Part 17

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——— the asylum ———

I approached the asylum doors as my shoes hit the concrete floor. I felt so scared and sad, my legs even slightly trembled. I saw a man in a nurse outfit waiting for me, with a smile.
"Hi. I'm Barney, are you agent Williamson?" He asked me with his hand out to shake.
"I am" i smiled as I took his hand.
"Oh that's perfect! If you'd just follow me, mind your step" he pointed at the step and he then guided me down the hallway.

He stopped at a door and it had 'Dr. Chilton' engraved on it.
"He'll talk you through all the procedures" Barney exclaimed to me. I nodded my head and he opened the door for me.
"Thank you, Barney" I smiled to him. He gave me a smile back and walked away. I entered the office and saw a man sat at a desk, writing down on some papers.
"Doctor Chilton?" I asked out as I shut the door. He lifted his head up and gave me a smile.
"Agent Williamson, it's a pleasure to meet you" he said to me as he stood up and walked over to me. He had chestnut brown hair and beard with emerald eyes. His office looked elegant, with expensive looking pieces scattered around his office, matching his white and brown colour scheme.
"You have a nice office" I said to him as I looked around the office.
"Why thank you, it was not cheap" he smirked. He walked over to a small bar in the room and poured whiskey into two glasses.
"So, you were close with Will Graham?" He asked as I heard the liquid drop into the fancy glasses.
"I was. He was my friend." I informed the doctor. He turned around and walked towards me, holding two whiskey glasses.
"That must be terrible, your very own friend possibly killed your father" Dr. Chilton expressed his dearest concerns in a funny way.
"He didn't. He isn't the Chesapeake ripper, but he could've possibly done other murders" I informed him as I took a glass off him. I took a sip and it tasted so rich. The doctor took a sip and he stared down at me.
"So that's why you have came to visit him. It's not a social call" He pondered. I slanted my head at him and raised an eyebrow.
"You want to know if he knows what he's done" he added on. I nodded my head and sipped on the rich alcohol.

I walked down the hallway and passed all the cells, I viewed inside some and saw a man rocking on a chair without blinking, a man climbing on the bars and the other scratching at the wall. I saw some faint blood on the wall he was scratching so I looked away to not irritate the inmate. I stopped at the last cell and viewed inside to see Will laying on the bed. I took a deep breath and I knew he knew i was here.
"You think I committed some of the murders?" Will asked me as he looked up at the ceiling.
"I don't know what to believe, Will. Can you blame me?" I asked him as I shrugged my shoulders. He sat up and looked me in the eyes. It slightly startled me but I didn't show it.
"The Chesapeake ripper is Hannibal Lecter. I'm telling you!" He cried to me. I arched my eyebrows and slanted my head at him.
"That's impossible, he was with me most days" I reminded him.
"That's what he wants you to think. He could've crept out during the night, say he's at one place and be at another" Will exclaimed to me.
"He picks out info from the letters, he would just be crafting his own doom" I debated back.
"Ever since I started therapy with him, I got worse. I would have time skips and not know where I would be. The day I was arrested, I woke up in front of the observatory." Will told me. I swallowed my fear and I was so confused.
"You just proved to us all you're unwell and you expect me to believe you? Will, do you know what you did?" I asked him. He looked confused and I sighed.
"You killed-" he then shouted over me.
"I didn't kill! I don't kill..." Will pleaded to me. I shook my head slowly and sniffled.
"You killed people thinking you were in your imagination... please just say it and let me help you" I whispered to him. He just shook his head and started to cry.

——— the hospital ———

I wiped the tears away from my face as I sat beside Abigail. Hannibal had quickly left to take a call and I was alone with Abigail. I held her hand as I stared at her, the beeps in the room from the medical equipment were very irritable and it made me on edge. I heard the door creak open and I looked over and saw Hannibal had returned.
"It was Jack. He wants to do further research into the Minnesota shrike" Hannibal exclaimed to me. I nodded my head and sighed as I bit my bottom lip.
"How was Will?" He asked Me. I just shrugged my shoulders and stared back at Abigail.
"He thinks he hasn't killed anyone... and is sure you're the ripper" I exclaimed to him.
"That would be-" Hannibal went on to say but Abigail's eye flickered opened. My eyes widened and she looked around the room. I let go of her hand and she sat up slowly and looked scared.
"What... what happened?" She asked us.
"It's okay, you're safe" I promised her. She just shook her head and looked around.
"A man came to see me..." she reminded us.
"It's okay, he's gone" I reassured her.
"You killed him?!" She murmured to me. I shook my head and leaned forward on my chair.
"He killed himself, I talked him down" I told her. She slowly nodded her head and then the door opened up. I turned to see Alana and Jack walk in.
"Hello, Abigail" smiled Alana. Abigail just did a faint wave and gulped.
"When did she wake up?" Jack asked me and Hannibal.
"Just now." Hannibal answered.
"Jack. Not now, let her adjust" I whispered to him.
"I'm fine" Abigail said back sternly. Jack sighed and crossed his arms.
"I agree with Grace" Alana said.
"As do I, we should let her recover then we can go deeper into the investigation" Hannibal jumped in.
"Let's talk outside the hospital" I added on as I stood up and headed towards the door.
"I didn't help my dad" Abigail said out loud, still shaking in her voice. I looked over at her and she was staring at me. I could see the pain in her eyes and the disbelief.
"We're not saying that you did, Abigail. We just want to find what your father did with his victims" I informed her.
"He hid them. Used every part of them, so they wouldn't go to waste" she exclaimed to everyone with tears in their eyes.
"What did he do with the organs?" Alana asked her.
"He ate them..."

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