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Look I am a busy man do not waste my time Tahal said as he looked at the man standing opposite to him.

The weapons are great but I can not pay the price for them. Maybe you should consider selling them for a lower price.

He chuckled before saying boys take it back to the car. The man looked at him and said sell them for 4.5.

Tahal looked at him and said I didn't steal them I manufactured them. I wouldn't have considered selling my stuff to you if a good friend didn't recommend you.

Alright 5 Tahal looked at him and said it is not negotiable either you pay 6 or I will leave with with the goods.

Deal the man said and took out his hand to shake Tahals hand. He looked at the mans hand before saying I don't shake hands with just anybody.

He looked at his phone and received before walking away with his men behind him. Good work he said to them before entering his car and driving away.

As he arrived at the back gate of the mansion the gate opened and he entered. He parked by the abandoned house close to the three other cars there.

He changed his clothes and set the other ones on fire. He took the mask and put it on his face as today it was a little windy over by the parts of the house.

As he walked towards the main house he saw her coming out from the warehouse where they stashed the secret door which leads to the underground that takes you into the house.

As he walked towards the main house he saw her coming out from the warehouse where they stashed the secret door which leads to the underground that takes you into the house

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As he walked towards the main house he saw her coming out from the warehouse where they stashed the secret door which leads to the underground that takes you into the house.

She smiled as she saw him before saying where did you go? I thought you wouldn't take long tafada tana kokarin isa inda yake.

Here comes the love of my life he said as he removed the mask. He had a smile on his face  murmushi tayi ta janye gashinta baya tana tafiya

 He had a smile on his face  murmushi tayi ta janye gashinta baya tana tafiya

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