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Honeymoon? Yes honeymoon. But what about the kids? I will be sending them to Ammah we talked and she agreed.

But what about the job? I already made plans to have the company managed by a management team while you are away.

Can I ask you something baby? Go ahead darling he said with a smile. Why did you allow me to run your company? I didn't even go to collage at that time.

He looked at her before sighing and saying because I trusted you and with trust comes love. Do you remember that time when you helped me with Mss Guam's case?

The first time we both opened up to each other. Yes tafada tana kallansa. From that night when I saw you working so hard to help me that was when you earned my respect.

You just had it in you and my gut feeling told me to do so. But what if things went south? What if your gut feelings were wrong?

He held her two hands before saying i knew I wouldn't be wrong because it is you. To be honest with you when I got married to you I was scared.

I was scared that I would be caged and just be a trophy wife. Why did you think that? Because you were successful and handsome and rich everything was perfect for you.

You could have gotten a better lady someone who had her masters degree or PhD why settle for me? And then I thought you had an ulterior motive.

How? He asked as he gave her his full attention. I mean you were on top of the world you definitely wouldn't want me a small girl who was sheltered her whole life.

So I thought my dad or brothers offended you so you wanted revenge that is why you chose to marry me.

Or maybe you wanted something from my dad so you thought you could get it as his son in law. It was all too good to be true.

He laughed before saying your imagination really runs wild. Darling first of love I didn't get married to you for any of those absurd reasons.

If I hadn't married you it would have been my loss because you are a good woman and the best mother.

The prophet (SAW) said choose a good mother for your children. I mean I can change a wife but my children cannot change their mother.

A woman with masters and PhD is not my cup of tea you are my cup of tea. I married you but it wasn't love at first sight.

And I will never cage you first of all your father and brothers will have my head. You are a Queen who deserves to be shown off and you definitely aren't a trophy wife.

I trusted you more because I knew you were better than that you were trained better than that and because you are creative.

Plus you come from a prestigious background. Your mom comes from a large family who either we admit it or not were, are and will always be powerful yet loving to one another.

Your father on the other hand also comes from an influential family and made a name for himself as well.

His father was a six times senator forget about the other positions he held but everyone knew your dad for him not for his father. He was know as the field Marshall am I wrong?

I was fortunate enough to have his daughter as my wife why will I cage her and limit her when she is an asset.

I will never treat women the wrong way because my mother raised me better than that and also I knew that one day I will have a daughter.

So why treat someone's daughter the way I wouldn't want my daughter to be treated? And truth be told i was never good with legal business Talha always handled it.

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