Part 29

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I threw up in the toilet and I spat out all the chunks. I groaned and I reached my hand out - with my head still in the toilet - and I flushed. I kept gipping but nothing came out.

After half an hour, I hazily got up and I leaned on the sink to give myself support for my jelly legs. I viewed at myself in the mirror and saw how uneasy I looked so I splashed myself in the face with some cold water.

I sat downstairs Buddy laying on my foot and strummed the strings on my guitar for some entertainment, since I took a vacation day from my illness. I got a notification and sighed. I always felt like it was Carl but he's currently in a holding cell for what he admitted yesterday. I put my guitar on the floor and checked my phone to see a few messages.

Carl was killed in his holding cell. Don't come in, but there's also a letter. Come see when you're feeling better.

Katie has came over if you wanna see her

I heard that you're feeling unwell, I could bring some soup to help you heal.

I peered over at Buddy peacefully asleep and I laid down beside him and smothered him in little smooches and he started to lick my face, making me laugh.

I looked up at the ceiling and felt a wave of sickness hit me for the fourth time within half an hour. I groaned and gipped a little but knew I wouldn't throw up. I then heard my house rattle from my front door opening and closing. I rolled over to my side, avoiding to disturb Buddy and saw Hannibal come into my view.
"Hi..." I mumbled to him, resting my eyes again.
"Hello. Have you eaten today?" He asked me. I shook my head and rolled over again.
"You must eat, you could be lacking nutrition in your diet. Could be your reason of feeling ill" he suggested to me. I was too ill to respond and he seemed to get the message after a moment of awkward silence. He sat down on the couch with me and he put his hand on me and I shivered a little.
"You could have a fever" he said to me. He slowly raised my body up and put my head on his shoulder and he supported my back, it made me feel a little better. I hazily opened my eyes and saw he was looking down at me. I gulped a little, since I was dehydrated and he rested his head on top of mine. I kept involuntary shaking and he put a blanket around us.

I opened my eyes to see I was asleep on the arm chair. I felt so much better so I sat up a little and saw an ice cold glass of water on my coffee table. I leaned over - without disturbing Buddy who was asleep on me - and I took a sip of it. I let out a relieved sigh and heard my floor boards creak, I rubbed my eye using my thumb and glanced up to see Hannibal walking towards me with a bowl in his hands.
"You already look better" he smiled to me as he leaned down to put the bowl on the coffee table. I peered over to see it was a soup of some sort. He put his arm around me and I snuggled close to him and Buddy got off the couch and trotted upstairs. Hannibal felt my forehead and he leaned over to grab the bowl and he handed it over to me.
"Chicken soup?" I asked him as I took it off him.
"That it is" he answered. I took a small spoonful and felt myself warm up already.
"Thats good" I whispered to myself and I took another spoonful.

"And then she pushed me into the river"'I laughed. Hannibal chuckled and began to stroke my cheek with his thumb. Buddy trotted back in and sat beside Hannibal's feet since mine were on the couch.
"Sounds disastrous" he smirked. I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.
"It was" I smiled. I got another wave of sickness so I sat up in case I was to throw up. Hannibal caught on and he handed me over a bowl. I sighed and rested my head close to the bowl. He began to rub my back and it made my embarrassment melt away, since it was a little weird with someone seeing me throw up.
"I heard Carl was murdered by the ripper... did you know?" I asked him. He stopped rubbing my back then hesitantly started to rub it again.
"I did. I was the one who reported it" he confessed to me. I gipped a little but nothing came up.
"The.. the letter?" I asked him.
"He just talked about how Carl treated you, nothing to worry about" he promised me.

——— Ella's and Alice's home ———

It was 5PM and I just needed to see My family so I excused my illness and came over, making sure to do a distance in case it's contagious. Hannibal came with me since he wanted to see Alice and see how Katie is doing.

I opened up the door and saw the many pairs of shoes beside the door and then I heard a laugh. I took my shoes off and headed to the living room to see my mum, Collin, Katie and Alice. Alice got off the floor and ran to me and dashed in for a hug. So much for a distance. I hugged her back and she smiled.
"You're all better!" She shrieked to me, referring to the time of when I had to literally Jump off a building.
"Told you so" I smirked. She then hugged Hannibal and he picked her up and held her thighs and she wrapped her legs around him and her arms around his neck.
"When can you cook for us again?" She asked him. He pondered for a moment before answering.
"Whenever you like" he smiled to her. She giggled and was about to put her down but she clung into him, so he held onto her.
"Hi everyone" I gave them all a faint wave and saw Katie was sat beside a fruit bowl while my mum and Collin were knelt on the floor, around where Alice was playing.
"Hi you two!" Welcomed Collin.
"Hello" Hannibal responded. I looked over at Katie with the biggest smile and she was enjoying her fruit.
"And how are you?" I asked her in a playful tone as I walked over to her.
"God, it's been so shi-" she looked over at Alice in Hannibal's arms and corrected herself.
"Soooo silly. Yeah, Uhm..."
everyone snickered and Alice seemed confused but she didn't question it.
"How are things coming along?" I asked her.
"Well, see for yourself" she raised her baggy hoodie up to reveal a developing bump. I gasped and I sat beside her.
"Go on, it's okay" she whispered to me. She must've seen how eager I was to feel her bump. I hesitantly put my hands on her stomach and I felt some slight movement. I faintly gasped and I heard my mum chuckle.
"Oh my god..." I whispered to myself. I saw Hannibal's feet beside the couch and I looked up and saw Alice and himself looking down at me and Katie.
"You two wanna feel it too?" Katie asked the two of them. Alice looked at Hannibal and she seemed shy so Hannibal smiled at her and put her down.
"You won't hurt her" I promised to Alice as I chuckled a little. Alice smiled and trotted over to Alice. She just stared at the bump so Hannibal knelt down beside her and took a hold of her hand and guided her hand to her bump. Alice gasped a little and I smiled to see Hannibal with Alice.
"Somethings moving!" She said, amazed. Everyone laughed and I saw Hannibal smile.
"It's your little cousin" my mum informed her. Alice put her other hand on her bump and she was so amazed by it.

——— Grace's home ———

While I was with Katie and she talked about all the symptoms with me, I thought if I was also pregnant so I got two pregnancy tests and I placed them on the bathroom counter and waited for the results. I sat on the toilet seat and Buddy jumped up and I stroked his head.
"Oh you're a good boy" I said to him in my baby voice and he barked at me, making me laugh. My phone alarm went off and I quickly stood up and checked the pregnancy tests. They both came back


They both came back negative. I fisted the air as a slight celebration and Buddy tap danced beside me, so I knelt down and smothered him in kisses and he tackled me to the floor and licked my face.

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