled.
"He taught me a lot about the human mind, he's a smart man." She replied with. I nodded my head in agreement and I crossed my legs.
"He's helpful and-" Alana then interrupted me.
"And charming" she smirked. My mouth dropped and I let out a laugh.
"I didn't know you had an eye for him, Alana" I teased, laughing. She later joined in with my laughter.
"You must admit Grace, he is good looking for his age" Alana pleaded for me to agree and I bit the inside of my cheek to avoid smiling.
"I mean, sure but-" suddenly the door opened and Hannibal revealed himself. My mouth unintentionally dropped and Alana kept looking at me and Hannibal.
"Am I... interrupting?" He asked us two.
"Nope, no uhm" Alana said as she adjusted her position.
"Yeah, no. We're just... talking about work" I said to him. He nodded his head and entered, I saw he had a boxed gift in his hands and it had a bow on it.
"Something for Abigail?" Alana asked him. He looked down at the gift in his hands and looked back up at us.
"Ah, yes. It is just something simple, something for her to wake up and see" Hannibal walked over and placed it beside the flowers and cards Abigail got.
"I think I should get going, got somewhere to be" Alana said as she got up off her seat and she grabbed her coat.
"See you two" she said and she left the hospital room, leaving me and Hannibal alone. Hannibal sat where Alana used to be sat, making him sat in front of me. He clasped his hands together and leaned forward. He saw me holding hands with Abigail and he looked over at me.
"You are spending your free time with Abigail?" He asked me. I glanced over at him and he was staring at me, waiting for a response.
"I can't spent Sunday here, it will be my aunts wedding" I exclaimed to him.
"Congratulations to her" he smiled. I gave him a quick smile and he slanted his head at me, knowing I have something on the tip of my tongue.
"About Sunday... my mum wants me to bring someone, if you'd like to come. I get if you don't want to-" I went on to exclaim but Hannibal politely interrupted.
"Of course I shall come, thank you for the invite" he smiled to me. I smiled and let out a gasp of air, relieved.

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