Part 30

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——— the Morgue ———

I stared down at Carl's dead body. His eyes were a cloud grey, his skin going grey from being stored in a  cool place. His cause of death was suffocation, a pipe had been shoved down his throat.
"He died around... five hours after his interrogation with Grace" Beverly exclaimed to me, Will, Jack and Hannibal. I had my arms crossed as I looked his body up and down.
"His arrest wasn't out to the public, he has a way of finding private information" Will said out loud, implying The Chesapeake ripper. 
"He's lowered his obsession over Grace so we don't know how close he is" Jack reminded Will.
"For all we know, he could've done this to himself" Hannibal suggested to us.
"That could be true, only finger prints were Carl's on the pipe" Beverly jumped in. I looked at his expressionless face and wondered for a moment.
"Any signs of a struggle or break-in to his cell?" I asked Beverly.
"Nope" she answered me. I looked over at Hannibal, who was holding his coat, and he looked over at me. "How did you find him?" I asked Hannibal. He clicked his tongue and looked back at Carl.
"He was simply laying in his bed, I didn't even notice the pipe in his throat" Hannibal answered me. The pipe was rather long and it was taken from the bed frame, so it was a high possibility he did it himself but the ripper still left a letter.
"The Chesapeake ripper was still there though" I mumbled.

Sorry this one was so short

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