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Dukarda kanta tayi tace you said no too much ice cream. Juyawa yayi da niyyar fita ta tsayarda shi ta hanyar shan gabansa tace I am sorry I didn't mean to take too much it's just that na kwana dayawa bansha ba and ice cream means a lot to me plus when I saw the flavors I couldn't control myself. Gefenta yabi zai wuce ta rike hannunsa daga kanta tayi ta kallesa kamin tace I really am sorry. And I will try to reduce my intake of ice cream and soft drinks. It's just that I've gotten used to it I can't just stop at once it will take time. Kallanta yayi kamin yace fine ya juya ya wuce. Time ta kalla taga it's almost magrib time. Hakan yasata kashe movie din ta fito. Dakinta ta koma yayi alwala ta zauna jiran magrib. Bayan tayi isha ta karanta AlQuran for a while sannan ta fito for dinner.

Ganinsa tayi zaune kan dinning yana jiranta. Tana zaunawa akayi serving dinsu suka fara cin abinci. Suna tsakada cin abincin both secretary's dinsu suka shigo. Shi suka fara gaidawa sannan suka gaida ita. Ko wanne ya fara maganar data kawoshi. Kallan Jin Ah tayi tace you shouldn't tell me this it's his company and he handles everything so tell him. Tana gama maganar ya mike tayi dakinta. Wayar ya ya dauka ta fara chatting dasu sultana inda suke pestering dinta yaushe zatazo. A nan takejin labarin za'a hade auran nasreen dana sultana. Idan akayi na nasreen this week next week ayi na sultana which is why aka dage na nasreen from this coming Tuesday to next week Tuesday. Masifa tafara zazzagawa tace wannan wane irin iskanci ne? Fita tayi daga WhatsApp ta dannawa sultana kira tana dagawa tafara bala'i wato ni ban isa ki kirani ki gayamin anmiki engagement ba kenan?

Ashe yadda na daukeki ke ba a haka kika daukeni ba so I am just a cousin to you. Fine I accept it but I just want you to know cewa you were like a sister to me but thank you for showing me I mean nothing to you duk yadda kike close da sauran friend din mu and cousins dinmu sultana am closer to you than them because our mothers come from the same father and mother and there is nothing either you or I can do about it. Ace wai harke zaki fidda miji a miki engagement a kawo lefenki a sanya ranar auranki sultana ko common text message ki kasa turo min. Daga dayan gefen sultan tace it's not like that sabiha listen to me. I don't want your explanation or anything sultana. Wanda yayi dakai dashi zakayi wanda ya kulaka shi zaka kula. I know where I stand in your life and I will maintain my position. I just called to tell you don't expect me to talk to you about your wedding and do not get your hopes high I show up because you will only hurt your feelings. Tana gama magana ta kashe wayar. Tana kallanta tana ringing sultana na kiranta but taki dagawa daga karshema kashe wayar tayi.

Ita tama fasa zuwa ko auran na nasreen. Dayan wayar tafara ringing dubawa tayi taga mother in law. Dagawa tayi a hankali tace good evening mom. Daga Chan ta amsa matada evening daughter how are you? Amsawa tayi da lafiya kalau. Maganar event dinda akayi dazu tayi mata tace I saw the news although there weren't clips but from the amount of medals you got am happy. Am happy that tahal got a wife who supports him and someone he could depend on. Sun jima suna magana kamin ta kashe wayar. Tana ajiye wayar yana shigowa kallansa tayi kamin ta mike zaune kan gadon. Isa tayi kusada ita ya zauna kamin yace thank you. Juyawa tayi ta kallesa kamin tace what? Ya sake cewa thank you. For what? For everything you made the impossible happen today. Mikewa yayi tsaye hadeda mikar da ita tsaye. He looked down at her and smiled a genuine smile sannan yace thank you kamin yayi hugging dinta. Sunfi minti biyu a hakan kamin ya saketa. Tomorrow Mss Ahn and Mss Park will run you down through the principles and all you need to know about your company.

Her smile fell what do you mean? He caresses her cheeks before saying you are the reason it's this successful because of the number of deals you got on the first day. So obviously am giving it to you. Girgiza kanta tayi tace I cant accept it all I did I did for you not for the company besides I don't no how to run a company. You have to accept it you knew I hated loosing to anyone and I don't like to look bad and you helped if it weren't for you I would've looked weak. So please take it girgiza kanta tayi tace no i don't want your company your appreciation is enough for me. If you really want to thank me then allow me to go out and see places tomorrow in Allah yakai mu. He nodded and said okay your wish is granted. He placed her hair behind her ear before leaning down and giving her a peck. I'll be working late tonight but you can meet me at floor T. Juyawa yayi yay tafiyarsa. Zaunawa tayi with nothing to do hakan yasata kunna wayarta data kashe dazun. Wayar na kawowa taji karar shigowar messages ba iyaka. From the name dake popping she could tell sultana ce. Tana shiga messages din tayi selecting all ta gogesu gabadaya batare data duba ba.

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