Part 8

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——— the shopping mall ———

We found out where the man - held responsible for kidnapping and planting innocent people - worked and now we were doing a raid of the shopping mall. Me and Jack rolled in with our guns loaded and agents behind us. We approached the pharmacy area and Jack asked about a certain worker.
"He just went off shift" the worker said.
"Does he drive a car?" I asked the worker, in a quick pace. He nodded his head hesitantly and the worker kept glancing at me and Jack, clearly confused and I couldn't blame him. I ran to the car park and heard Jack chant my name but I just kept running. I saw the back room curtains move and I got my gun out and I crept in. I heard something clash onto the floor and I swung around to see nothing. I slowly looking forward again and from my right, the man charged about me with a metal sheet and made me hit the wall. I unintentionally pulled the trigger on my gun and it made a loud noise and startled the man.
"Ugh, shit!" He cussed out. He let go of the sheet and cupped his ears, I then got up and ran after him but he pushed down the stock shelves and I fell backwards to avoid it falling on top of me. I saw the unknown man make a dash for it and I hurried to my feet and ran after him. It lead me to fire exit of the store and I barged it open to see he was gone. The night sky made it harder to see and the street lights flickered. I slowly wandered around the empty car park and I saw an old sedan. I crept over and I checked the driver seats, nothing. I went to the trunk and opened it to get a revolting smell. I gagged and stepped back and covered my mouth with my jacket sleeve. I saw the trunk was filled with soil and I faintly saw a forehead at the top. I cupped the soil out and it revealed a victim. She had a medical equipment on her mouth, a tube of some sort to keep her passed out. I pulled it out and the tube went on and on. Once it was out, I threw it to the ground and tried to wake the victim up. I heard deep footsteps running at me and I knew it was the FBI team. I wiped the soil off her face and raised her head and then I saw Jack stand beside me.
"He's making a new garden... we need paramedics over here!" Jack shouted. "...Grace, you're bleeding" Jack gasped. I looked down at my arm and saw a slash through my clothes and in my arm, the murderer must've slashed me with the iron sheet.
"It's fine, just help me" I begged him.

——— the FBI headquarters ———

I was sat in my office, treating my wound. I didn't want to waste the paramedics time, I would rather have it spent on the woman I found in the trunk. I put rubbing alcohol on a cotton bud and I took a deep breath, I knew this was going to hurt. I began to wipe my wound and I shrieked in pain and I hit my desk with my fist. I stopped and closed my eyes to focus on the burning pain. I heard the door creak open and I looked up to see Hannibal. He viewed all the medical supplies I had on the desk yet still had that same expressionless face on.
"What happened?" He asked me as he walked over to view my wound.
"I almost had him... goddamn it" I leaned back on my chair and Hannibal lifted my arm and viewed it.
"It seems deep, may I take a look?" He asked me. I hesitantly nodded my head and I spectated him get a new cotton bud and put rubbing alcohol onto it.
"Try staying still" he instructed me. I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes as I felt him clean it.
"Oh my god" I gasped.
"Just a little longer" he promised me. The stinging weakened and Hannibal threw the bloody cotton bud into the bin and I felt him check it to see how deep it is.
"It won't need any stitching, but you must go easy" he warned me. I nodded my head and he grabbed some bandages and began to wrap it up.
"This should do, but you must replace your bandages frequently to avoid unnecessary infections" Hannibal instructed me as he let go of my arm. I looked over at him and he was also staring at me. I got a sudden notification on my phone and I checked to see if was from my mum and Jack.

You're done for the day.

It's about your father, call me now

I suddenly had a bad feeling and I called my mum and it just went to voice mail. I tried calling Jack and he refused the call.
"What is it, Grace?" Hannibal asked me.
"I-I don't know, it's about my dad" I quickly stood up and ran out the office and ran for my car.

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