Part 13

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——— the FBI HQ ———

I opened up Jack's office door and he was sat waiting for me, once he saw me he jumped up from his desk, clearly pumped.
"Grace! Thank god you're here" he walked over and guided me to a seat. I was so confused yet so excited, it was a strange feeling. I sat down and he hurried to the back of his desk.
"We have planned a meeting for the ripper, but you need to go" Jack exclaimed to me. I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head. Jack leaned forward on his desk, putting his hands on the desk too.
"He'll think just you are going" Jack told me.
"And Will it just be me going? Who else knows about this?" I asked Jack.
"Nobody. Not even the agents going will know who we're going for, it's between me and you" Jack said to me, which made me feel a little uneasy.
"I don't think this is going to work, Jack" I warned him but he spoke over me.
"He's in our palms, Grace. Now all we need to do is clench it into a fist" Jack stood up from his desk and he held out a radio to me.
"It's already on the channel for me and you only, just for discretion" he promised me. I took the radio off him and put it into my jacket pocket.
"Let's go get this bastard" Jack smiled to me. I just knew this plan is going to go wrong somewhere.

——— the observatory ———

Since it was late at night, the night sky shone through the ceiling and onto the ground. There was a lot of old furniture covered with white sheets, dust had already landed on them. Agents were posted on the ceiling with snipers, with a view inside the observatory. I sat down on a crate and sighed. The radio in my pocket crackled static and it was Jack talking, it echoed through the observatory so I turned it off - knowing the danger.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours and I was so bored. I laid down on the crate and looked up at the night sky, the stars were bright and there wasn't a cloud in sight. I felt peaceful, until I heard a footstep. I sat up and my breathing got heavy and I looked all around myself.
"...Grace?" The voice asked out.
"I'm here" I shouted out. The footsteps going louder, I heard them quicken and my eyes were glued to where the ripper will reveal himself. The footsteps then turned into jogging and I didn't break my eyes away. The person that came into view was...


It was Will Graham. I gasped and nearly fell behind the crate. He was sweating really bad and was shaking. I looked down at his hands and saw they couldn't stay still at all!
"Will?!" I shrieked. He pulled a puzzled look at me then agents filled the observatory. Will looked up confused and then covered his ears to the noise of them descending down from ropes.
"Will Graham, you are under arrest. Any words you say will be used in court" said an agent as they hand cuffed him. Someone put their hand on my shoulder and I turned to see it was Jack.
"Something is wrong here, Jack. Look at him!" I shouted to him but Jack just shook his head at me.
"He kept getting lost in his imagination, he didn't know what was reality and his head" Jack confessed.

I banged on Hannibal's door repeatedly using my two hands, ignoring that it was midnight. Hannibal opened up the door and I dashed in for a hug, He didn't even get a chance to say a word.
"Will... Will was the ripper, oh my god. Oh my god. Why, why, why, why" I cried on his chest. He was shirtless and in pyjamas pants, I definitely woke him up from his sleep.
"How do you know?" Hannibal asked me in a tired tone.
"We set a meeting up... I don't know how Jack did it but... but he turned up. Jack said he was losing himself in reality and imagination." I sobbed. Hannibal tightened his grip around me and I felt safe but so heart broken I couldn't even explain it.

Hannibal gave me a red sweater and some pyjama pants. I was changing in his bathroom and I viewed myself in the mirror. The red sweater smelt so much like Hannibal and it was a little baggy on me and showed off my collar bone and the pyjama pants were loose so I tied it's strings up and it stopped it from falling. I opened up the bathroom door and I looked around the bedroom. Everything in his bedroom just looked expensive and I looked out the window to see the stars. I shut the bathroom door and Hannibal entered the bedroom. He walked over to me and gave me a glass of water.
"He killed my dad..." I whispered to Hannibal, not taking the glass off him. More tears fell down and I bit my bottom lip and looked down at the floor. I heard the clink of the glass when it touched a wooden surface - the dresser - and Hannibal hugged me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I cried again.
"Would you like me to accompany you tonight?" He asked me. I nodded my head as we hugged and he guided me to the bed in the room and laid me down. He knelt down in front of me and wiped my tears away.
"It's over now, Grace" Hannibal said to me. I nodded my head as I sniffled and he got into bed with me. I turned my body around to face Hannibal and he looked over at me.
"Can I...?" I asked him, implying to cuddle close to him. He nodded his head and I shuffled over and I rested my head on his bare chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt better already and I knew I will have to go see my mum and Alice tomorrow. They had left Katie's and Collin's home and returned back to their home once it was no longer a crime scene.
"Why Will?" I asked Hannibal.
"He was broken, his mind got the best of him" Hannibal reminded me. I closed my eyes as more tears leaked out.

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